Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 37 In trouble?

Chapter 37 Getting into trouble?

The night wind blew gently at Werther's body, and a tickling feeling spread throughout his body. The moon was huge, as white as a disk, with many stars, a sea of ​​light!

In the world his father left to him, the bright moon and the sea of ​​stars would not appear at the same time.

But the world is obviously a little different!

Werther was lying on the ground, his head held high, and his eyes looking at the starry sky exuded a unique brilliance.

Celine noticed this, patted their wings gently, then pointed at the god Werther, and then pointed toward the distance.

Sanlong understood what Celine meant, nodded, and walked lightly towards the distance.

Although they didn't understand what kind of magic power the sky, which was just dotted with some stars, could attract Werther to such an extent.

However, every dragon has its own habits, so they never point out the habits of other dragons.

What's more, the starry sky is really beautiful.

Under the blowing of the night wind, looking at the starry sky and talking about their prospects for the future, Celine and the others were also enjoying this rare time.

During the day, the irritability of not being able to use magic gradually melted into the wind and was taken away by it!

I don't know how long ago, Celine yawned, her upper and lower eyelids started to fight, and the others were similar.

In fact, Werther had long noticed that Celine and the others specially gave him a space that belonged to him.

Therefore, while admiring the starry sky, he also paid attention to Celine and the others from time to time.

Seeing that several dragons were so sleepy that they shed tears, Witte stood up.

"Okay, we should go back. If we sleep here, we will definitely be caught by Winters tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Celine and the others shook their heads and forced themselves to wake up.

Seeing this, Werther couldn't help but smile, but before the smile on his face could fully unfold, the next second, the smile solidified on his face!

"One...two...three...where's Billy?"

Werther's exclamation completely woke up Celine and the others. Everyone looked at each other and then noticed that Billy was missing!

A layer of cold sweat instantly broke out on the foreheads of Werther and the others.

"Did any of you notice when Billy disappeared?"

Celine shook her head, then raised her neck and looked around.

Ao and Dinnit also shook their heads.

They had wondered before why Billy, who was often in trouble, made no sound this time. They thought Billy was just a good boy.

Now it seems that they are too naive!

I just give them a chance to play with them and transform them into a living dragon!

Just when Werther was about to suggest that everyone disperse and search, Celine, who had been looking everywhere, suddenly opened her eyes!

"He's over there!"

Looking in the direction that Celine's paw pointed, Werther and the others saw that Billy was holding something and flying towards them from a distance.

The location where they are now is a ring-shaped volcano, and Billy is flying up from the bottom of the outer circle!

Seemingly noticing the gazes of 깊Witt and others, Billy waved something on his paws and at the same time increased his flying speed.

Soon, he was in front of several dragons!

"Look, what I found!"

Celine, who came here to preach a few words, swallowed the words on her lips and turned her eyes to Billy's paws.

"This is... a dragon beast?"

Billy glanced at Celine with disdain.

"It's not a dragon, it must be a dragon beast. I just don't know what kind of dragon beast it is!"

Upon hearing this, Celine grabbed Billy's horns.

"Believe it or not, I'll break it!"

Of course Billy didn't believe it. Even though it looked like crystal, the crystal dragon's horns were not crystal. Their hardness was about the same as normal dragon horns, and normal dragon horns were the hardest part of the dragon's body!

But of course he couldn't say this!

He's not stupid!

Therefore, Billy hurriedly begged for mercy with a few words of "sincerity and fear", and then Celine let him go.

The other dragons looked amused, but only Werther's eyes were fixed on the body of the dragon beast on Billy's paws.

That's right, this dragon beast is dead!

However, it doesn't look like he was killed by Billy.

This dragon beast is much larger than the Morse dragon beast, almost half a meter in length, and its body is more slender!

The overall look is like a wasp from another world.

However, it has a dragon head and sharp teeth, and looks much more ferocious than the Morsedramon.

There are three pairs of symmetrically divided feet, the toes are sharp and look like daggers, and there are regular round holes at the tail, which look a bit uncoordinated, as if something is missing!

Thinking of the wasps in that world, Werther felt that the missing thing was probably a sharp thorn!

"Witt, do you know this dragon beast?"

It seemed that due to Werther's ecstasy, Billy and the others also noticed this and asked curiously.

Werther glanced at Billy, then shook his head.

"I don't know. The book I read during the day was "Encyclopedia of Dragons" and not "Encyclopedia of Dragons and Beasts". Unfortunately, if this was the one I was reading, I might be able to recognize it.

Forget it, regardless of it, let's go back to bed quickly. Don't let us all fall into a deep sleep when Winters comes over tomorrow.

In that case, anyone could tell that we didn’t get a solid night’s rest! "

"What about it?"

As he spoke, Billy raised the dragon beast corpse in his hand.

Werther scratched his head.

"If you are really curious, you can take it back first and ask Winters when he comes to see us tomorrow. As for how he found it, just say that he doesn't know. When he wakes up, it will be in the dragon's lair." !

Anyway, the previous Morsdramon and Qiuqiu Dragon were able to ignore the magic circle arranged by the Dragon Cave Gate.

Although this dragon beast is larger than Morsedramon and Qiuqiu dragon, it is also a 께-type dragon beast. This theory should make sense! "

Hearing this, before Celine and the others said anything, Billy nodded in agreement and came down.

He picked this up, so he was naturally curious about what kind of dragon beast it was!

Seeing this, Celine and the others didn't say anything.

Anyway, what Werther said makes sense.

In this way, Witte and the others took the dragon beast and returned to the dragon's lair without any danger.

After working outside for such a long time, as soon as Werther and the others lay down, the snoring gradually started to sound.

A speechless night!

Early the next morning, Werther opened his eyes and was relieved to see that Winters hadn't come yet.

He was really scared. As soon as he woke up, he saw Winters staring at them angrily. Fortunately, he didn't say anything!

There was movement on Werther's side, and Celine and the others also yawned and opened their eyes one by one!

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps from the other side of the passage.

Werther and the others were stunned for a moment, then hurriedly got up and looked at each other with a guilty conscience. For a moment, they didn't know what to do!

So, when Winters came in, they saw 꾉께 just looking at each other without saying a word!

"Well, you all wake up, you are hungry, this..."

As he was talking, Winters suddenly noticed the body of an unknown dragon beast placed in the center of the dragon's lair.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and a powerful and terrifying pressure suddenly erupted from her body...

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