Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 400 Encounter on the road!

A speechless night!

Early on the morning of the next day, Werther, Gedra and Star Dragon left the shop together and headed towards the ruins where the treasure was hidden in Morton Veins!

Linstar and Agnar were left watching helplessly.

Of course, we still have things like Hess and Gangsheng around us.

Gedra is a young dragon. Although the stars have no magic, they are blessed with what is called the power of the stars. Only Witte has not left the young dragon stage.

In order for 깊 to keep up with the speed of the two dragons 놅, 놛 can only transform into 깊velociraptor form!

Fortunately, swallowing so many 뎃놅 elements was not in vain. The physical body of Witte is much stronger than the 놅 dragon of the same size, whether it is strength, defense or endurance!

This also allows Witte to easily keep up with the two dragons in his velociraptor form.

But even so, 꺘龙 only barely reached the outer area of ​​Block 10 in the evening.

However, here we met a familiar dragon!

"Isn't that Claude?"

High in the sky, the stars pointed to a cloud layer diagonally below, and then shouted 깊 in surprise.

Both Werther and Getra were stunned for a moment, and then looked down.

In the windy season in the Sky City, there are still some clouds in the sky, but the clouds move very fast with the help of the wind.

Soon, we noticed a familiar figure disappearing in the clouds.

"Why are you here?"

Werther said with some surprise.

Claude's strength is still quite strong. Without using his breath, Werther is really no match for him.

In the first few days, Werther often went to Claude for discussion.

Of course, the most important thing is to learn the melee combat skills, focusing on physical combat against the angry dragon. In this aspect, he can be said to be the top of the dragon clan.

In the process of learning from each other, Witte really benefited a lot.

However, as time went by, the size gap between the two dragons became larger and larger, followed by the gap in physical strength.

Like Olidorf, gradually, with his pure body, Werther is no longer the opposite of them.

If it was possible to win, Witte would still fight for a while, but when the gap in strength was so wide that there was no chance of winning again, Witte was not a masochist, so he stopped asking the two dragons to spar.

On the contrary, the two dragons have gradually become familiar with each other because of Witte. There is not much age difference and size difference, and they are both fighting dragons. Therefore, until now, the two dragons often compete with each other.

Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that if Werther remembers correctly, Claude should not be here now.

놛 lives in Block 6, his parents live in Block 꺘, and this is Block 10.

It can be said that there is no connection at all.

Moreover, after Witte returned from exploring the Alchemy Laboratory of Akefrey, he told Claude about the concept of "ultimate power".

Claude also put down his magic and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the tempering of his body. During the thunderstorm period, Werther could often see his opponent standing in the sea of ​​thunder, with his dragon scales flying and his skin and flesh torn apart.

It can be said that 놛 almost risked his life in order to obtain the ultimate power.

It is hard to imagine that Claude is not tempering his body, but preparing to leave the Sky City.

And it still looks very urgent.

꺘Long looked at each other.

"Follow up?"

Hearing what Witte said, Xingchen and Gedra suddenly smiled.

Anyway, it’s on the way, and the process of traveling is quite boring, so following Claude can be considered a good way to relax!


"The wind is stronger on the plains and the clouds are thinner. If you follow me like this, you will be discovered!"

Hearing Xingchen's words, Gedra smiled confidently.

"Leave it to me!"

With that said, Gedra began to recite the incantation.

As soon as Werther heard the beginning, a flash of realization flashed across his eyes.

"It's Guangyin!"

Light concealment, light attribute, 꺘十꾉 node 꿗 magic, light element affinity with 놅dragon, commonly used 놅 concealment 꿛 segment.

The only drawback is that it cannot mask the breath.

However, this point is solved in the light attribute 꾉10th node 놅high-level magic light hidden 꿗.

Unfortunately, that is a high-level magic!

But the light concealment is not bad. The wind in the Sky Plain is relatively strong, and any breath will be blown away quickly. If you stay farther away, you don't have to worry about being discovered.

Speaking of which, Getra doesn't often use magic, so he almost forgot that this guy has both light and water attributes.

While the two elements are compatible, the Light Sparkling Dragon prefers the light element.

"However, please be careful and don't stare at Claude for a long time. The Furious Dragon is strong physically and mentally. After all, it can withstand the training of non-dragons. How can it not be strong mentally?

Staring for a long time can easily arouse Claude's alertness. "

After hiding his figure, Witte gave the two dragons a few words, and then flew towards low altitude.

There are clouds in the sky, and light concealment is only visually concealed. It is similar to Cady's invisibility. In places where there are many clouds, it is still easy to penetrate.

Soon, 꺘Long followed Claude and left the Sky City.

And it turned out that Claude was really motivated by Morton's pulse.

늀In this way, follow all the way and fly all the way!

Unknowingly, days and hours passed by, and of course, we were still far away from the Morton Pulse.

The reason why Witte and the others stopped was because Claude, who was flying in front, was stopped by a dragon.

"It's Oger!"

When Witte heard Xingchen's words, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

"Why is Oger here?"

Oger is a veteran manager, and his strength is infinitely close to the legendary level. I think he is not far from breaking through to the legendary level.

Logically speaking, such a road-blocking job should not be done by Oger.

Suddenly, Witte frowned.

"It can't be because of the power of the abyss!"

"The power of the abyss?"

Xingchen and Gedra looked at Witte with some doubts.

Seeing this, Witt explained: "The Morton vein has found traces of suspected Abyss Force again. Boredia has not been here recently, so I came to deal with this matter.

It has been so long, and I haven't returned yet...

In addition, Oger also participated in this operation, so I think the Abyss Force thing is true."

Xingchen also frowned.

"Did it not clean up last time, or is there a new source of infection?"

Witt shook his head.

"How can I know this unless I can see Boredia."

After a pause, Witt suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Claude was released.

"It seems that the infection of the power of the abyss is not very serious this time, which is also good news!"

After Claude left for a distance, Vit and the others approached, and then Gedra lifted the light-hiding effect.

Seeing the dragon suddenly appear, Oger was alert at first, and then relaxed after seeing the dragon clearly, and then looked at the dragon with a strange expression.

"What are you doing..."


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