Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 352 Encounter!

"Is it that deep already?"

Witte glanced at the peaks on both sides and compared it with the map provided by Candice that he had specially written down before.

Only then did he realize that he, who had been following him all the way, had already arrived at the area where Candice had speculated that the alchemy ruins were located.

He glanced at the large pit in front of him that had a strong aura of elemental content.

Light and darkness coexist, it should be Candice's hand.

Along the way, he followed these traces.

Breathing might be more powerful than some of the magics that Dragon has mastered, but breath is the only one among all the magics that Dragon has mastered, but it is also the purest elemental impact among the very few.

Therefore, when dealing with the Abyss, currently, the Dragon Clan's best response is to breathe.

On this point, Werther and Candace have said this before.

땤Candice and the others are obviously executing very well.

“But why so quiet?

Are the alchemy ruins and the source of the Abyss both in this area? "

Muttering, Werther continued to track forward, but soon, Werther noticed that the situation was a little too right.

Lots of traces of battle!

Pure light element, this is Celine, coexistence of light and darkness, this is Candace, wind element is Ermus...

"These are..."

Witte looked at the stone in front of him. It was densely covered with circular holes, which contained a kind of energy that was the same as the 꽮素's 꺆놊.

But this is not the end of the abyss.

Seeing these holes, Werther was reminded of the stars.

Speaking of which, Xingchen's body had no elemental fluctuations. His body was strong but his scales were weak. He had always wondered why Nighogg let Xingchen live alone.

But now Witte understands that although Xingchen does not have the power of 놋꽮素꺆, he is not a dragon that relies entirely on the physical body.

It should be said that it comes from the starry sky!

With a sigh, Werther quickly shook his head after reacting.

Now, when I am thinking about this, since even Xingchen has started to take action, Celine and the others must have encountered an extremely powerful opponent.

Fallen dragon beast?

Or any other normal dragon beast?

While thinking about it, Werther speeded up and followed the traces of the battle, his face a little solemn.

The direction of the battle traces is correct. Celine and the others are chasing each other and fighting, and they are being chased and beaten.

Suddenly, Werther's eyes narrowed!

The wings retracted slightly and then fell downward.

Several broken milk-white dragon scales almost made Werther's brows twist.

Although they were both milky-white dragon scales, their shapes were more or less the same. Werther recognized them at a glance. They were Celine's dragon scales.

Of course, this is the key point. The key point is that the cracks of these dragon scales are entangled with black aura.

The abyss!

What is chasing Celine and the others is one or even several fallen dragon beasts!

Thinking of this, Witte's heart tightened!

The battle was so fierce along the way, but it wasn't until Celine was injured that he realized that their opponent was a fallen dragon beast.

This means that with Celine's strength, they have completely broken through the opponent's defense!

With a blazing white breath, the abyss that had begun to infect the ground was dealt with, and Witte hurriedly continued to pursue the front following the traces of the battle.

The further back he went, the more frightened Werther became.

Celine's dragon scales, Candace's dragon scales, Ermus's dragon scales, uh... where's the star's dragon scales?

Even at this time, Werther could not hold back his curiosity.

The other dragons were already injured, but only Xingchen seemed to be unscathed.

Is it because he runs fast?

Thinking of the speed with which Xingchen tried to escape from Boredia's hands, let alone, it seemed to be really fast.

The surrounding mountains gradually increased, the trees began to become denser, the traces of the battle became more and more obvious, and the surrounding elements fluctuated violently.

This means that the time to leave these elements behind is getting closer and closer to now.

However, what puzzled Werther was that his arrival seemed to go too smoothly.

Thinking like this, Werther glanced ahead and then behind, and then he realized that this place seemed to be a path.

Celine and the others have been escaping along a path that originally existed in 녤늀.

However, before Werther could think more, the road ahead was blocked by collapsed rocks.

Werther glanced upward.

The steep rock wall was attacked by something, and these rocks came from that location.

Rocks are scattered all over the ground, with traces of struggle, and there are still traces of the abyss on some rocks. If there is an accident, it was Celine and the others who laid down these rocks. The dragon beast that chased them was once beaten by these rocks. Hit by rocks.

After clearing away those abyss, Witte wanted to continue chasing forward.

However, he discovered that there were no traces of the battle ahead.

Apparently, Celine and the others got rid of the fallen dragon beast that was blocked by the rocks.

While Werther was relieved, he was also a little helpless.

How can I trace this without any trace?

Who knows whether Celine and the others will continue to escape along this existing road, or go into the dense forest on the side.

After a slight hesitation, Werther forced himself to calm down and slowly explored along the forest passage.

The forest next to it is denser.

If Celine and the others choose to drill into the forest, they will definitely leave traces.

The fallen dragon beast has no intelligence, it can only attack the surrounding energy frantically. This method is the best way to get rid of the fallen dragon beast.

However, this also means that Witt must observe carefully to find the traces left by Celine and others.

But after searching for a while, Witt suddenly remembered a question.

Since Celine and others got rid of the fallen dragon beast, he followed it all the way and did not see the figure of the fallen dragon beast, and there was no trace of the dragon beast in the surrounding dense forest.

So... what about the fallen dragon beast?

When Witt thought of this, he just turned the corner of a rock wall.

Then he met a pair of scarlet eyes!


After a moment of silence, Witt slowly retreated.

It seems that the way he turned the corner was wrong. How could this dragon beast be so coincidentally at this corner!

After retreating, Witt...

Of course, he walked again. He was stupid again. Witt opened his mouth and exhaled a blazing white breath without hesitation.

As soon as the breath came out, a head with madness and confusion in its eyes came over.

Swallowed Witt's breath completely!


It was a painful roar, with only madness and bloodthirstiness in it!

But the head flew directly to the back because of the blazing white breath, and it also took its body with it.

Witt didn't look at his own results, but turned directly and continued to fly forward.

How could the breath used in a hurry be powerful?

Behind him was a series of tree-lined avenues, with lush branches and leaves above, and the space was extremely limited. Witt might fight with the opponent in such a place.

Moreover, from the glimpse just now, Witt noticed that behind the fallen dragon beast, there was a wide field!

Although it was abrupt, it was time to fight!

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