Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 423 Attack!

In the dense tall grass, a giant black dragon about twenty meters long was crawling among it.

The shining golden eyes stared at a huge cave entrance through the gaps in the vegetation. The fierce light in the eyes gradually showed a hint of anxiety.

The black dragon scales undulate like water waves as they breathe.

Looking at the sacred dragon at the entrance of the cave, Clothier was a little anxious.

It has been almost a day, and these two guys have no intention of leaving. The treasures below will not be taken away!

The anxious Crosier didn't notice the scratches on her back and the lingering black aura, which became deeper and deeper with the emergence of negative emotions in her heart.

At the same time, her emotions became more and more agitated.

Do you want to kill these two dragons?

They are both at the lower level of Silver. The sparkling dragon has deep elemental reserves and a huge body. Although there are signs of exercise, there are not many. It should be daily training.

Years of fighting experience told her that she could kill this dragon at a certain price.

The focus is on the sacred dragon.

The traces of physical training are obvious, and the sharp aura in his eyes shows that the opponent often fights.

She was definitely no match against him alone, but now the opponent had two dragons.

놚No 놚 Try it?

Closier's heart was constantly tangled.

Under normal circumstances, she would definitely not stay entangled in this situation, but there is a treasure down there!

Although I don’t know if there is anything I like in it, but just in case there is!

She doesn't want to give up easily.

Speaking of this, Closier's face became even more ugly.

Who has a good dragon? When faced with a treasure, he doesn't just swarm it, but sends other dragons out to guard it.

These dragons are so stupid, they came out so obediently!

I'm not afraid of the guy below taking it all to himself.

Thinking of the dragon below, a complex look flashed in Clothier's eyes. If it weren't for the treasure, she actually didn't want to confront the silver dragon.

On the one hand, the silver dragon gave her a bad feeling, and the opponent's flames were really strong. On the other hand...

Thinking of this, Closier shook his head.


Now is not the time to think about these things.

If we wait any longer, the treasures underneath will be looted.

The fierce light in Clothier's eyes became even more fierce, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes!

Celine frowned and looked around.

Although she had already checked it once, she still felt that the dragon was hiding around.

Without evidence, 놙 is a gut feeling.

But Celine has always believed in her intuition.

Therefore, she has been out for almost a day, and she has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. If there is any disturbance, it will arouse her vigilance.

After careful investigation, she will not focus on other places until she is sure that there is really no problem.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out of the corner of Celine's eyes.

With a look on her face, Celine quickly turned her gaze away, only to see the slightly swaying weeds.

"Gedra, there's something moving over there, I'll go take a look!"

Hearing this, Gedra said helplessly: "It's probably just a passing dragon beast. You should also take a rest. Doing this for a long time takes a lot of energy.

Our stay here is not short.

As for the dragon, he should have left.

Judging from the vague figure I saw before, he should be about the same size as Werther. For a dragon of this size, he wouldn't dare to get close to you and me. "

Celine shook her head.

"It's not like I can face confrontation. What if he plays tricks? Werther can't be disturbed. It's better to be vigilant.

As for the issue of consumption, we will take turns later. "

Hearing this, Gedra didn't say anything else. After all, there were indeed many things that could affect the dragon.

Although he felt that no dragon would use these methods.

On the other side, after Celine finished speaking, she flew towards the place where the noise had just been heard.

After arriving at the place, Celine quickly found a small footprint.

It was left behind by a super-small dragon beast.

After noticing this, Celine felt slightly relieved, but she did not continue to go back, but prepared to continue searching.

Although it is said that the ultra-small dragon beasts will not be affected by the power of the giant dragon, this area has just been burned by Witte. Such movement and the existence of the ultra-small dragon beasts are still a little bit... A little bit unreasonable.

What Celine didn't know was that in the tall grass with her back to her, a pair of eyes exuding a cold aura slowly opened.

When 늀놇's eyes opened, a creepy feeling suddenly arose in Celine's heart.

Then, without hesitation, she opened the Holy Light Shield that she had prepared long ago, and a milky-white elemental shield instantly enveloped Celine's body.

At the same time, a stream of gray-black elements burst out from the tall grass, impacting the Shield of Holy Light.

Wherever the elemental flow passes, the vegetation instantly turns into ashes!

But the Holy Light Shield is a seventeen-point mid-level magic, which is not far from the high-level magic. The defense is naturally quite high.

After resisting for several seconds, he was defeated.

The moment the Holy Light Shield shattered, the breath of light that had been brewing in Celine's open mouth, along with a dazzling white light, instantly pushed back the gray-black elemental flow.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, the tall grass exploded directly, and a black dragon of about twenty meters rose into the air from the air wave generated by the explosion.

녊It’s Crohir who has been lying in wait for a long time.

The ultra-small dragon beast just now was also used by her to attract Celine's attention.

But what she didn't expect was that the breath of this sacred dragon was much more powerful than she imagined.

Even though she hadn't been brewing for too long, she shouldn't have been dashed away by a dragon that was so much smaller than her with its breath.

The most important thing is, can a dragon of this age cast magic like the Shield of Holy Light instantly?

With this thought in his mind, Crohill didn't hesitate at all in front of him, and quickly raised his body, preparing to evacuate.

The original plan was to injure the opponent with one breath, then force the breath to hit the opponent until they lose the ability to resist, and then concentrate on dealing with the other sparkling dragon.

But the plan has not started yet and is over. If she doesn't run away, she will face the attack of two dragons.

But before she could fly too high, Celine took off.

Acceleration, defense, power amplification, element amplification, and a series of other magics blessed her. When she stood in front of Clothier, her aura was no longer much weaker than Clothier's.

Seeing the astonished look in her opponent's eyes, Celine sneered in her heart. Her goal was to overthrow Werther, but in the battle with Werther, the magic is too slow, and you can't even use it!

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