Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 347 The title girl is playing games and I can’t pull her over!

Chapter 347: The title girl is playing games and can’t be pulled over!

"The power of the abyss!"*3

Three voices sounded at the same time.

Candice and Ermus immediately turned their eyes to Werther, while Werther and Celine turned to the stars. Seeing this, Candice and Ermus also turned to look at the stars.

Seeing the four dragons looking at him, Xingchen scratched his head in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Werther looked at the stars with the same confusion.

"How do you know this is the power of the abyss?"

Even if Xingxing arrived at the Castle in the Sky before the unexpected changes in the Everlasting Night Forest, he only knew about the unexpected changes in the Everlasting Night Forest. How could he possibly know the words "Power of the Abyss".

Hearing this, Xingchen glanced at Candice and Ermus with confused eyes, and then his expression suddenly dawned.

"It turns out that Sky City didn't announce this kind of power!

This is not possible, the power of the abyss is an extremely dangerous force.

When I lived with Nighogg, I would deal with the areas infected by this kind of power. Those areas that were affected on a large scale would be protected by strong men from the abyss.

Of course, basically none of us are Nigger Hogs.

However, the impact caused by them is quite large, and Nighogg can only prevent this power from further infecting by destroying an area.

The names Abyss Power and Abyss Strong were all told to me by Nighogg. "

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that the strong men of the dragon clan had long noticed the invasion of the Abyss. In this way, 놛 was even more certain that Desidero's departure from the Warren Rift Valley was not an accident.

"You guys understand it, but we don't know anything yet. In other words, no one is willing to explain it to us!

What happened to those Mostik dragon beasts?

What is the power of the abyss?

Why do you have such a big reaction? "

Hearing this, Witte noticed it and looked at Candice and Ermus with a displeased look on his face.

"You don't know?"

Candice's face darkened.

"We know only if you tell us!"

"I'm not talking about this, I mean, haven't you heard about the incident in Yongye Forest?

This happened on the eve of the arrival of Lei Ji.

The matter was so big that it was not resolved until the Sky City. "

Hearing this, Candice reacted immediately, and then said quietly: "It turns out that something happened in Yongye Forest... But we live at the northernmost end of the 10th block!"

Werther slapped his forehead!

Well, it’s really difficult to get the news from that location to Yongye Forest.

"That's it..."

As he said that, Witte told the ins and outs of what happened in the Evernight Forest, and also the dangers of the power of the abyss.

Of course, Werther did not talk about the fact that the abyss is an intruder from the outside.

놛I haven’t fully understood it since 껧.

What's more, it's useless to talk about it. By the time these five dragons can come in handy, the abyss invasion will either have been solved, or it will be so serious that dragons all over the world will know about it.

After listening to Witte's narration, Candice and Ermus looked at the group of Mostik fallen dragon beasts that were still besieging the Grabidragon beast, with a touch of caution in their eyes.

There is such evil and strange power in this world, which is beyond our imagination.

However, the abnormal behavior of those Mostikdramons intuitively showed that the information was not made up casually, Witte said.

"Then what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Witte said solemnly: "We can only put aside the matter of the alchemy ruins first and explore the source of these fallen dragon beasts. If we can solve them, we will solve them directly. If we can't solve them, we can only return to the Sky City.

This kind of thing cannot be delayed, the longer it is delayed, the more serious it will be. "

Candace sighed.

"That's the only way."

With his IQ, it is impossible not to hear the danger of this kind of power. If it is allowed to spread, it is likely to affect the Sky City.

Now I don’t want my peaceful life to be broken.

At the same time, the besieged Grabidramon was also sucked dry by the Mostik fallen dragon beasts.

After the hunting was completed, the 놅돗s immediately turned their targets to the 깊vit놛s.

"Don't kill them all, leave some to observe the situation. As for the others, don't let them run away, and don't leave their bodies behind. Beat them all to ashes, and not even a trace of the power of the abyss can remain."

The dragons nodded, then spread out, waiting patiently for these fallen dragon beasts to rush over.

Mostikdramon belongs to that kind of thing. It doesn't even have origin magic. Even if it has been transformed by the power of the abyss, its basic strength will not be too strong after the transformation.

And so it is.

When those Mostik fallen dragon beasts came close and officially launched their attack, the dragons didn't even need to defend themselves.

Their mouthparts, which are used to suck the blood of dragon beasts, cannot even pierce the dragon scales.

Those fallen dragon beasts that keep an eye on Witte will be even worse.

As soon as it landed on Witte, it instantly turned into gray. The power of the abyss was lingering around his body. He didn't even have time to resist, and was directly burned by the pure high temperature on Witte's body.

Noticing this, Werther's eyes lit up.

The high temperature in the body does not come from elemental power, but from the same origin as the blazing white flames of the breath.

In Claude's words, that is the ultimate power.

At least, judging from the current performance, the ultimate power seems to be more lethal to the power of the abyss than the elemental power.

Compared with Witte, his dragon made a lot of noise.

With his mouth open, his breath swept around him crazily, and those fallen dragon beasts that tried to absorb the blood of the dragons were killed in an instant.

However, they still need to attack again to remove the abyss power released after the fallen dragon beasts died.

There are not many fallen dragon beasts, only a few.

Soon, except for the three that were left behind, all the other fallen dragon beasts were killed.

Witte asked Celine to put the three Mostik fallen dragon beasts with their wings removed into the crystal jar, and then he held the jar with his mental power and took it in front of him to observe carefully.

After reading it, Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

"The power of the abyss is relatively low. Even if we are the third or even the fourth wave of infected dragon beasts, with our strength, we can solve the problem here."

After saying that, Witt saw that except for Celine, the other three dragons looked at him blankly, so he explained: "The infection of the power of the abyss is from a source, which I call the infection source.

The fallen dragon beasts that are directly exposed to the infection source are called the first wave of infected dragon beasts. The level of the power of the abyss on them is second only to the infection source.

By analogy, the later the fallen dragon beasts are, the lower the level of the power of the abyss on them, and the easier it is to solve them."

After a pause, Witt gestured to the dragons to look at the dragon beasts that were hunted before.

"The power of the abyss is extremely special. Even if a dead dragon beast is contaminated with the power of the abyss, it is possible to live in another form.

But these Grabi dragon beasts died directly, which means that the level of the power of the abyss in these fallen dragon beasts is not high.

I asked you to keep these three, on the one hand to confirm, and on the other hand to take them back as evidence and hand them over to the Sky City, so that you can worry about it.

After all, we may not be able to find the source!"


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