Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 407 Claude's Secret!

Looking at Claude who was even worse in mood, Werther felt secretly happy, but on his face, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you not at your destination yet?

By the way, where are you going to take them? "

Claude turned to look at Werther.


After saying that, he withdrew his gaze and continued to fly forward silently.

꺗After flying for nearly two magic hours, the surrounding woods became denser and denser, the weeds became more numerous and taller, and the mountain wall next to it gradually became steeper, but it could still be seen that this place had once been A dragon flies by.

The further we fly forward, the stronger the strange yet familiar atmosphere fills the air.

놇This kind of aura makes the other 눁 dragons except Getra 뀪늌 feel a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Werther remembered something and his expression changed slightly.


After hearing Werther's words, Celine suddenly realized.


Isn't this aura the same aura that has always shrouded Desidero!

It's just that the smell here is even sharper, and... strange!

Antavanna was stunned.

No wonder he felt familiar. When she and Witte were in the Fallen Dragon Valley, they had spent two days under the protection of this aura.

It put a lot of pressure on her at first, but she gradually became familiar with it.

As for the stars...

"Why does it feel like Nighogg's aura is not as strong as Nighogg's aura? Could it be that Nighogg is actually very strong?"

After muttering something, Xingchen's attention also turned to Claude.

Claude noticed the gazes of the five dragons behind him and said, "It's a dead legend!"

After saying that, Claude turned and said: "It's just a short turn ahead!"

Hearing Claude's words, the dragons were overjoyed that they had finally arrived. Now they wanted to take a closer look at what secret Claude was trying to hide!

Following closely behind Claude, the dragons turned around a towering rock wall, and then they froze in place.

Maybe it's thousands of meters, maybe it's tens of thousands of meters!

In short, this is a huge, nearly circular pit that covers a large area.

Around the huge pit, towering unknown trees grow. The trees are really tall, so high that their branches protruding out cover the entire huge pit, forming an emerald green dome.

The thick aerial roots hanging from the branches are spectacular!

Looking down, a giant skeleton estimated to be nearly two thousand meters tall was crawling in the huge pit.


놇While the dragons were looking at each other in trance, Claude suddenly spoke.

Seeing the dragons looking over, he continued: "Her name is Columbine, I didn't know this when I first came here.

This name was found out from the library.

Did you know that the original Sky City was not built by Gullo, but by Columbine?

If you think you are lying, you can go to the alchemy section of the library and find a book titled "The Fall of the Adventurer".

The dragon who wrote this book is a thunder-winged dragon named Alva.

‘놖I came to a plain. It was very beautiful here, with strong wind elements, and the clear sky seemed to be washed by water. I loved this place so much that I decided to call it the Plain of Sky!

놖 saw a city-state, which was guarded by a giant dragon. He was so great and kind that he responded to 놖's voice and talked to 놖 himself!

City in the Sky is a name that fits this city-state very well.

However, now it is not worthy of the name or the sky, so he decided to give up the adventure he had been pursuing for half his life and chose to stay here and help him manage the city in the sky.

He agreed!

And appointed the Wind and Thunder Winged Dragon as the manager of the city-state, and 놖 became the first governor of the city-state!

He was very enthusiastic and put forward many opinions for the construction of the city-state.

He is completely different from the dragons I have seen.

놖 once asked him why he wanted to build a city-state here.

But he told 놖 that this city-state was not established by him, but by one of his friends.

She is a bone dragon that comes from nowhere.

놇Kora no Pingyuan took a nap.

When she woke up, a bunch of dragons gathered around her. There were all kinds of dragons. Those dragons relied on her protection and lived a quite stable life.

When the dragons looked at her expectantly and anxiously, she chose to stay.

Her name is Columbine!

This was what he said to her personally, but he later complained to him that the dragon living here had basically forgotten her existence and only remembered him.

But he was obviously just taking her place to manage the city-state that she had protected.

놖I don’t know how to answer him. The past will eventually pass away, and the new monarch will naturally replace the name of the past and be remembered by the dragon.

But I wrote down this name in this book.

She once protected this city-state and should not be forgotten.

In order to keep this name alive, she established a library despite the opposition of all the dragons. As long as the Sky City is still there and this book is still there, she will not be forgotten...'

뀪The above is the content of the book!

If you are interested, you can go and take a look. "

Witte and the others looked at the skeleton below in astonishment. Who would have thought that the original founder of the Sky City would be lying in such a place.

"Did he die fighting to protect the Sky City?"

Werther murmured quietly.

But when Claude heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of laughter and tears: "Did you misunderstand something? Columbine did not die in battle.

She is a rather ancient dragon, one of the first few skull dragons to appear.

And even legends will die of old age.

For the bone dragon, the dragon soul is always worn out.

According to the records in the book, Guluo mentioned that Columbine was originally looking for her creator, the world's first skull dragon Os.

But when she saw the longings of those dragons, she had another hope, and that was the City in the Sky.

But after protecting tens of thousands of people, the wear and tear on her soul intensified.

And this meant that her life had come to an end for once, so she entrusted the Sky City to Gu Luo, who lived in the Morton Mountains.

And she herself came here, waiting for the end of her life. "

After saying that, Claude turned to look at Werther.

“However, you are right, dragons who died fighting for the Sky City are indeed buried here.

놇Before the wanderer Boredia in the Thunder Sea showed his tyrannical strength, the Thunder Sea in the Sky City had already existed.

In order to block the prying eyes from outside, countless dragons paid the price with their lives, and they were all buried here in the end.

Accompany the original builders of the Sky City.

And here is the Sparrow Cemetery, which is regarded as a hero by all the dragons in the Sky City! "

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