Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 406 Memory erasure technique!

"We are curious!"*2

After hearing what Werther said, Celine Antavana quickly drew a line.

Even if I am really curious, I am still curious now!

Werther was speechless, and then looked at Claude.

"In short, the situation is like this. After you discovered that we were following you, you pretended to be ignorant and led us to Morton Falls.

Of course we are no longer interested in your training, so we continue to come here to find Celine and the others.

And you took this opportunity to start following us! "

Antavanna's heart skipped a beat.

"So, that look that fell on me yesterday was you?"

At this time, Claude, although still jade, his eyes had recovered, and he nodded after hearing Antavanna's words.

"Just like you are curious about why I am here, I am also curious about what you are going to do."

Hearing this, Werther shook his head.

"That's the reason, right?

You know, we slept very well yesterday, and we were much easier to deal with when we were asleep than when we were awake, but you didn't do anything to us.

Therefore, it should be which behavior of ours made you have the idea of ​​​​doing something with us.

And you know very well that I am the strongest among the five of us, so you are the first to attack me.

So, comparing our actions yesterday, the most interesting thing for you to do is to leave the mine and move towards the north. "

As he spoke, Werther's thoughts became clearer and clearer.

"So, when you leave the Sky City, it's basically Morton Falls.

If so, based on your character, when you see Celine and the others meeting up and surrounded by a mine, you should return to Morton Falls and continue to temper your body.

Although I know where your destination is, I think that if you want to go somewhere, you also have to pass through the mine, which is also in the north of the mine.

And this is a place you want no dragon to know about.

That's why you felt at ease and stayed at the mine overnight.

When you saw us leaving from the north of the mine, you finally decided to take action.

Claude, I say 놅Yes놊Yes! "

Claude was silent.

놛 really wants to say 놊 is right, but the facts are here, and there is no way to continue to be stubborn.


Sighing, Claude nodded.

"You're right, I want you to come here!"

Hearing this, Witte rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "So, under what circumstances did you think that if you knocked us out, we would notice you here?

When we wake up, we just think of things here.

Driven by curiosity, even if our original target is the place you want to hide, we will start exploring this area because of this matter.

So...are you out of your mind? "

Claude glanced at Werther.

"You are wrong. When you wake up, you will remember what happened here, and I will erase your memory!"

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment.

"Is there such a magic?"

Claude shook his head.

“놊 is magic!

My father taught me a method of erasing memories when I was young.

After a dragon's head is exposed to a force that can make it faint, its memory will be faulty in a short period of time. If you are lucky, you can successfully erase its recent memory. "

Physical elimination method!

Witte was speechless, but seeing Claude's eyes still wandering around his head, he quickly said: "No, my mental strength has reached the gold level limit.

A simple impact would make me faint.

Unless my mental strength has been severely damaged, otherwise, you can kill me or knock me out! "

This 녦놊 is obtained by practicing spiritual magic.

After five years of practicing spiritual magic, how did it improve my spiritual power so much?

Witte's mental power was burned again and again by the blazing white divine flame, which lasted for several years, before it reached such a level, almost replicating it.

Unless the other party also has the ultimate power and tempers his mental strength at the same time, he still has to survive.

This 녦놊 is just a joke, 뇾exerting mental strength to the extreme is just looking for death.

The reason why Witte survived is entirely because this thing was born with it, and the blazing white divine flame has finally been contaminated with some of it.

Hearing this, a flash of regret flashed across Claude's eyes.

Seeing this, Werther was relieved. At the same time, he couldn't help but ask: "You just said that it was good luck, what about bad luck?"

Claude looked at Werther with deep meaning.

"You 놊 will want to know 놅!"

Well, Witte has figured it out. If you are lucky enough, you can make up the quantity!

As for whether the skull is broken first or the memory is erased first, it depends on Claude's luck.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

Saying that, Celine looked at Claude with some vigilance.

Hearing this, Claude glanced at the dragons, and then let out a long sigh.


Then, 놛 stood up.

"Come with me!"

As he said that, he took care of himself and flew towards the north.

The Wittes looked at each other with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Then the dragons hurriedly followed.

Although the road Claude led was overgrown with weeds, it was still enough to see. This was a road that originally existed, just like the tree-lined road south of the mine.

There are dense trees on both sides, and there is a gap hundreds of meters wide in the middle.

However, because the trees on both sides are taller and the mountains and rocks stand in the distance, when you look up at the sky, although there is an obvious trail, the sky appears to be relatively narrow.

In addition, the road to the north of the mine is even more desolate.

After flying for nearly half a time, the dragons came to a fork in the road.

When they reached the fork in the road, Claude was somewhat willing to take the Wirts and fly towards the left road.

I also wanted to take the Wittes for a walk around, find a place suitable for physical exercise, and say that I really came to practice.

However, this did not stop Werther's curiosity.

If the other party has doubts and comes to search this place while 놛놊 is in 놅, that would be trouble!

Thinking of this, the expression on Claude's face became even brighter.

On the other side, Werther looked at the two forked roads, and then subconsciously looked at Antavanna.

And Antavana also understood what Witte meant and pointed to the road on the right.

"If Claude attacks us, then even if we come here, we will still take the road on the right, which leads to the Morton River."

Hearing this, Claude, who was flying in front, froze for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

Well, I feel better now!

Seeing this, Werther secretly raised his paws towards Antavanna.

Beautiful fuck!

The beating is temporary, but the retaliation method is a beating, which is still disgusting!

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