Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 389 See

Chapter 389 See "The Great Master's Notes" Again!

After coming from Lei, Witt hurriedly flew towards the library.

He was also afraid that the dragons that were pitted by him would chase him. Although he had the deterrence of Lei, what if!

As for the dragon egg, Witt planned to take it when he returned. By the way, Witt also put the three dragon scales and a diamond that Scott devoted to him at Lei's place.

Speaking of which, Witt came to the library this time only to avoid Boredia.

If it was just this, he could just live at Lei's place, and by the way, he could discuss food and the experience of raising dragon beasts with Lei.

After all, he had never raised this thing.

Among all the dragon beasts, he actually liked the ball dragon more. He was very yearning for that kind of heartless and carefree look.

But unfortunately, this group of free creatures.

They have their own pursuits and their own freedom, and Witt doesn't want to deprive these little guys of their happiness for his own selfish desires.

The little dragons are friendly to the wind element and like to fly to completely unknown places on the wind.

And what the sky city lacks most is wind!

When the wind season arrives, the sky city will be full of traces of dragons, and they will appear in any unexpected place.

When the wind season is about to end, a large number of dragons will use the wind blown by Gu Luo's breathing to go to the next windy place.

When Witt saw that scene for the first time, he was really shocked.

That is the entire sky city, and even the dragons in the sky plains, the number of dragons is so large that it can cover the sky and the sun.

Unfortunately, we missed it the first year we came here, and we saw that magical scene the next year.

Thinking of this, Witt glanced at Gu Luo.

"Speaking of which, at the end of this month, those little creatures will start to gather towards Gu Luo. In a few days, you can see those little creatures everywhere in this city."

Muttering, Witt's eyes flashed with anticipation. No matter how many times he saw it, he would never get tired of such a scene.

Come with the wind, go with the wind, such freedom is what all dragons yearn for!

Thinking of this in his heart, Witt retracted his gaze and was about to continue flying towards the library, but he suddenly froze for a moment, and then hurriedly looked at Gu Luo.

Gu Luo woke up?

Knowing that it was an illusion, when he just retracted his gaze, he seemed to see Gu Luo open his eyes.

However, when Witt looked carefully, he saw that Gu Luo still had his eyes closed, lying there motionlessly, and his posture was the same as before.

"Is it really an illusion?"

Witt scratched his head in confusion, then retracted his gaze and flew towards the library.


He opened his eyes and watched the silver figure enter the library.

"The aura of an old friend is so strong. Is he about to take that step? Forget it, continue to sleep, or he may be pulled too far away..."

The low audible murmur disappeared in the wind.

The majestic golden pupils closed again.


After entering the library, Witt did not go to the magic area this time.

As mentioned before, he did not come to the library simply to avoid Poredia. Another reason was that he wanted to find relevant information about the Seakent Continent.

Those travel notes obtained from the alchemy laboratory of Aqfrey fifty years ago all contain what they saw and heard in the continent of Sekent.

Even a fool can see that the Stroka Alchemy Ruins are the continent of Sekent.

However, those travel notes are quite old, and Witt has no idea what some of the terms mean.

Therefore, he is ready to learn more about the relevant things in the continent of Sekent.

In other words, at least he has to understand the terms in those travel notes.

As for why his father's dragon scales have been found, and his father has clearly stated that the information left by the Stroka Alchemy Ruins is only to make him pay attention to Candice's invitation, but Witt is still looking for information about this alchemy ruins...

It can only be said that Witt wants to learn more about Aqfrey.

According to his father, in the future, he will still be involved in things related to Aqfrey.

And Witt likes to plan before he acts.

There is no harm in knowing Arkfrey himself.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is too idle!

At least, before the scales grew, he was quite idle.

As for how to find information about Arkfrey, Witt can only say that it is difficult!

He can only try it.

If you want to find a lone dragon, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Because lone dragons often wander in places where no dragons have set foot, searching for possible treasures, or sleeping in a place where no dragons disturb them.

In this case, if you want to find them, you can only do so by tracing the footprints they have left behind.

As for the whereabouts of Aqfrey, Witt only knew that he had been to the Stroka Alchemy Site, and knew nothing about the rest.

After entering the library, Witt went straight to the alchemy area.

Witt had asked, and books like travel notes were basically placed in the alchemy area, and travel notes were the best books to understand a region.

By comparing the past and the present, I can always find the meaning of the nouns I know.

I can only find it in this way.

No dragon would write about these specifically, and more would be interspersed in the travel notes.

When Witt was looking for travel notes about the continent of Sekent on his bookshelf, a book that looked familiar caught his attention.

Metal books are usually very thick. Magic, alchemy, potions, and magic circles are all just a dry spell or a short description, while those with relevant analysis have a lot of content and a huge amount of knowledge.

Travel notes are even more so.

But what caught Witt's attention at this time was a very thin metal book, only one-third of the thickness of other metal books.

"Will it be that book?"

Witt muttered to himself as he took the book down.

Seeing the title on the cover, Witt's mouth curled up.


On the cover of the book, the words "Great Man's Notes" were engraved, and below it was a name, Vergo.

I remember seeing this book in the magic area once.

When I first saw this book, Witt was about to leave, so I put it back and planned to read it the next time I came.

But later, when Witt came to the library, he looked for it several times but never saw it again.

Witt didn't pay much attention to it. He just saw that the book was relatively thin and was a little curious about the content inside. He didn't see this book in the magic area, and Witt didn't go out of his way to look for it.

I didn't expect to encounter it this time.

"No wonder I found him. He was put in the alchemy area."

Thinking of this, Witt hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the book and crouched on the spot for a while. He wanted to see how great this Vergo was...

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