Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 328 The highest pursuit of alchemy!

Chapter 328 The highest pursuit of alchemy!

"You finally figured it out?"

Hearing this, Werther couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you say 늀놊땣 in other words? Every time I come to your place, this is the first sentence I hear."

Hearing this, Antasha thought for a while.

"You figured it out? Finally!"

Werther slapped his forehead and raised his left paw to indicate to Antasha that she wanted to stop talking.


First of all, I didn’t have it figured out;

Secondly, I think everyone in my generation can figure it out;

Finally, I have something to do with you! "

Hearing this, Antasha raised her eyebrows, and then gave a rather bored laugh.

"Say it!

You are obviously a young dragon, but you have more things to do than us adult dragons. I don’t know where you come from so many things every day.

If we are talking about those businesses, there is actually no need to work so hard. "

As she said that, a flash of reminiscence flashed in Antasha's eyes.

"I was once just like you, I wanted to grow up quickly, I wanted to become stronger quickly, I wanted to put all the alchemy knowledge into my head.

Although I didn’t say it was that exaggerated, I basically did it.

Of course, it’s about the alchemy part.

Whether it’s growth or strength, the blood flowing in our body has already been planned for us.

Suddenly one day, I found that I had nothing to do.

Just like you now, my age limits my mental strength, my mental strength limits my alchemy level, and my affinity with elements also limits my pursuit of magic.

I just like this, lying on the counter, guessing what the customers are thinking.

놊Go to Zhen놅 and ask...

But I am the last one to be stubborn! "

Having said this, Antasha paused and then looked at Werther.

"You are very similar to me, but you are obviously luckier than me. You like not only alchemy, but also potions and magic circles. Your magic is also limited by your own elemental affinity.

However, on this road, you are more crazy than me.

Knowledge is infinite and has no end. However, our existence itself limits our acquisition of knowledge, including the so-called strong body that we are proud of.

I once thought about abandoning the physical body that only grows slowly over time, and replacing it with a mechanical dragon body with infinite potential, shattering the dragon crystal, and letting the dragon soul get rid of the constraints of elemental affinity and mental power growth..."

When she said this, Antasha's eyes burst into unusual enthusiasm, but soon she returned to her previous lazy appearance.

"It's done!"

Werther looked at Antasha in surprise.

He never thought that this dragon who had nothing to do every day would have such crazy ideas.

He actually wanted to use alchemy on himself.

Although Antasha has now returned to her previous appearance, judging from the fanatical attitude of the other party just now, as long as there is a chance, the other party is absolutely willing to abandon her flesh and blood body.

It’s good to be alive!

Witte sighed and couldn't help but remind him: "Since you are so interested in alchemy, you should be unfamiliar with the world's number one skull, Dragon Os!"

Hearing this, Antasha sneered.

"Little boy, you have lived for a fraction of my life, and in terms of alchemy, in my opinion, you are like a young dragon that has just spread its wings. I need you to remind me about this kind of thing.

I know better than you that dragon body alchemy is taboo.

Moreover, you should know what the ultimate goal of dragon body alchemy is! "

Werther was stunned for a moment.

He has read the records related to Dragon Body Alchemy, but they all describe the terrible consequences of this forbidden knowledge, but none of the Dragon Body Alchemy mentioned the ultimate goal of Dragon Body Alchemy.

Seeing Werther's confused look, Antasha grinned.

"It's eternity!"

Witte's brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Is there really eternity?"

"It depends on how you look at it. However, there is one of the most precious things in this world that is eternal!"

Werther moved.



Antasha's answer was somewhat ambiguous, and then she waved her paw lazily.

"Anyway, I think you're going too hastily and covering too wide a range.

Maybe your life is fulfilling now, but the harder you work, the emptier you will be later on.

After you grow to a certain stage, the restrictions are lifted, and you can acquire more knowledge. You will be enriched again, and then repeat the previous steps.

Wandering between fullness and emptiness, in the end, you will painfully find that you have gone to the other extreme. Knowledge is infinite, but life is limited!

Alchemy, potions, magic circles, and magic are all attracting you to stop and explore, but you don't have enough time to do these.

At this time, basically all dragons who have reached this point will automatically focus on one thing.


I am relatively stupid and lazy, so I crawled out of this whirlpool early.

You are very smart and hard-working, and I am afraid that you will fall into it.

Of course, I just saw what I used to be like from you, so I can’t help but remind you that it’s your own business to listen to. "

After a pause, Antasha suddenly grinned.

"To be honest, I regret reminding you now.

I really want to know, when you used Os to remind me to touch the Dragon Body Alchemy, but in the end you resolutely invested all of yourself in the Dragon Body Alchemy in pursuit of eternal life.

Will you remember this scene today?

At that time, will you regret, insist, or not care, or you simply don't remember it.

Witt, make a promise!

I'm really lazy, and I'm ready to stay in the Sky City for my whole life. If I die, I will die here.

If you really get to that step, can you come here and tell me your answer? "

As she said, Antasa's eyes were full of curiosity and expectation.

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled.

"Although I know that I will definitely get to that step, but... I've accepted this promise, and I hope you won't be too disappointed by then! "

Antasha said with a smile: "How can I be disappointed? The point is that my guess is not right, but what I expect is your future!

For me, if I have a perfect image like you, will my dragon life be perfect?"

Witt was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "It feels like you are just talking about the tragedy that happened to another dragon!"

Hearing this, Antasa was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

"Metenulos, he is my teacher!"

Witt was curious.

"Why do you say he is?"

Antasha glanced at Witt.

"Because I have never seen him, I just read one of his alchemy notes, but he is undoubtedly a great alchemist. It is just a note that made me what I am now.

He didn't know me at all, but I regarded him as a teacher and sincerely hoped that he had reached the end of alchemy. "


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