Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 387 The name that takes up half of the menu!

Chapter 387 The name that occupies half of the menu!

"Thunder Dragon Table... I haven't been here for more than a year!"

Witt looked at the sign hanging above the door and couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he flew into the store.

However, when he flew into the store, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

He saw a group of dragons surrounding an almost transparent dragon. Of course, they were not bullying it, but listening to the other party's story.

The story format is quite old-fashioned, uh... it can also be regarded as popular.


A story format that has continued since the birth of the dragon clan and is still talked about by dragons.

The stories of the dragon clan are basically narrated in the form of travelogues.

Even if it is a fictional story, it is based on travelogues.

However, this is not difficult to understand. Whether it is a giant dragon, a dragon, or a flying dragon, freedom is what all dragons pursue. This is engraved deep in their blood.

And the travel notes embody freedom without restraint. They have been popular for millions of years or even longer, which is a very normal thing.

However, compared to listening, Witt prefers to read.

What really caught his attention was the other party's race-wind dragon!

That's right, this dragon who is telling his adventure story is the same race as Redek, the wind dragon.

However, the eight-month wind season in the Sky City makes the number of wind dragons in the Sky City still quite large, and the other party may not be the same race as Redek.

While thinking, Witt flew towards an empty table in the front.

Witt had just landed on the table, and Lei came out with a large plate of food. After seeing Witt, Lei was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Has it left the young dragon stage?

Uh... the breath seems to be a little wrong, has it not completely left yet?"

Witt was helpless.

"This is the number of times I have heard it, uh... I can't remember how many times I have heard it myself. Let's go and deliver the things to them first. Besides, I am here to eat for free!"

"That's great. I just developed a new food, and it's just right for you to try!"

Witt nodded, his face a little strange.

Just when Lei mentioned the new food, Witt clearly noticed that there was a lot of chatter over there, and almost all the dragons were stiff for a while.

Only the wind dragon's eyes lit up.

When Lei asked him to try it, the strange atmosphere disappeared, and instead there was curiosity and sympathy for him.

As expected!

There are still a few dragons that can accept the food of Lei.

"By the way, Witt, didn't I promise to give you an Iramowi dragon beast egg ten years ago? I haven't encountered one for so many years. I encountered a few eggs when I went to Morton Mountains to collect food some time ago, and I brought them all back.

How many do you want?"

As soon as Witt replied, he suddenly felt a series of unfriendly eyes looking at him.

He was stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction of the eyes, but saw that the dragons who had heard the story before were all staring at him.

After a little thought, Witt understood why.

The Lei menu will put the name of the food recommended by the dragon, and the name of the recommender will be included.

And in these ten years, he successfully added nearly a hundred dishes to the Lei menu!

Almost doubled.

The most important thing is that all those dishes have his name behind them.


Have these dragons tasted the food he recommended?

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help shrinking his neck.

I feel like I'll be stuck when I go out!

Thinking of this, Witt said, "One is enough!"

Lei obviously noticed this and chuckled.

"Do you want me to send it to you?"

Hearing Lei's words, the dragons looked away one by one.

Lei was willing to send gifts to the other party in person, which meant that the other party had a good relationship with Lei. They didn't dare to offend an adult dragon, especially when the other party was a thunder dragon!

Due to the existence of the wind and thunder seasons, the thunder dragons and wind dragons (not races, but categories) in the Sky City are much stronger than other parties in the same realm.

Although they had not planned to do anything too extreme to Witt, at most they would let him eat all the recommended food in front of them.

Let that guy named Witt taste what he recommended!

But now even the boss and that guy are self-made dragons, so they can't give up.

Hearing this, Witt smiled and shook his head.

"No need, I... hehe, I also escaped. Boredia was tricked by me. Now he should be looking for me everywhere. I think he can't wait to pluck all my dragon scales!

When I'm ready to go back, come here to get the dragon beast egg."

Hearing this, Lei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.


I'll prepare food for you, you can get the dragon egg anytime!"

As he said this, Lei walked towards the kitchen.

As for the other dragons, their eyes lit up after hearing this news.

It seems that they don't need to take action to deal with this bastard. Just spread the news that Witt is here, and the wanderer in the sea of ​​thunder will come.

Thinking of this, the group of dragons looked at Witt with a smile in their eyes.

Of course, it was the kind with bad intentions.

In response to this, Witt thought about it for a moment and understood what these dragons wanted to do.

But he was not afraid at all.

This is Block 12, and Annie lives in this area.

If that guy Poredia comes here for no reason, Annie will not be so irritable. If he comes at night... hehe, Poredia has no time to pay attention to him!

Those dragons are destined to be happy in vain.

Just as Witt was thinking about this and looking forward to Lei's new food, there was a sound of flapping wings behind him.

Witt turned his head with some doubts, but saw a half-transparent figure flying over, which was the wind dragon who told the story before.

"Hello, my name is Lisven, are you really the Witt on the menu?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes flashed with a strange look.

Why does this sound weird?

But he still nodded.

"It's you!

Although most of the food you recommended is garbage that dragon beasts won't eat, there are still a few dishes that really suit my appetite!"

Although it sounds like scolding dragons, looking at the other party's sincere eyes, I must have thought too much!

Thinking of this, Witt hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Uh... So what?"

"So, to express my gratitude, I also recommend you a few foods, which are really delicious. I strongly recommend you to try them!"

As he said, Lisven took the menu from the table.

Then he nodded at the names of several dishes that looked a little bad.

"That's all, I wish you a happy meal!"

After that, Lisven gave Witt a very sunny smile, and then flew towards the direction of the store door. He had already eaten...

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