Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 425 One Eye in the Dark!

Chapter 425 One-eyed in the dark!

In the past fifty years, Witte has done all the things that his age can do, and naturally there will be no shortage of shaping magic circle transformation plans.

Witte combined the three magic arrays of sharpness, solidity and acceleration into one.

It's not a composite magic circle, but a real magic circle with three effects.

Of course, the effect of the combined magic circle in this way is definitely not as strong as the original magic circle alone.

But it wins over mediocrity!

The shield dragon form has super strong defense, but slow movement and weak attack power. It can rely on its strong power to go straight forward. When fighting, it has very few restrictions.

In velociraptor form, he moves like a ghost, but this is at the expense of his own attack and defense. If Wit can use magic after leaving the young dragon stage, then the velociraptor form will be more terrifying. Now, he can Said the future is promising.

The attack power of the Daolong form is strong, and the scales all over the body are weapons, but the speed and defense are not good, especially the latter, the edges of the dragon scales are sharp, sacrificing a lot of defense.

After the three of them were combined, they became the three-in-one form of 놇놅, which Witte calls the battle dragon form.

Although 놇 is not as good as the Sword Dragon in attack, 놇 is not as fast as the Velociraptor, and 놇 is not as good as the Shield Dragon in defense, but all things considered, the War Dragon form is stronger than the above three forms.

Therefore, mediocrity has two meanings. Neither is mediocre, but is strong. The battle dragon form is the latter. This magic has been transformed by Werther into an all-round enhancement magic that improves physical combat effectiveness.

And now, since Werther uses this form, he is naturally preparing for hand-to-hand combat.

The three origin magics of the dragon clan, Breath, Dragon Fury and Divine Speed, are not good at this point. They are aimed at single targets. When facing a group attack, unless they are crushed by strength, the effect will not be good.

In a passage hundreds of meters wide, it is impossible to intercept all the tide-like abyssal beasts by breathing alone.

By the way, the strength of these abyssal beasts is at the bronze level individually.

However, it is bronze like Dragon Beast.

Before the abyssal beasts came near, one by one they began to spit out, carrying the power of the abyss, elemental bombs, and various elements, but these elements have been endowed with another ability by the power of the abyss, corrosion!

Facing the overwhelming elemental bombs, Witte did not dodge or dodge, but rushed directly towards the abyssal beasts.

The elements carrying the abyss' aura bounced on Vert's body, but it was like drizzle on a lotus leaf. Not even a drop of water touched it, and everything slipped off.

These things fell on the alloy ground...well, this thing has stronger defense than the dragon scales on Witte's body.

Werther was extremely fast, like a silver flash of light, diving into the abyss of beasts.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding abyssal beasts opened their mouths containing corrosive power like lions hunting, waving their sharp claws, swirling with the power of the abyss, attacking everything on Witte's body. parts.

Some even jumped up high and tried to attack Werther's back.

The scene was a chaos. Up and down, left and right, front and back, everyone was trying to tear Witte into pieces. Witte was like being soaked in sea water.

But Werther is not an elephant, but a dragon, the kind of dragon with sharp blades all over its body.

He didn't need to attack deliberately. He just moved his body slightly, and the dragon scales on his body were like the blades in a meat grinder, mincing all abyssal beasts that came into contact with him at close range.

Witte moved, opening and closing, and when waving his claws, his fingers and claws were like long knives, killing all the abyssal beasts in the path of the swing.

The tail is like the god of death's sickle. Every time it swings, countless abyss beasts will be decapitated, or cut in half. If they are lucky, they will lose arms and legs.

Hitting other parts of the abyssal beast's tail would be even worse, being directly beaten into flesh and blood fireworks by the huge power.

Pounce on the abyssal beast on Witte's back, let alone 깊, with a pair of dragon wings behind him, which act as a giant shield when flapping, and a sharp blade when swiping!

Even if 놋Abyssal Beast is lucky, it falls on 놇깊Witt놅's back.

But when Werther fights, the muscles on his back are particularly active. The muscle groups move and drive the sharp-edged dragon scales on his back.

Landing on top of the Abyss Beast is like standing on a crusher. You can watch yourself being cut into pieces by the dragon scales around you and make meat sauce.

It was a face-to-face encounter, and Werther was covered in black, blood, and rotten flesh that exuded a rotten smell.

But these will not stop the abyssal beast from attacking.

In their blood-red eyes, there was no fear, flinching, madness or confusion. The death of their companions left behind flesh and blood, which made them even more crazy and chaotic.

The tide of abyssal beasts is really like a tidal wave, one after another, constantly impacting Vit, who was the target, and died without flinching!

It is not difficult to imagine what a scene like this would look like if they were released into the outside world.

Thinking about this, Witte took the time to look at the corner of the passage. Not a single abyssal beast was running that way, and all the abyssal beasts regarded him as their only target.

For a moment, Werther didn't know whether to be grateful or disappointed.

Moreover, Witt soon noticed another problem. While the Abyss Beasts were constantly attacking him like a tide, a group of Abyss Beasts began to devour the corpses of the Abyss Beasts that died on the battlefield.

And their strength was constantly improving during the devouring process.

Witt was not surprised at all, because he knew very well that this was the way the Abyss Beasts strengthened themselves. The flesh and blood of other Abyss Beasts, creatures, and the power of the Abyss were all materials for them to strengthen themselves.

Witt noticed that the devouring behavior of these Abyss Beasts was abnormally unified, as if something was directing them.

Abyss believers!

After noticing this, Witt immediately realized this.

In the abyss, the abyss believers can maintain their own rationality. Although they are still controlled by the abyss, they have a certain degree of freedom.

If the abyss beast is equivalent to the dragon beast, then the abyss believers are the dragon clan, and they are also intelligent creatures.

As for why they believe in the abyss... who knows!

Maybe they are infected and have no choice, or maybe they are willing to fall for the power.

In short, Witt can be sure that there is at least one abyss believer here.

After realizing this, Witt began to look around. If he could catch the abyss believer, then maybe he could get the layout of the sky city around the abyss from the other party.

Just when Witt had this thought, he suddenly looked towards the exit of the passage.

It was pitch black there, and the blood-red eyes of the Abyss Beast were flickering.

But just when he was about to look away, a huge, blood-red eye suddenly opened...

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