Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 426 Escape!

Mockery, teasing!

This is the first emotion Witt saw from the one eye.

There was some confusion and madness mixed in the clarity.

This is the second emotion Witt read.

Sure enough, it was a believer of the Abyss!

Just when Witt was sure of this, a dull murmur sounded from the darkness. Although he could not understand the language of the other party, he could clearly know what was said to the other party.

"Dragon, known as the strongest race in the starry sky, I wonder if you can bear this gift, although in my opinion... it's just a group of fat-bellied lizards!"

There seemed to be another world inside, and the voice kept echoing in Witt's ears.

Hearing this, Witt's face sank.

Before, he was still wondering, since there were believers of the Abyss, why didn't he take the opportunity to sneak attack him.

Now he understood that this guy wanted to use the power of the Abyss on these Abyss beasts to erode his body and spirit.

Don't think you can't do it.

A drop of water can wear away a stone, not to mention the power of the abyss.

And there will always be a time when the elemental power and physical strength are exhausted. Once it reaches that point, even if it is a person, he can only lie there obediently and let the power of the abyss erode him.

Just as Witt was thinking this, the one eye closed again, as if he didn't care about Witt's resistance at all.

Witt didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

When he spoke to him, he saw his strength.

Amethyst high position!

Although I don't know if there are other abyss believers inside, this one alone is enough to give me a headache. It would be more to my liking if I didn't attack him.

Retracting his gaze, Witt began to concentrate on the battle.

Of course, he had to keep a part of his attention on the abyss believer.

As for his heart, Witt had already begun to calculate how much physical strength he should retain to escape.

Plans can't keep up with changes!

놛 did not expect that the Abyss would find 놛's traces, and the reason is probably that it was on the Abyss Beast that 놛 killed at the beginning.

In this case, 놛's first response was to stop these Abyss Beasts here.

But since the strong man of Amethyst has appeared, 놛 will not stay here to fight to the death.

The safety of the Sky City is very important, but that is only because 놛 wants to live there. 놛 is very happy to help protect the Sky City, and will even be very proactive.

Otherwise, 놛 would not stay here alone, and stand up without saying a word when the Abyss Beast rioted.

However, if he died for the Sky City, 놛 would definitely not do such a thing.

It would be better if it was Desidero.

What's more, facing a strong enemy and fighting to the death is the last choice to be made when there is something that must be protected and there is no other way.

In this situation, letting the Abyss Beasts go out would only cause chaos in the Morton Mountains, and it might not even affect the Sky City. Only a fool would choose to fight to the death.

Thinking of this, Witt began to use the zero-degree cold current regularly during the battle.

The flesh and blood washed by the zero-degree cold current could no longer be used by the Abyss Beasts to improve their strength, and the Abyss Power contained in it would also be cleared away by the rich elemental power in the breath.

But, it can be said to be a drop in the bucket!

Time passed by little by little, and the high-intensity battle made Witt's movements seem a little mechanical. Although the lethality remained, it was obviously not efficient.

On the side of the Abyss Beasts, the tide remained the same, and the strength of the Abyss Beasts that besieged Witt was basically improved by a level!

Even if Witt tried his best to clean up the corpses of the Abyss Beasts with his breath.

But there were too many corpses.

Inevitably, the Abyss Beast gained the power from the flesh and blood of its companions.

Moreover, the most important thing was that problems began to appear on Witt's dragon scales. Just as water drips through stones and ropes saw through wood, the long-term zero-distance coverage of the power of the abyss eventually affected Witt's dragon scales.

Especially the limbs!

The sticky flesh and bones of the Abyss Beasts were all on his feet. In order to save his physical strength, Witt never flew. The limbs were soaked in these things for a long time, and the impact was naturally the greatest.

Moreover, the long-term killing inevitably bred a lot of fierceness in Witt, and any negative emotions were supplements and breakthroughs for the power of the abyss.

All kinds of violent emotions in Witt's heart involuntarily arose.

After noticing these, Witt began to quietly reduce his output frequency. It seemed that he was too tired to bear it, but in fact, it was to relax his body that had been fighting for a long time and prepare for the escape later.

That's right!

Witt was ready to escape.

During this period of time, the number of Abyss Beasts that died in the Abyss Beasts was not far off, if not tens of thousands.

Moreover, there were also many Abyss Beasts that died in the accidental injuries of other Abyss Beasts. In this situation, the Abyss Beasts continued to rush in from the entrance, and even the alloys could not bear it.

The influence of the power of the Abyss on the body was the main reason why the Abyss decided to retreat temporarily.

If you don't leave, you will really become the fangs of the Abyss!

However, before Witt could rest enough, I don't know whether it saw the intention of the Abyss or was impatient to wait, the giant one-eye opened again.

Seeing the one-eye open, Witt suddenly felt creepy.

This guy is going to take action!

Realizing this, Witt did not hesitate at all. He flapped his wings fiercely, flew out of the sea of ​​flesh and blood, and then turned around and flew towards the corner.

At the same time, a voice echoed in the ruins.

"Forget it, capturing you can also let you feel the great gift of the abyss!"

As he spoke, a dangerous light flashed in his one eye!

Then a stream of black and purple light with a thickness of dozens of meters burst out from the one eye, carrying the breath of destruction, and aimed directly at Witt in the passage.

All the abyss beasts on the path were annihilated into the purest abyss power.

Although Witt did not know what happened behind him, the shadow of death was shrouding his heart.

Didn't they agree to capture him? This guy is obviously going to kill him!

While Witt was complaining, his body temperature rose sharply, and the flesh and blood of the abyss beast covering his body evaporated and shattered in an instant.

At the same time, a gray-white magic circle lit up, and Witt, who was in the form of a war dragon, directly transformed into a speed dragon form. With his ghostly speed, he turned the corner at the critical moment.

But accompanied by a deafening explosion, a strong airflow swept Witt in, and he was pushed out by the airflow.

He hit the alloy wall at the end of the passage heavily.

But Witt didn't care about the pain in his body, staggering, but continued to flee to the front at a very fast speed.

The explosion just now was not the work of the abyss believer, but the magic circle buried behind the alloy wall of the passage was attacked by the opponent, and then it exploded!

The reason why Witt didn't get rid of the gravity and element dispersal magic circle on the alloy platform before was because he was afraid of causing a chain explosion of the magic circle!

Now, I do to you what you didn’t dare to do before...

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