Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 346 Another accident happened!

Chapter 346 Something unexpected happened again!

After shouting but getting no response, Werther's face showed a hint of worry.

Then, he noticed the strange looks that other dragons were looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Shouldn't we remind you that if we meet Kuo Bing again when we go back, he was unable to leave this place because he was drunk...

Although it is indeed convenient, listening to him tell stories is completely...just..."


Celine on the side added.

Hearing this, Candice and the others' expressions suddenly changed when they thought of the situation described by Witt.

This must be reminded!

It's a pity that the other party has left now.

Seeing Candice's expression of regret, Witte hurriedly said: "Okay, he has left, so don't think too much about it, let's get down to business first!

We had agreed before that you would be responsible for finding the alchemy ruins, and I would be responsible for the formations in the ruins.

to be honest……"

Having said this, Witte paused and then looked around.

Behind him is the endless plain of sky, with broken beaches at his feet, and occasionally two small trees appear in front of him, the kind that don't even have the height of Witte.

Looking further ahead, there is a lush forest. It is not as exaggerated as the Yongye Forest, but it is definitely not small.

Continuing further behind, there are rolling hills.

"I feel like we won't be able to go back anytime soon."

Candice smiled confidently.

"Don't worry, it's not as complicated as you think!"

While speaking, a huge metal plate appeared in front of Candice.

Witte took a curious look, but found that there were only a lot of angular shapes, circles and a few line-like patterns on the surface.

"This is……"

"I didn't come unprepared for the topographic map of Morton's veins.

The 꺘angle 눑 represents the 껚 peak in the Morton 껚 vein. The higher the 껚 peak, the larger the 꺘angle 눑 represents.

These five lines represent the Morton River. They start from the higher peaks in the Morton Vein and flow in different directions, forming five rivers, and finally merge into the Morton River. river.

Our current location is relatively close to the westernmost river, and our goal is to swim along the river and reach this area.

Look, are there a lot of circles around here?

These circles represent the locations of metal mines.

All nine kinds of metals can be found in this area, and the Morton River is also in this area.

If I were to build an alchemy laboratory, I would definitely choose this place.

The most important thing is, look at the density of triangles in this area, it is definitely a pretty good hiding place.

If nothing unexpected, the alchemy ruins we are looking for are right here. "

"What if something goes wrong?"

Candice glanced at Werther.

"If something goes wrong, it means that the information I got is not enough to find this alchemy ruins. Continuing is just a waste of time. Let's go back directly!"

At this point, Candice sighed.

In fact, even he himself didn't have much confidence.

If you think about it carefully, there is no conclusive evidence for his current conclusion.

Just from a normal alchemist's perspective, I found the most suitable place to build an alchemy laboratory.

However, Yakefre is not a normal alchemist.

The other party is a madman whose lifespan is about to come to an end and pins all his hopes on dragon body alchemy.

If not, he can only continue to search for information related to Akfrey.

But there is another problem. When Akefrey's laboratory was abandoned by him, the Sky City had not yet been built, and only a small part of the collection of books in the Sky City library was the same as the one where Akefrey was. At that time, it was a closed period.

To be honest, he didn't have high hopes for the collection of books.

Akfrey is a lone dragon.

The possibility of finding a dragon that may not be known to dragons in the already sparse collection of books is too small.

Just like he searched all over the alchemy area of ​​the library, he couldn't find any relevant information, let alone the relevant information about the Stroka alchemy site.

Yes, he also pinned his hopes on the Stroka alchemical site.

Unfortunately, it failed before it even started.

Therefore, if the alchemical relics of Akfrey cannot be found this time, Candice is prepared to temporarily abandon this relic and look for the alchemical relics of other dragons.

As a vein that covers an area only larger than the Plains of Sky, there will be more dragon ruins and alchemy laboratories left in the Morton vein, not less!

If it really doesn't work, he can only make do with it. Anyway, it is impossible for him to find other dragons as teachers, or to get systematic alchemy from Witte.

He is no longer a baby dragon!

These thoughts flashed through Candice's mind. In front of him, he was looking at Werther, waiting for Werther's answer.

After listening to Candice's words, Witte nodded with satisfaction.

"Wise choice, let's set off now!"

As he spoke, Werther looked at the map, then pointed in a direction and said, "It should be over here."

Candice nodded and put away the map.

Then, the five dragons flew towards the direction pointed by Witte.

After Candice chased Werther, she suddenly smiled and asked: "What if what I just said was to continue searching?"

Witt grinned.

"I will quit and stay away from you in the future.

Without a clear goal and insufficient strength, you still choose to continue searching..."

At this point, Witt paused, then turned to look at Candice and continued: "That can only mean that you are an impulsive idiot."

Hearing this, Candice smiled and said: "Indeed, if it were me, I would also make this choice."

The two dragons smiled at each other.

The other dragons were puzzled.


With a clear goal, the dragons' mobility was also quite strong.

In less than a day, they crossed the woods and reached the Morton River.

However, when the dragons arrived at the Morton River, Witt, Celine and Xingchen's faces all changed.

"Why is there such a thing here!"

I saw a group of Mostik dragon beasts with black auras around them, besieging a relatively large Grabi dragon beast (you should have forgotten, just think of them as beetles).

Mostik dragon beasts are often seen in humid forests, relying on sucking the blood of other dragon beasts, but they are not fatal. After all, even among the super-small dragon beasts, they are super small.

Each individual is basically a few centimeters, and the largest is no more than four centimeters.

But the ones in front of me are obviously abnormal. Next to the besieged Grabi dragon beast, there is a Grabi dragon beast corpse that was sucked flat.

These Mostik dragon beasts are not eating, but hunting.

And the black auras around them are also quite familiar to Witt, the power of the abyss...

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