Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 404 Accidents always come unexpectedly!

Chapter 404 Accidents are always unexpected!


As she murmured, a trace of doubt flashed in Antavanna's eyes.

She has checked all the places where the dragon can be hidden, and there are no traces. Even the various elements are at normal levels, and there are no abnormalities in the elements.

"It seems that we really need to take a rest. It's better to be more restrained when it comes to mining!"

Thinking this, Antavana turned and left.

Speaking of which, I have actually been helping Celine dig crystals recently. She only encounters a few of the agates she likes occasionally.

After Antavana left, Claude walked out from a relatively distant location.

"What a keen intuition. I didn't expect that Antavanna, who has always been unknown and unremarkable, would have such a thing."

There was a hint of surprise in Claude's eyes.

However, he dared not look at Antawana again. The first time could be explained as an illusion, but if he did it again, it would definitely attract Antawana's attention.

It will be easy to follow then.


"Is this mine their target?"

Muttering, Claude glanced at Werther Celine who was chasing and fighting, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

Soon, he shook his head to get this emotion out of his mind.

He was not envious at all.

Not at all!

Then, Claude frowned and began to think.

The place he went to was across the mine.

If you go to the mine, you need to go around a long distance.

And if Werther and the others left in a short time, it seemed that he would only take a detour.

Otherwise, given the character of these guys, even if they agree to follow him on the surface, they will definitely follow him secretly. Especially if he played tricks on them once, their curiosity will be even greater!

Take a detour or wait!

After hesitating for a moment, Claude chose to wait for the time being.

He still doesn't worry about these guys.

"Celine, it's just enough. I flew all the way here, so I'm very tired!"


"But we still have business to do, why don't we just waste all our energy!"

After hearing this, Celine was stunned for a moment, and the breath of light atoms that she had just prepared to release was taken back.

Seeing this, Werther breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly fell down.

Even though it seemed like she was joking just now, Celine's idea of ​​venting her breath was also true, and she didn't hold back at all about her light atomic breath.

Although it didn't matter if he was hit, he knew very well that he would be even more angry when he saw that his attack on Celine was useless.

The light atom breath of the sacred dragon was one of the fastest among all the dragon's breaths, so he tried his best to avoid it.

As soon as she landed, Celine flew in front of Werther with a kind look on her face, as if she would not be finished if Werter said something serious today.

Seeing this, Werther sighed.

"We are here to find the treasure!"


Celine was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and landed in front of Werther.


After hearing this, Werther explained the matter of finding Vergo's "Notes of the Great" in detail.

"Although 놊 knows whether this treasure is real or fake, 놊 is willing to dig it out, are you willing?"

Celine shook her head, her eyes a little bright.

"Will there be crystals?"

Saying that, Celine's eyes were filled with anticipation!

Witte was stunned, and then asked with some confusion: "Have you been digging here for a long time? There are very few crystals dug out?"

Upon hearing this, Celine glared at Witte first, and then said with a grimace: "Except for the mine dug by Kuo Bing, there are very few crystals in other mines, they are all metal ores."

Saying that, Celine glanced at Werther.

"Don't worry, I've already collected the metal ore for you."

Werther laughed a few times. Although he said it was for Celine's benefit, he had deceived the other party after all. He was somewhat embarrassed, and now that Celine remembered to collect ore for him, he was even more embarrassed.

However, Werther wanted to change the topic again.

"Speaking of which, something happened in the Morton Mountains recently. A dragon infected with the power of the abyss ran into this place. It could be a young dragon or a young dragon.

Therefore, he is extremely wary of dragons searching for him.

This dragon should have been born in the wild, and its alertness and anti-tracking ability are quite good.

This resulted in Boredia and the others never finding the dragon.

You have been here for a while, have there been any unusual situations around you? "

Hearing this, Celine immediately became serious.

"Why is it the power of the abyss again?"

Werther was helpless.

"Who knows, I suspect that these things are like Morsedramons (flies) now, they are everywhere, and I will be surprised no matter where they appear."

Celine frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head.

"I, Antavana, have always been here at the mine. I haven't even been around much. Anyway, the mine is quite normal."

Hearing this, Werther nodded, but he was not surprised at all.

The world revolves around their group of dragons.

Disasters only happen around them, how can they happen to happen every time?

"Okay, it's better if we don't meet them. Let Poredia worry about it. Let's go and rest over there. Well... let's go tomorrow and explore the ruins tomorrow!"

Celine nodded, her eyes full of expectation.


A day passed in a flash!

Claude waited for a whole day and night, but what he saw was that Witt and the others slept for a day and a night.

This made him think of taking a detour again.

But just as he moved his slightly stiff body and prepared to leave here for a detour, he suddenly noticed that Witt and the others who woke up did not seem to be ready to mine.

With his eyes fixed, Claude carefully observed the five dragons again.

Of course, his sight was mainly focused on Xingchen, who had no special powers and was very strong!

Suddenly, Claude's face changed.

He noticed that the five dragons really flew in the direction he wanted Witt and the others to approach the most.

Seeing this scene, Claude's eyes flashed with a struggle, but he soon became firm, with a dangerous look in his eyes.


After leaving the mine, seeing that the dragons were all looking at him, Witt said: "Find the Morton River first. After finding the Morton River, it will be much easier to find the treasure ruins."

As he said, Witt looked at Antawana.

Among the dragons present, he, Antawana and Gedra were the ones who were good at water.

But Gedra's water element was more biased towards light elements, and because of his physical condition, he could not sense any water element at all.

So, he could only rely on Antawana.

Seeing this, Antawana nodded, and just as she released her mental power, her face suddenly changed, and then she looked at Witt.

"Be careful!"


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