Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 366 Dragon Realm is a big unlucky guy!

Chapter 366 A big unlucky guy in the dragon world!

"As for other questions you are concerned about, such as the invasion method of the abyss, if you ask other strong people who understand the abyss, they may not be able to answer you, but if you ask your father and me, you really have to ask the right dragon. "


Werther hesitated.

"But I haven't asked yet!"

"Tell me if you want to ask!"


Werther smiled.

"I want to listen!

The method of abyss invasion is very simple. To sum up, there are three stages: large-scale exploration, large-scale infection, and all-out war!

There may be some beheadings sprinkled in between.

For example, in your father's and mine's world, when the Abyss invaded, a race that was only slightly weaker than the dragons was wiped out by the sudden attack of the Abyss.

Elves, dwarves, dragons and other powerful races didn't even respond.

It was also because of this that the person was so angry that he went directly to the abyss. Otherwise, the supreme leader on the other side of the abyss responded quickly and blocked the person in the space passage. The abyss would have suffered heavy damage. "

Speaking of this, Mr. Werther's face suddenly became serious.

"Hearing this, don't you think the Abyss Invasion will end like this?

If you really think so, you are too naive.

The Abyss cannot touch our world, but it aims at another world connected to our world. They are preparing to use the other world as a springboard to slowly invade our world.

The power of the abyss can weaken the laws of the world!

The gods raised by nature have weaknesses, and their strength is linked to the world.

When the world is weakened to a certain extent, those heavenly gods will lose their power.

The abyss can even infect these gods, causing the world to collapse faster.

They almost succeeded. The dwarves' blast furnace was smashed, the human throne was overturned, the elves' civilization was wiped out, and the elves' life tree was cut in half.

In the entire continent, only less than a tenth of the central area was still resisting tenaciously, and the spirits were wiped out eighty-nine times out of ten.

If it weren't for the cross-border help of the Dragon Clan, that world would have ended long ago!

They are like dog-skin plasters. They stick to your hands even if they don’t stick to your body.

Therefore, the most terrifying thing about the abyssal invasion is not the visible and tangible abyssal family members, but the abyssal power they leave behind in every corner of the world. "

After a pause, Witte continued: "Abyssal strongmen cannot enter a world casually. The aura of the abyss they carry will be instinctively rejected by the world.

Therefore, when the Abyss invaded, it started with the God King, who broke the world's blockade on the power of the Abyss and allowed the gods of the Abyss to enter the world.

Uh... when talking about 놆gods, in fact 늀놆 legends and myths are weaker.

Of course, at the very least, one has to be at the pinnacle of legend to be qualified to be called a god, because legends in this realm can barely control a single law.

The pinnacle of legend and the lowest level of gods.

Those who do not control the laws are called lords.

When the abyss gods enter the world, they will most likely choose to kill the local gods to reduce the world's resistance.

But if the local gods of the invaded world are relatively strong, they will use another method to invade.

That 늀놆abyss beast.

Abyssal beasts carrying the power of the abyss will be dropped into every corner of the world, thereby infecting the local spiritual world itself.

At this stage, I mentioned the large-scale testing.

If this stage is blocked, they will hibernate and carry out the second stage of large-scale infection. To put it simply, they will find a place where there is no one to hide and infect the world secretly.

This infestation period may last for thousands of years, or even longer.

In a slower world, by the time it is discovered, the world itself may be riddled with holes.

Regardless of whether the second stage can be successful or not, after a certain period of time, Abyss will enter the stage of invasion and total war!

If the God King attacks a world, he will naturally not escape unscathed.

Therefore, the first and second stages can be regarded as the cultivation stages of the God King. When he has cultivated well, the third stage will come.

As for the Supreme, the highest being in the Supreme Abyss, they basically won't take action on things like invading the world, because the God King under them is doing it.

They will only take action unless their subordinates mess up.

Speaking of the abyss being supreme, it's also a bit funny. They think that they are getting out of the control of the abyss step by step, and can even resist the temptation of the abyss.

But in fact, as they become supreme step by step, they have become puppets of the abyss without knowing it. "

As he said this, a sneer appeared on Werther's face.


It's a puppet. If something is broken, just replace the parts. Of course, it will never die.

After hearing this, Witte thought for a moment and was basically certain that the dragon world was now in the first stage of being invaded by the abyss.

Desidero was attacked not long ago.

More than ten years ago, Ace, the tyrant of the Great Icefield, seemed to have been attacked.

As for why Guluo was not attacked...

There was a strange look in Werther's eyes.

It's not possible that Abyss didn't like him, uh... Of course, it's also possible that Abyss felt that there were too many strong men in the Dragon Realm, so he gave up the beheading plan.

Don't mention it, it's really possible.

The dragon race is a long-lived species, not to mention the dragon, plus the dragon's terrifying talent.

Therefore, he definitely doesn't look down on Gu Luo.

Thinking this in his heart, Witt asked, "Why is the dragon world targeted by the abyss? Is it because the dragon world is special?"

Witt's father shook his head.

"Of course not. The Dragon Realm was targeted by the Abyss because it is such a hapless person!"


"Don't look at me like that. I am just telling the truth.

The Abyss wanders aimlessly in the starry sky. Wherever it passes, all the worlds without life will basically suffer.

But the starry sky is vast, and it is not often possible to encounter a world without life.

So, in order to please the Abyss, the Abyss followers will use a random space method similar to "I close my eyes and point, and wherever I point, there will be unlucky. If I don't point, I will point again" to find a world without life and then invade it.

The Dragon Realm should have been randomly selected!"

Witt was stunned.

"Why is it impossible for the Abyss to pass by the Dragon Realm?"

"Because your father and I have been following the Abyss most of the time, alas... the starry sky is lonely, and every world deserves to be saved!

The starry sky is not beautiful at all. The truly beautiful thing is the silent and alone blooming life in the starry sky.

Their existence makes the empty and cold starry sky a little warmer."

Witt was silent.

It turns out that he is not related to Wuye Youlong!


"You are so strong, why don't you destroy the Abyss?"


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