Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 422 Abyss Beast!

Rustle... rustle...

The sudden movement startled Witt, who was resting with his eyes closed, and then he quickly opened his eyes.

However, he did not stick his head out immediately. He stood up slowly without making any noise, then turned his head and stared at the corner.

But soon, the sound suddenly disappeared.

Witt was sure that he heard the sound caused by something moving.

He continued to stand there, waiting quietly.

Based on the slight sound he heard before, Witt could roughly judge that the direction from which the sound came should be the exit of the passage.

Time passed little by little, and Witt just stood there motionlessly.

The sound did not sound again, just like what Witt had just heard, it was just caused by some gravel rolling down automatically.

But he still did not relax.

That place has been infected by the power of the abyss. Who knows what is going on inside.

What he has to do now is to try to maintain the status quo and wait for Poredia to arrive...

By the way, is Poredia too busy?

The waiting process is always boring. Witt can't help but arrange Poredia in his mind. It can be regarded as a way to relieve his emotions!

Rustle... Rustle...

Witt's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his attention was highly focused.

That's right, there is really something wandering at the exit of the passage instead of the sound of sand and gravel rolling down naturally.

Moreover, the other party is walking towards the inside of the passage.

Tap... Tap...

The rustling sound becomes footsteps after entering the passage.

During this period, there are also some sharp objects scratching on the alloy floor and the sound of viscous liquid dripping.

The other party walked very slowly, and Witt knew whether the other party had discovered his presence.

Judging from the footsteps, there was still a short distance to the corner. Witt took this opportunity to look behind him. Several dragon scales were piled in the distance. Those were the shielding magic circle that Witt asked Xingchen to leave.

It can shield the sound, element fluctuations and breath within the coverage range.

At this time, the natural element of the activated magic circle was still flowing in the magic circuit, but because this place was covered by the element dispersing magic circle, the natural element in the magic core was flowing faster.

Even those that were not activated were losing element power.

But at least the magic circle was working normally.

After watching, Witt continued to stare at the corner.

Suddenly, the approaching footsteps stopped, leaving only the sound of viscous liquid dripping and the slightly detectable panting.

When the footsteps stopped, Witt's attention was highly focused. His right claw was raised, and the sharp claw flashed with a cold light.

However, just when Witt was about to take action, the footsteps sounded again, but this time, the footsteps were getting farther and farther away, until Witt put down his claws when the rustling sounded.

Listening to the sound getting farther and farther away, Witt's brows frowned.

There was something inside!

Moreover, judging from the change in the footsteps, after leaving the exit of the passage, there was no alloy ground, and then sand and stone ground.

This also means that his previous guess was correct. Vergo only used alloy materials in this part of the mechanism trap, and the environment inside was probably naturally generated.

However, who would dig out a large space thousands of meters underground and build a treasure ruins just for testing.

The environment of a naturally generated underground cave is more complicated, so special attention should be paid to this.

Just as Witt was thinking this, his face suddenly changed. He turned his head and saw that the magic circle that was still working in front of him was dim at this time.

"So fast!"

Celine and the others have been walking for a day.

The most important thing is at this time!

Thinking this in his heart, Witt moved his body, and his tail directly touched another dragon scale, and the shielding magic circle was opened again.

But it was obviously a little late to open it at this time.

The footsteps that were gradually moving away came towards this side again.

The speed was very fast, and it was obvious that the other party only noticed a trace of breath leaked by Witt, and how to determine the situation here.

Witt's eyes revealed a trace of coldness as the footsteps gradually approached.

Soon, footsteps approached, and Witt's right claw was raised.

Just when a head popped out from the corner, Witt moved, and his right claw was like lightning, quickly grabbing the other's head, and dragging it from the other side of the corner with great force.

The sharp claw pierced its head, and the thick black blood was covered by Witt's claws before it could spray out.

Witt didn't even look at the guy in the claw, and continued to listen vigilantly to the movement on the other side of the corner.

After nearly several minutes, Witt, who didn't hear any movement, breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that no other abyss beasts were alarmed.

That's right, at the moment of action, Witt had already determined the identity of this thing.

Abyss beast!

Moreover, it was a familiar abyss beast.

Overall, it looks very much like a creature called a wolf.

Unlike wolves, which are just ordinary creatures, similar to dragon beasts without origin magic in the dragon world, the abyss beast in front of him has the general appearance of a wolf, but its back is covered with a layer of bone armor.

The fur and flesh on its body are not complete, and the exposed black flesh is still dripping with sticky black blood, which contains rich abyss power.

Of course, in Witt's opinion, the level of these abyss powers should be very high, far reaching the three stones that came with Celine that year.

But it is normal, the abyss power on the three stones may be stained with the breath of legend, otherwise it is impossible to explode so quickly.

The right front paw of the abyss beast is not covered with flesh and blood, and the exposed structure is similar to that of a bone dragon.

That's right, this thing is the frozen abyss beast that Witt fished out of the Moon Shadow River when he was investigating the Great Icefield Incident.

Witt's face turned ugly when he saw this abyss beast.

Things may be just as he guessed before, the abyss has begun to enter a dormant stage.

Although this also means that the Dragon Realm does have the power to resist the high-level abyss, and the abyss's decapitation operation is not smooth, it also means that one day in the future, a large-scale abyss invasion will break out in a certain place.

This is not good news.


Witt let out a long breath and calmed himself down.

Since the incident has already happened, it is useless to worry about it. What's more, even if he worries, he has no power to solve such a thing. This is the key...

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