Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 402: Backache!

Dragonlings are the weakest period of a giant dragon, so dragon beasts target more dragons.

Although Lei mentioned that some dragon beasts can't get much benefit from dragons, but...dragon beasts don't understand this.

Therefore, as long as dragons appear in the wild, dragon beasts will come in droves when they smell the dragons.

But it's only for dragons.

As long as they are out of the dragonling period, in some cases, dragon beasts will walk around the dragons, because at this time, they can determine who is the prey.

With Gedra and Xingchen, even if Witt still has the breath of dragons, no dragon beast dares to provoke the three dragons.

Therefore, the three dragons were basically not attacked along the way and entered the Morton Mountains.

Speaking of which, the mine is actually located in the middle area of ​​the Morton Mountains, and in the deepest part.

So, Witt was relieved to let Celine and the others come here at will.

As an area that is much smaller than the Evernight Forest, the danger in the depths of the Morton Mountains is greater than that of the Evernight Forest, but it is not a good place.

Fortunately, the two treasure ruins of Vergo are in the middle, and not in the depths of the Morton Mountains.

Otherwise, Witt would not consider looking for treasure now.

Although the treasure is good, you have to live to get it.

The premise for the dragon beast to walk around the dragon is that your strength must arouse the other party's vigilance.

A silver-level dragon, which had just left the juvenile stage, walked in front of a platinum or even amethyst-level dragon beast. Guess it would open its mouth.

So, strength is the basis for rampage!

And with the strength of Witt and his team, they were in the middle position, so they could only be said to be afraid, not rampage.


Soon, another two or three days passed, and Witt and his team finally arrived at the mine.

Similarly, Claude, who followed the three dragons, was also worried. So far, the three dragons have always walked the same route as him.

So, do these three guys really have the same goal as him?

When Claude had this idea, Witt and his team stopped.


Take a deep breath, Witt looked at the unrecognizable mine, his eyes twitching.

The huge open-pit mine was supposed to be dug out by Aqfrey to build an alchemy laboratory, but he dug it directly and violently.

Remove the soil layer, dig out the ore, and leave a bowl-shaped pit between the mountains.

After that, this place was abandoned until more than five years ago, when Mingbing dug crystals here, and there was a mine cave here.

But now…

Witt looked at the mine caves and pits everywhere, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

No wonder he didn’t come back for so long.

These two guys almost dug this place into honeycomb coal.

“I remember it used to be like this!”

Xingchen muttered softly.

Witt said helplessly: "It's fine if you can just doubt your memory casually, but what about Celine and the others!"

After a pause, Witt looked at the mines with some worry.

"How can we find them here?"

While saying this, the three dragons flew towards the center of the mine.

"What, roar?"

After hearing what Gedra said, Witt hesitated for a moment.

"Uh... forget it, what if it attracts some powerful dragon beasts? However, it's okay to make some small noises."

As he said this, Witt looked at Xingchen.

Xingchen understood!

After that, he took out a magic gun from the inverse scale space, and the barrel was much thicker than the one that Witt was studying at that time.

However, this magic gun is somewhat different from the previous magic guns. The lines on it are not as straight as the previous ones, but closer to the magic circuit.

Uh... okay, then the magic circuit, this magic gun is also Xingchen's own, and Witte made it for Xingchen.

The materials used are those alchemical puppets obtained from Akefrey's alchemical experiments.

Xingchen's own magic weapon is too unique.

It is easy to attract the attention of some curious dragons.

Therefore, Witte specially prepared some alchemical weapons made by alchemical technology for him. Although this is also more attractive to dragons, it will not attract the attention of interested dragons.

In addition, the power of alchemical weapons is much different from that of magic weapons. It just replaces the technology of another world with the alchemical magic array technology of the dragon world.

In essence, it is still those magic.

Xingchen aimed the alchemical gun at the ground in front of him, and then injected his own star power.

After a second, the energy bullet was violently ejected from the rapidly rotating gun barrel like raindrops, and the whole mine was reverberating with the sound of the energy bullet contacting the ground and then exploding.

After a few seconds, Xingchen stopped and turned to look at Witt.

"Why does it feel louder?"

Witt turned his head.

"Illusion, but because we are too close, the sound is very illusion."

Gedra rolled his eyes.

"Even if it's a decision-making mistake, it can't be so obvious. Who are you taking for a fool!"

Seeing Witt's expression, Xingchen silently put away the alchemy gun, and just as he was about to howl, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, and then...

Xingchen was shot down!

Witt looked at Xingchen falling in the direction in a bit of astonishment, and then hurriedly shouted: "Celine, stop us!"

As soon as the voice fell, a milky white dragon about two meters long flew out from a mine in the distance. After seeing the real Witt and the others, it was relieved.

At this time, Antawana also flew out. She had already left the young dragon stage and was only about eight meters long.

Antawana looked at Xingchen flying in a panic, and the corners of her mouth grinned.


Xingchen took a deep breath, covered his waist and raised a claw towards Celine.

"Awesome, I didn't react!"

Although it was a compliment, it was full of sarcasm.

Celine smiled awkwardly and said with some embarrassment: "You guys made such a commotion outside, I thought there were dragon beasts coming to harass you, and I didn't even see a breath coming.

Uh... But I feel that you should be more accurate than me in shooting, I didn't even aim."

Xingchen rolled his eyes and didn't answer.


Although after leaving the young dragon stage, his dragon scales began to grow wildly as he felt, in the past five days, the defense strength is almost catching up with Celine.

But this does not mean that it hurts to be hit by a breath, especially in this relatively sudden situation.

"Why are you here?"

Flying closer, Celine glanced at the place where Xingchen was covering his body. The dragon scales were not broken, so it didn't matter. Then she turned her head and looked at Witt.

After asking, Celine suddenly noticed something and grinned.

"The reverse scales haven't grown out yet!"


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