Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 317 There is a library here!

When he learned that the one he had fought with Kadi was an angry dragon, Witt's fighting spirit was rekindled.

Unlike the half-way-changed Olido, the close combat of angry dragons is an old tradition.

If he could fight with the opponent, it would be a great improvement for Witt's close combat.

On the other side, Tian Zhen obviously noticed Witt's thoughts and hurriedly said, "If you want to fight, you may have to wait for several days.

Claude has just left his childhood and his control of rage is a little poor.

For the time being, he can't use the power of rage continuously."

Tian Zhen's words were like a basin of cold water, which directly extinguished the flames of war in Witt.

With a sigh, Witt flew to the counter and waved his claws lazily.

"You can take it yourself, I'm a little tired!"

Hearing this, Tian Zhen rolled his eyes.


Just now I saw you were quite motivated!

However, he didn't say anything. After all, he was an old customer. He went straight to the shelf, took the potion he needed, and then put the empty coin on the counter.

"Let's go!"

At this time, Witt suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, Tianzhen, do you know where in the Sky City you can get books on magic?"

Magic is not static. If Witt wants to make spiritual magic go further, he must constantly absorb all kinds of magic knowledge and keep up with the pace of magic progress.

He had noticed this when he fought with Candice before.

Although it was the same magic, the magic spells recited by the two dragons were different.

The dragons watching might not hear it clearly, and the magic was not released, so the feeling was not too obvious.

However, Witt, who was on the battlefield, wrote this down.

Later, he used the magic circle to restore both magics, and found that Candice's magic spell was obviously shorter than his.

Of course, the magic power was weakened accordingly.

But the weakening was not much.

Moreover, the magic was called Dark Chain, a 30-node dark element binding magic, and the effect was that a dark element-shaped chain suddenly emerged from the enemy's shadow.

Therefore, the main function of this magic was sneak attack, which was a prelude to subsequent magic.

Weakening the power a little in exchange for a shorter spell, faster chanting, and more unexpected effects, it was really a big profit!

Desidero is an ancient dragon's nest, and the types of magic collected are indeed complete. There are many dragons, and the speed of magic progress is not slow.

But no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the wisdom of the entire dragon clan.

Like this dark chain, Witte's spell is longer than Candice's.

If Witt's chanting speed hadn't been fast enough, Candice's magic would have been released successfully.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Desidero is isolated from the outside. In fact, Desidero also has many dragons walking outside, and they will bring the changes outside back to the dragon nest.

Then Desidero's dragons will study and change these changes into a shape suitable for Desidero.

Don't think wrongly, here we are referring to the changes in magic, magic circles, alchemy and potions.

After all, not all changes are good and suitable for all dragons.

In short, after that battle, the idea of ​​understanding the changes in magic in the outside world has been lingering in Witt's mind.

But I've been busy recently and have no time to do this.

But not now.

The appearance of the sea of ​​thunder is bound to slow down many adventurous activities outside. After all, if you choose to live in the sky city, the thunder dragon is still the first.

For the Thunder Dragon, the Thunder Sea is a rare opportunity to practice for four months a year.

Some activities must give way to becoming stronger.

There are fewer dragons going out for adventures, fewer consumables such as magic circles and potions, and Witte does not have to stay in the laboratory for a long time.

A lot of time is freed up.

Hearing Witte's words, Tian Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witte with a strange expression.

"Don't you know that there is a library in the Sky City!"

"There is a library here!"

Witte was surprised!

There is actually a library in a dragon city-state!

You know, the dragon city-state is essentially a place where a bunch of dragons live freely.

What is freedom?

It means you can come and go as you like.

For the city-state, it means that if you like to live, you can live, if you don't like to live, you can leave, or you can make trouble.

Therefore, places like libraries are completely incompatible with the free and easy atmosphere of the city-state, and building a library is a thankless task.

Witt had never thought about the library before.

He wanted to ask Tian Zhen if there were any dragons who liked to collect books related to magic, but he didn't expect that he would get unexpected gains.

"Of course there is a library!

Otherwise, why did the Sky City come up with so many cumbersome regulations?

It is to make the dragons who join here think carefully about whether it is worth paying a little freedom for some knowledge.

Of course, those who are willing to pay for freedom must be dragons who focus on knowledge.

Such dragons are naturally welcome in the Sky City.

The library is in the central area of ​​the Sky City. You can find it there. However, if you want to go to the library, you need to prepare empty coins. There is a fee there."

After that, Tianzhen and Shanyue walked outside.

Kadi looked at Witt and said, "I have been living in Shanyue's house recently. I will tell Claude about your ideas. If there is no problem with Claude, I will come to you again!"

Hearing this, Witt came back to his senses and nodded, and then added: "You just heard that I am going to the library recently.

If you come and I am not here, you should tell Celine and the others.

I will find you when I come back!"

"No problem!"

After that, Kadi spread his wings and chased after Tianzhen and the others.

Watching the three dragons leave, Witt looked outside... Well, there was a sea of ​​thunder in the sky, and the sky was completely invisible, but the law of time gave him a clear time.

It was not long before the sky darkened.

Thinking that no more dragons would come at this time, Witt closed the store door and went straight into the laboratory.

The center of the Sky City is not close to here. If he flies at full speed in one day, there will be no problem in going back and forth.

However, since he finally went out, he had to go shopping.

In addition, the library might not lend books out. If it didn't lend them out, he couldn't leave them there to read.

In this way, he would definitely not be able to come back in a day.

As for lending books... Witt thought it was unlikely.

The library of the Desidero Dragon's Nest does not lend books. After all, dragons have good memories at times, but poor memories at times. It is normal for them to forget to return borrowed things!

Therefore, Witt had to work overtime to get the goods in the store, Redek's needs, and the orders from the Sky City ready.

"Alas... Another sleepless night!"


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