Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 306 A group of gossipy dragons!

Brontosaurus is partying!

The other dragons were watching silently, their eyes full of envy!

Four months!

It is impossible to improve to a small level, but progress cannot be made small.

Shaking his head, Werther retracted his envious gaze, and then noticed Avery beside him. He was stunned for a moment, and Werther asked with some confusion: "Avery, why don't you go?"


How could you not go?

However, as the leader of a group, I cannot value the immediate benefits.

Today's hunting is not finished yet, and the young dragon still needs to be taken care of by the dragon.

Ha ha!

Stop talking, I have to go back and make arrangements quickly. The clan is about to get into chaos! "

After saying that, Avery called to Hess who was following Linstar, and then the two dragons flew towards the tribe.

Looking at Avery's back, Antasha's eyes flashed with appreciation.

"Quite a leader!"

Werther smiled and nodded.

"That's for sure. If he didn't have this quality, he wouldn't be the executor of the pilgrimage."

With that said, Werther looked at Kong Kong again.

The appearance of the sea of ​​thunderstorms exploded a bunch of strong men.

The strongest one is undoubtedly Boredia. In addition, there is also a brontosaurus that is over 껜 meters in size, and a brontosaurus that is close to 껜 meters in size.

The latter is of the same race as Boredia, and is also a dragon with the element of thunder.

"Do you know that thunder element dragon?"

Antasha looked in the direction that Witte was pointing, and then nodded.


There is a dragon who has settled in Sky City for more than two years. His name is Lei. He lives in Block 12 and runs a restaurant. I highly recommend you give it a try!

That guy likes to make food, and the food in his store is all made by him himself, which is pretty good!

Don't look at me with such a suspicious expression.

He often goes to Yongye Forest to collect ingredients. He goes to Yongye Forest from Block 12. If he doesn't want to take a detour, he will definitely pass by Block 6 where we are.

After passing each other back and forth a lot, we gradually got to know each other.

What's more, Boredia is here too.

As members of the same race, although there is a huge difference in strength, we can chat easily. One likes to make food and the other likes to drink. Do you think they have a good relationship? "

Werther suddenly understood, but still looked at Antasha with a bit of suspicion.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Antasha mentioned Lei, there was a hint of gnashing of teeth. Of course, he might have heard wrongly.

"If you have a chance, you can try it!"

As for Lei’s strength…

You may not believe it if you can't tell. Even though Boredia looks drunk, this guy is considered a super talent among the dragons.

With a body of one to two hundred meters, this means that Boredia is not an old dragon, but a mature dragon, about eight years old.

Nearly half of the dragons are at this age, which is a high-ranking amethyst.

Those who practice a little bit of talent can break through to the lower level of legend.

The legendary 꿗 position is a talented person.

But Boredia is a legend.

And Lei's size is less than one meter, so this means that he is in his sixties, and his strength is at the top of Amethyst from the aura.

With his age and strength, he is considered a talent.

Two years is enough time to break through to the legendary status.

As for why it took so long to break through to the legendary level... this is the problem of the dragon itself.

If you have a long lifespan, high talents, and a faster cultivation speed, then this dragon world will belong to the dragon.

Therefore, like fertility rate, slow cultivation is also an important factor limiting the development of dragons.

Of course, the slowness here does not mean the slowness of absorbing the power of elements.

The dragon absorbs elements at the fastest speed among the three dragon clans, but it cannot hold up the dragon crystal reserves in the body. When the storage is about the same, the dragon crystal will even automatically compress the power of the elements.

Therefore, regardless of the strength of the giant dragons in their prime, their combat power is enough to compete with the legendary dragons.

The earth dragon is not good. The individual strength of the earth dragon is slightly weaker than that of the giant dragon, but in terms of element reserves, the earth dragon cannot compare with the giant dragon of the same realm.

Therefore, the flying dragon is still the shame of the dragon clan!

However, Feilong is not completely useless. Feilong is the dragon clan and the fastest in cultivation. If you have enough talent, you can often break through a small realm in more than ten years.

Of course, this refers to being under legend. If you break through legend, Feilong will not have the advantage.

In this regard, 놙놋大龙놋 has the advantage that once the time comes, even if the talent is not very good, he can automatically understand the rules corresponding to the affinity elements and become a legend.

Therefore, it can be seen from the speed of cultivation that Boredia is really a super talent.

Looking at Boredia wandering in the sea of ​​​​thunder, let alone, it really looks like that now. No wonder that 꽭 came here specially and left a message: Wait to admire his majestic appearance!

Thinking like this, Werther's eyes turned to a dragon not far away from Boredia.

"That's the superconducting dragon, right? Who is he? His relationship with Boredia seems unusual."

Hearing this, Antasha looked at Werther with some surprise.

"You can actually see it!"

After a pause, she continued: "However, it's not him, but her. Her name is Anne, and like Boredia, she is also one of the twelve consuls of the Sky City.

I once had an affair with that drunk guy, but he dumped her later. "


Witt was stunned for a moment, then looked at the superconducting dragon with some surprise.

The body size of nearly 1200 meters shows that she should be about the same age as Boredia.

The strength is not weak either, a legendary.

"I think they are quite suitable, why did Boredia dump her?"

Hearing what Witt said, Antasa lowered her voice and said: "I'm telling you, don't tell anyone, after all, this involves Boredia's private affairs.

Annie has a bad temper. She was not originally a dragon from the Sky City. She originally lived in the Evernight Forest.

When Boredia first stood up for the thunder dragons of the Sky City, Anne, who had the same idea about the Sky City, also fought with Boredia.

After losing, she fell in love with Boredia.

But Poredia said that she liked dragons with good personalities, so she learned to control her temper and joined the Sky City.

In order to pursue Poredia, she took on the position of the Twelve Archons.

Poredia also thought they were quite suitable, so she accepted Anne.

But you also know what Poredia is like usually. Not only is she drunk every day, but she also often hangs out outside. "

"Then what?" *6

Antasha glanced at the six dragons who suddenly spoke, and her mouth twitched.

When did they come around?

However, she didn't dwell on it too much, but continued: "First of all, Anne, who couldn't stand Poredia's usual appearance, gave Poredia a choice.

'Choose wine, or choose me', she asked!"

"Then what? *6"

"Then it became like this!"


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