Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 342: Teammates are not united!

"Speaking of which, why did you choose me?"

After gathering his thoughts, Witte looked at Candice curiously.

"There are dragons over there, and their strength is not low. What's more, outside, let alone you, even my strength is insignificant."

Candace shook her head.

"Of course it's not because of your strength, but because of your alchemy and magic circle.

Although Ermus's magic circle is also good, he and I are facing the same problem and have not studied it systematically.

Of course, unlike alchemy, even if you have not studied magic circle systematically, you can still create your own magic circle through understanding and research of magic and ancient dragon language.

But this is not what Ermus can do now.

In addition, it can be roughly seen from the experimental records that when the other party was active in the Morton Mountains, the Sky City had not yet been established.

The City in the Sky took its prototype 120,000 years ago.

That ruin will only be earlier.

In such a long period of time, the changes in the magic circle are endless. For Ermus, who has never studied magic systematically, these are not as simple as major challenges.

If it is a ruin that has been exploited countless times by other dragons, I would be happy to let Ermus slowly study the magic circle inside.

However, for this kind of unknown ruins, it is better for professional dragons to come! "

Witte glanced at Candice strangely.

It sounded nice, but in fact it was because Ermus was afraid of touching some magic traps in the ruins when he was studying the magic circle.

However, what the other party said was correct.

This kind of thing really requires a dragon who is good at magic circles to follow.

Just like when he and Avery explored the dragon ruins together, if he hadn't been better at magic circles, he might have died without knowing how.

"Okay, who is following you, Scott? It's not my words that hurt the dragon, he really can't do it."

Candice grinned.

"I know, so I only bring Ermus!"

Hearing this, Werther nodded.

It can only be said that it is not surprising. Being unable to do it does not mean that you cannot see. Seeing the magic array in the ancient ruins will be of great help to the research on magic arrays.

The composite magic array technology was what Witte got from that ruin. He also got several relatively versatile functional magic arrays, such as transmitting, receiving, storing, etc., which are this type of magic arrays.

"By the way, you don't want to bring too much here. For things like exploring ruins, having more dragons may not be useful."

Werther nodded. He had actually chosen the dragon.

The two dragons set a time, and Candice left. He needed to go back and prepare well.

The same goes for Werther!

Dark clouds covered the dark sky, and flashes of lightning flashed from time to time, illuminating the surrounding area.

It was obviously light, but it gave Long a depressing feeling.

On a mound, Candice was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. This was his most common posture while waiting.

Ermus stood at the highest point of the mound, his head turning constantly, his eyes transmitting the collected information to his mind, analyzing the surrounding situation.

Of course, his attention was basically focused on the exit of the tenth block.

This was agreed upon in advance.

However, after waiting for a long time and no dragon came out, Ermus frowned.

"Candace, it should be almost time!"

Hearing this, Candice opened her eyes, and then took out a round metal object from the reverse scale space. There was a metal shell on the outside, a transparent crystal on the top, and two hands inside.

At the end of the pointer is a gear, and on the other side is a reddish-brown complex alchemical magic circle.

The magic circle is flashing regularly, and every time it flashes, one of the hands on it will jump, and the other hand will move with extremely small amplitude.

"It's not the agreed time yet. Besides, you don't have to be so serious. They are too far away from here."

Ermus' frown deepened.

He doesn't like unplanned things, no matter how trivial it is, and...

"A dragon that doesn't keep its promise should stay away from you!"

The corners of Candice's mouth twitched and she didn't answer.

Perhaps, only such a more realistic and rigorous dragon is more suitable for the magic circle field.

At this moment, three figures flew out from the exit of the tenth block, and then flew towards them.

Seeing this, Candice raised the metal object in his hand.

"Look, it's quite on time!"


Ermus didn't speak, just stared at one of the dragons with a wary look on his face.

Soon the two sides will meet.

After Werther noticed Ermus' gaze, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Celine next to him with a teasing smile.

"You see, being too impulsive has left a bad influence on others!"

Yes, Werther brought Celine out this time.

Celine is Vitra's helper.

Apart from him, Celine is the strongest among the dragons. Of course, Antavana is also good, but Antavanna is more familiar with some things in the laboratory.

If you need a dragon to stay behind, Antavanna is the most suitable dragon choice.

Although it was a bit of a waste of Antawana's energy and the other party had many complaints, she was not a dragon who ignored the overall situation, and finally agreed to come.

However, when Witt left, Antawana looked at Linsda with a bit of hostility.

If nothing unexpected happens, the latter will receive unprecedented special training, just to make him grow faster to the point where he can sit in the rear.

As for the other one, of course it is the tool dragon Xingchen.

You can't go out without anyone but Xingchen. This guy is very good at pretending, uh... pretending things.

Hearing Witt's words, Celine rolled her eyes, and then looked at Candice and Ermus with the same vigilance. In her mind, these two dragons didn't have a good impression.

As for the reason...

Two dragons united to challenge Witt, which was enough to sentence them to death.

Celine didn't hate the dragons who challenged Witt, she hated the behavior of the other party joining together to bully Witt.

As for whether Witt was bullied... not seriously!

Seeing this, Witt and Candice looked at each other, both with some helplessness in their eyes.

These teammates are not united!

Both dragons are the more serious type.

It is hard to make sense with other dragons.

In this situation, they don't have a good solution, they can only hope that the two dragons don't fight.

Fortunately, Ermus is the type who is serious and rational at the same time, he doesn't say anything sarcastic.

Although Celine was impulsive, she still gave Witt face and didn't fight directly this time.

This made Witt and Candice relieved again...

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