Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 410 Witt's analysis!

After saying that, Claude hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "However, Mandy has a way, but it needs to wait until she is out of infancy."

"Oh, what can I do?"

Werther's eyes flashed, and then he asked.

Seeing Claude looking at him, Witt added: "Maybe this method can give me an idea.

You also said that you need to wait until Mandy escapes from infancy, but you just said that Mandy was born when the Morton Vein was affected by the power of the abyss.

It was also forty or fifty years ago.

As a result, it will be more than forty years before Mandy escapes from childhood.

It doesn't sound very long.

But accidents can happen at any time.

Not to mention anything else, Morton has been having trouble with the power of the abyss recently.

Mandy is in the dragon soul state. If she is infected by the power of the abyss, based on the characteristics of the power of the abyss, she will directly skip all the previous steps and enter the final stage of infecting the dragon soul.

Therefore, if we are infected by the power of the abyss and there is still a way to eliminate it, then once Mandy is infected, there is no way to save her! "

Claude's heart tightened, and then he sighed helplessly.

"Well, actually there are some things that I can't explain clearly. Didn't you say it before? Mandy, you are also a Kuroto, uh... a new dragon that has never appeared before.

However, Mandy has a heritage.

Although it is strange to say that a dragon that does not even have flesh and blood would have a blood heritage, but Mandy does.

Moreover, it covers all aspects of knowledge, even the name of the race is included, and 늀 is the soul dragon. "

Werther was stunned.

"Other good explanations are that Mandy may be because too many dead dragons gathered here, and the dragon souls underwent other changes during the dissipation process, which eventually gave birth to aliens like Mandy.

However, this racial name must only be given to dragons that have ever appeared.

Is it possible that there have been soul dragons before, and Mandy was not born because of special circumstances, but because of the participation of other soul dragons? "

Claude spread his paws.

“Even Mandy herself doesn’t know this.

In short, in Mandy's inheritance, the soul dragon has a special magic called Dragon Soul Attachment, which is a magic that can only be cast once.

After the soul dragon uses dragon soul attachment, it can attach to the dragon soul of a dragon, share the same body with it, and cannot be released.

Of course, the soul dragon can still leave the physical body and act alone, but it can't go too far. "

At this point, Claude was silent for a moment, and then looked at Mandy.

"I don't want to restrict her freedom, but it is a bit dangerous to stay here after all. I don't mind her sharing a physical body, and she is willing to attach herself to me.

However, dragon soul attachment can only be used after leaving the young dragon stage.

That's why I said, there is no solution for the time being. "

Hearing this, Wit frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "Did Mandy's memory ever mention whether she could move freely after leaving the young dragon stage?"

Claude nodded.

"The soul dragon can move freely, but it needs to do so after the year 늅. Before the year 늅, the soul dragon can only stay in a place like Sparrow Cemetery."

Hearing this, Werther's brows relaxed slightly, and then he said: "In this case, I have a way to make her leave this place early.


With that said, Werther glanced at Claude, then smiled and shook his head.

"Forget it, that's all I can help.

From now on, you should consider matters between you yourself.

Although in my opinion, this soul attachment magic doesn't sound like a good magic.

After all, the dragon soul and the dragon body are matched. If two dragon souls are squeezed into one body, there is either a problem with the dragon soul or a problem with the dragon body.

But existence is reasonable!

The soul dragon exists, and the dragon soul attachment also exists. It is still a one-time magic.

This means that if there is a problem with the dragon soul attachment, there will also be problems with the soul dragon itself, which is obviously unreasonable.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. There are only advantages and no disadvantages to being attached to a soul dragon.

No one can say for sure without having witnessed this kind of thing.

In short, you should consider these yourself. "

Seeing Claude thinking, Werther smiled and then said: "Don't think too much, you will have plenty of time to think after you take Mandy back.

And, this isn’t just your problem!

So, let’s first talk about how to help Mandy get out of this place!

I told you in advance, I just have an idea now, and I can’t guarantee whether it’s 늅 or 늅.

There are two situations when you cannot leave a place. One is that there is a problem with the place, and the other is that there is a problem with the soul dragon itself.

Since you said that the soul dragon can leave after 10 years, and after leaving the young dragon stage, it can also leave through the magic of dragon soul attachment, then it means that the problem of the soul dragon is most likely the problem of the soul dragon itself.

Soul dragons are in a complete dragon soul state, which means that their mental power is directly exposed to the external environment.

So, is there any difference outside Sparrow Cemetery?

Speaking of this, we have to mention, when using magic, why can't magic continue to remain in the same state? "

As he said that, Witte turned to look at the dragons, but unfortunately, what he saw was a pair of clear eyes that revealed confusion.

Werther shook his tail in embarrassment.

"Well, it seems that you basically don't want to study these, so I'll just tell you!

The reason why magic cannot be maintained for a long time is that our mental power is continuously consumed. When mental power is unstable, magic cannot be maintained.

Then, why is the mental power in a state of consumption? When the mental power is obviously stored in the dragon crystal, why won't this problem occur?

The answer is simple.

Because of the elements!

It can be understood that once our mental power is released from the body, the elements have been attacking our mental power. Therefore, when we use elemental magic and dragon breath, the latter consumes almost no mental power.

That's because the elemental power contained in the dragon's breath has been tamed by us.

From this, we can draw a conclusion that free elements from the outside world are harmful to mental power.

Therefore, the difference between the large cemetery and the outside world is that there is no sunlight here. After the dragon soul of the dead dragon dissipates, a part of the spiritual power will remain and accumulate here.

The elements here have been tamed by the accumulated spiritual power. Of course, it can also be said that they are familiar with the existence of spiritual power.

Therefore, Mandy does not consume her mental power here, but grows little by little because of the existence of unruly mental power around her.

In this way, it is not difficult to deduce that Mandy cannot leave here. In fact, the essential problem is that her mental power is too weak, and external elements will continue to consume her mental power.

Until the dragon soul is drained! "

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