Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 431 Humble Dragon!

After Boredia left, Witte and the others also left the ruins and went to guard the outside.

On the one hand, it is for safety reasons.

After all, this place once had a spatial rift leading to the abyss.

on the other hand……

The entire ruins were destroyed. On the surface, it was basically eroded by the power of the abyss because of the gathering of abyssal beasts. There was no possibility of any treasures remaining.

After that, they stayed outside for three days, and then the dragon responsible for taking over the ruins came from Boredia.

It's a group of wind dragons.

At this point, Witte and his companions' treasure-hunting journey, which started out uneventfully, was thrilling in the middle, and finally achieved nothing, finally came to an end, and they set out on their way back to the Sky City.

When they returned to Sky City again, it had been exactly one month since they came out!

As for why it was a month, it was entirely because when they came back, they met Porediya and took a ride.

But after Boredia returned to Sky City, he drove them away.

Who knows why!

After Boredia left, Witte looked at the group of playing and playing ball dragons flying in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that it was less than a month since Lei Ji.

During this period of time, the number of ball dragons in Sky City can be said to be overflowing!

Not to mention anything else, in front of a restaurant owned by the Wind and Thunder Winged Dragon not far away, a Wind and Thunder Winged Dragon flew out with a group of ball dragons using a whirlwind. This was the norm for various restaurants in Sky City during this period!

These little creatures are truly lawless. As soon as the dragon opens its mouth and yawns, they dare to get in and take a look.

A trivial matter like sneaking into a restaurant and being "kicked out" is nothing at all.

Of course, this is not yet the highlight moment for the Qiuqiu Xiaolongs. Witt and the others are just amazed at the changes in the month they left.

Of course, for Werther, there is a deeper meaning.

According to previous speculations, his reverse scales will be fully grown around the arrival of Thunder Season.

As I said before, leaving the young dragon stage means a lot to Werther. He has been looking forward to this day!

Thinking that he was about to leave childhood, Werther was in a good mood, and his teeth were exposed when he smiled.

Even the little dragon lying on his mouth, grinning and looking at his teeth curiously, seemed to be wondering why his teeth were so big, didn't even pay attention to it.

Celine pinched the tail of the little ball dragon in Witte's mouth and threw it aside casually.

"What are you thinking about, smiling so happily?"

Hearing this, Werther smiled.


As he said that, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "I'm going to the city center soon. I'm taking Celine to the library. Do any of you want to come with me?"

Celine was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that Werther had indeed said before that if she had the chance, he would take her to read the "Notes of a Great Man" by Vergoliu.

The other dragons shook their heads when they heard this.

Seeing this, Werther turned to look at Celine.

"Then only the two of us can go. You have to hold back for a while. Otherwise, we will definitely be 'invited' to talk!"

Celine glanced at Witt and said nothing.

Soon, the dragons flew to the center of the city.

After parting ways, Werther took Celine and flew towards the library.

But when he arrived in front of the library, Werther slapped his head.


Celine was stunned.

"What did you forget?"

"You have never been to the library, so you will have to pay to go in soon. Do you have empty coins with you?"

Celine shook her head.

"I came out here to dig crystals, so what are you doing with empty coins?"

Werther was helpless.

Celine has not liked libraries since she was a child. After coming to Sky City, she naturally would not come to the library. He forgot about it.

"Forget it, you wait here first, I will chase the stars, he has... well, it seems there is no need for him!"

Hearing this, Celine followed Werther's gaze and saw a shiny guy walking towards this side.

The whole body is shining, which can make Werther happy when he sees him. Needless to say, it must be Scott.

At this time, the other party was following a young dragon about eight meters in size, whispering something in a low voice, while the young dragon lowered his head, as if he didn't want to listen to him.

After seeing Scott, Celine's brows suddenly frowned.

They say that dragons hold grudges, and this is true. Celine really doesn't have a good look on the four-headed dragons of the Dragon Gang.

Werther was very happy. He flew directly towards Scott and stood on the other side's path.

Seeing this, Celine sighed helplessly.

Forget it, Werther is happy.

Scott, on the other side, had been focusing on the young dragon beside him, and did not notice that Witte was standing in front of him, and then he bumped into Witte's body.

"Oh, sorry, I just..."

However, before Scott could finish his words, Werther "flyed" out, rolled twice on the ground, and then looked at Scott with an angry face and covering his chest in pain.

"Broken bones, I don't have a hundred empty coins today, I'm not done with you!"

The library has one hundred empty coins a day, and Celine may not come here anymore, so, one hundred coins is OK!

Seeing that familiar figure and hearing that familiar voice, Scott's dragon scales stood up all over his body, and then without saying a word, he turned around and ran away!

However, before he could run a few steps, a huge force pulled his tail. Scott turned his head to look, only to see Werther hugging his tail and still lying on the ground.

"They all say, there are not a hundred empty coins today, it's not over!"

Scott was really about to cry.

"Brother 꺶, can I call you Brother 꺶? I've tried my best to avoid you. Can't you treat me like a fart and let it go?"

Witte stared at Scott expressionlessly and said seriously: "One hundred empty coins!"

Scott was stunned for a moment, then stopped struggling, stretched out his paws to pick out his ears, and asked in disbelief: "Can you please tell me louder, it's a hundred empty coins, not a whole body of diamonds?"

Werther thought about it.

"Uh... If you want to give me all the diamonds you have, I don't mind, but you can't lose a hundred empty coins!"

Without saying anything, Scott took out a handful of empty coins.

"Here you go, just a little more, and we'll never see you again!"

With that said, Scott stuffed a handful of empty coins into 깊Witt's paw, and then 늀 left.

But he tried to walk, but the huge force on his tail remained the same.

Scott was on the verge of tears.

"I've already given you the empty coins, what else do you want? You don't really want all my diamonds... If, I mean, you let me go if you take the diamonds, then I admit it, Come on, do it!"

Celine and the young dragon, who were watching the whole process, looked at Scott, who had a humble aura all over his body, with a strange look in his eyes...

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