Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 314 Ollidolph's strength!

Chapter 314 The strength of Aoli Dao!

In the training ground, the dragons were leaning against the wall, lying or standing, and all their eyes were focused on the two dragons on the field... It should be like this!

But at this time, their eyes were curiously looking at Gedra who was standing alone not far away.

I can't help it, it's too boring on the court.

녤 thought that 땣 was enough to appreciate an extremely fierce close combat.

As a result, Vittorio has been circling the court for nearly ten minutes and has not started fighting yet.

They have gone from being very interested at first to being completely uninterested now.

In comparison, this new dragon made them more interested.

Under the gaze of many eyes for a long time, Gedra finally couldn't hold it any longer, turned to look at the dragons, and said with a smile: "Guys, is there something wrong with you looking at me like this?"

Listening to these words, the responses of the dragons are different.

Linstar Agnar looked at each other, and then silently opened the distance between him and Gedra. Celine continued to look at Gedra curiously, while Antavana...

She raised a brow.


As she said that, she looked at Gedra with an evil look.

Gedra was confused.

"Well, 놖 has long since escaped childhood. To 놖, aren't you all 께 guys?"


Antavana's expression froze, and then she fell silent.

It’s impossible to refute!

What she hates is when other dragons talk about her age and body shape, but if her age is mentioned alone, it's a normal conversation, and she's not that sensitive.


Antavana looked at Gedra, still feeling unhappy!

However, since the other party didn't say anything wrong and was much stronger than her, Antawana couldn't easily get angry.

Of course, in this case, she would definitely not give the other party a good look.

"The fight started!"


At this moment, Linstar suddenly spoke up.

At the same time, a sound of hard metal colliding sounded in the training room, instantly attracting the attention of all the dragons.

On the court, Werther faced Oli Dao's sudden, rain-like offensive, and could only keep defending.

At the same time, he felt a little helpless.

Aoli Dao's size is similar to his, and the two dragons agreed not to use breath magic. After all, Aoli Dao doesn't know magic, and Witte's breath is too powerful to be used in the training room.

In this case, who wins between the two dragons depends on their combat experience and physical strength.

Therefore, at the beginning, the two dragons were not just circling, they were looking for each other's weaknesses.

As a result, the situation on Antavanna Gadra's side attracted Werther's attention for a moment, and then Oli Dao seized the opportunity and attacked fiercely.

Moreover, compared to the four-legged Werther, the two-legged Aoli Dao is more flexible in terms of attack.

The tiger wields a pair of dragon claws, and the dragon scales at the end of its tail behind it, as sharp as a knife, will attack Witte's abdomen whenever there is an opening.

He has rich combat experience. I can only say that he is worthy of being a dragon who got lost in the Evernight Forest for more than thirty years and still came out intact!

Moreover, Witte could feel that Aoli Dao's dragon claws and dragon tails had a sharp aura that was as sharp as metal. When he grabbed it, the dragon scales on his body felt like they were grasping on a metal plate.

This puzzled Werther.

This situation only occurs when fighting the metal dragon.

And Aoli Dao is a mutation of a black dragon egg, so it shouldn't have the characteristics of a metal dragon. It seems that the power of Aoli Dao is not just the power of rules.

In other words, the power of that rule didn't just make him unlucky.

While thinking about it, Witte was dealing with Aoli Dao's offensive. As for the chance to attack... at least there is none now.

On the other side, Aoli Dao was also amazed in his heart.

No one knows his situation better than himself!

Although he is not a metal dragon, due to the existence of that power, he is still able to absorb the power from the ore, making his dragon scales harder and the blades on his dragon claws and tail sharper.

However, the results of his efforts so far have fallen on Werther's body. Apart from a series of scratches, he can't hurt the opponent at all.

Moreover, he felt clearly enough that Werther's power was still in him.

Every time the claws fell on his body, although the dragon scales were fine, there was a huge force that penetrated the dragon scales and acted on his body, which was quite uncomfortable.

In addition, Witte's body temperature is very high. For an adult dragon, it is just a little hot, but for Aoli Dao, who is about the same age as Witte, it is really hot.

Even though his dragon scales were strengthened by various metal ores, he did not dare to pester Witte for a long time.

But if he is not able to guarantee his offensive as he is now, when Witt pounces, the situation he will face will be even more difficult.

Therefore, Aoli Dao is now in a dilemma.

If he continues to maintain the current offensive, he will be burned by Werther's body temperature. If he retreats, he will face Werther's attack.

In a nutshell, it’s just one sentence.

He is no match for Werther!

Not because of his fighting skills, but because of his pure physical fitness!


Aolidao was attacking frantically, his tail was leaving afterimages, but his eyes were flashing with an emotion called joy.

This battle was not just about winning or losing.

Thinking of this, Aolidao's attack became more fierce, and his dragon claws swung faster, even leaving blood-red afterimages in the air.

It was not the elements, nor the injuries, but the color of his claws.

On the other side, facing Aolidao's fast and slow attack, his eyes were calm.

He was still waiting!

Aolidao's power was not strong either. When it fell on him, his dragon scales were fine, and his body bore the force of the claws.

However, these were not important. As long as the opportunity came, he would win!


Outside the field, the dragons looked at the two figures flying and colliding on the field, and listened to the endless sounds of tearing the air and violent collisions, and their dragon blood boiled!

However, they also knew that if they were to take the field, they would not be able to hold on even for a moment.

This was not a matter of realm, but a difference in size and physical fitness.

In terms of excitement, the battle between magicians was naturally wonderful, but if there was anything that excited the dragon and made him want to take part in the battle himself, it was always the collision between bodies.

That was the aesthetics of power!

On the field!

Olido's pupils suddenly shrank.

After being exposed to high temperatures for a long time, his claws finally couldn't stand it. Facing Witt's body, his claws subconsciously slowed down for a moment!

The next moment, the offense and defense changed!

Witt seized the momentary mistake of Olido, and his wings suddenly spread open. The huge force directly lifted Olido, who was entangled with him, away.

Then, for the first time, his claws actively grabbed towards Ollidao...

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