Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 336 Claude's choice!

Chapter 336 Claude’s choice!

"Then you just mentioned Abel..."

Hearing this, Claude showed a look of helplessness on his face.

"This is a legendary level 놅꺆. Abel is completely opposite to Ralph. Ralph is regarded as a role model by all the angry dragons and as a being who wants to transcend.

But Abel was regarded as a traitor by the angry dragon.

Because Abel does not have the power to rival the legendary level, but he is a legend! "

Hearing these words, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "The angry dragon also has a chance to understand the law and become a legend?"

Claude heard this and said with a smile: "Dragon beasts can do it, why can't the dragon clan?"

Werther shook his head.

"This is different. If a dragon beast wants to become a legend, it must be in the dragon beast period and its elemental affinity must not be low. Otherwise, it would be difficult to become a legend, let alone a legend.

땤Angry Dragon놅Elemental Affinity..."

After saying this, Witte paused for a moment, then glanced at Claude, and did not continue.

The opponent is the angry dragon, and he knows more about his own elemental affinity.

Of course Claude understood what Werther meant.


"Witt, have you forgotten that the dragon's bloodline has its own characteristic, which will definitely be legendary after the old age. This has nothing to do with the affinity with the elements. This is the characteristic of the dragon's bloodline itself.

It makes no sense that as a giant dragon, an angry dragon, he cannot meet this condition.

This is after I calmed down, I looked for 누놅 from the 놅一녤 book in the library.

In order to verify this, I went to find other information, and I found Abel.

He is still a furious dragon, but he has no elemental affinity, but he eventually became a legend.

This dragon made a way for the angry dragon, but because of the power of magic, he was regarded as a betrayer by all the angry dragons... It makes me feel a little sad no matter how I think about it! "

Saying that, Claude sighed.

Werther walked up to Claude and poured several bottles of healing potion onto his wounds.

"If you really want to take this path, I have a suggestion, don't say it. If you just practice magic in such a rigid way, it will be difficult to understand the rules...!

Ancient dragon language is a way to communicate with the elements. Magic and combat are just methods of using elements to control them. These are two different concepts.

It makes the elements in the body more active. Magic and combat can have some effects, but the most effective effect is the communication between ancient dragon language and the elements.

Without the 놋elements that are friendly to you, it is difficult to communicate with the elements in ancient dragon language.

It seems that practicing magic crazily and increasing the activity of elements bit by bit is the only way for you to understand the rules.

But you were lucky enough to meet me.

My teacher has done a lot of research and proved that the magic circle is another way to communicate with the elements, and it does not require affinity with the elements. "

Hearing this, Claude's eyes lit up, but soon he shook his head again and smiled bitterly: "I'm lucky to have met you. You gave me two roads, but it's not a good idea to walk two roads together. choose.


After saying this, Claude paused, a look of struggle appeared on his face, and after a long while, he sighed.

"I choose the ultimate!"

Werther looked at Claude in astonishment.


Isn't magic what you are after?

Moreover, even I am not completely sure whether my breath is perfect. According to you, the angry dragon family has never taken that step since Ralf.

Why did you..."

Claude shook his head.

"It is true that since you gave me the method, it is inevitable for me to step into the legend, and even the legend can be fought for. However, achieving the legend in this way is unrecognizable.

Of course, it's not that I want my father to recognize me, but...

Don't laugh at me when I say it.

In the beginning, my desire to become a legend was just a simple dream.

After learning about the deeds of Ralph and Abel, I wanted to become a legend. I wanted to prove that the path of Abel was the most suitable path for the Raging Dragon.

땤Now, I still want to become a legend, but my goal is to find another path for the Raging Dragon, one that will be easier for them to accept.

땤And, if I become 녌놅, then I should be at a high level in Raging Dragon 껣.

At that time, it should be easier for me to gain support from the Raging Dragon if I said, "Magic has not abandoned the Raging Dragon."

The weakest giant dragon, the giant dragon 껣shame, the giant dragon 껣中놅Crazy떚, 껣kind놅name, no group wants to carry it all the time, it belongs to the glory of the angry dragon, and it has never been able to be carried...

I want to try it! "

Werther was silent.

Without saying anything else, he walked to the test bench and got busy.

Of course, he said he was busy, but in fact he was just busy because he was lying in front of the test bench, controlling his spirit.

Seeing this, Claude was stunned for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment: "Hey, don't stop talking!"

Witte put the processing materials into the test tube, then placed the test tube on the constant temperature array, injected the element 껣꺆 in a familiar way, and then said: "What did you say?"

The look of embarrassment on Claude's face was even worse, but he still said: "Of course I'm giving you an evaluation. To be honest, even if you laugh at me for not thinking too highly of myself, you can do other things instead of being silent. I'm more comfortable."

Witt was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "How unconfident you are!"

After a pause, Witt said with a serious face: "Don't worry, I don't mean to make fun of you. Although I don't understand what the ultimate power is, I think it takes extreme determination to master such power.

You can't do this!

If you don't even believe that you can master the ultimate power, how can you master it.

As for the dream...

Set a difficult but not impossible goal, and work hard for it, isn't this a dream?!

As for my refining potions...

There are not many potions left. If you want to keep these two injuries on your body, I can stop and continue to chat with you."

Hearing this, Claude blushed. (Of course, it's still not that kind of thing, it's so convenient to have scales on your face!)

"Sorry! I will pay you for those potions with coins later."

"Of course I have to pay!

If you don't give me coins, then I will lose.

However, just pay half. After all, the injuries on your body were caused by me, and I am not the winner of that battle.

I am not qualified to say "the loser bears everything".

No more, I have to concentrate on refining potions.


This damn Lei Ji!"

Watching Witte cursing while refining potions, Claude fell silent.

He didn't say anything else, but he remembered Witte's kindness.


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