Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 298 A dragon with full special effects!

Antasha finally left with a look of reluctance. No matter what conditions she used to tempt him, Witt had no intention of showing her the full posture.

"Damn it, the more I show you, the more I want to see it!"

Looking back at Witt's shop, Antasha muttered.

Then she looked up at the sky, where clouds had begun to gather.

Of course, this range is not just the Sky City, but includes the entire Sky Plain, the Evernight Forest, the Inland Sea, and most of the Morton Mountains.

In the next few months, these places will become the domain of thunder.

Of course, the Sky Plain is where thunder gathers. Here, all the thunder will gather into a sea of ​​thunderstorms covering the entire Sky Plain.

And the Sky City is the central area of ​​this sea of ​​thunderstorms.

These are all natural, so this place will be favored by the Lord of the Sky, Luo.

Of course, when Antash looked at the sky, she must be looking forward to the arrival of the sea of ​​thunder.

She is a black dragon, with a good affinity for water and earth elements, and rich in thunder elements. She has no relationship with the sky coin, and even if the thunder element becomes active, it will cause many inconveniences.

The reason why Antash looked at it was because she suddenly remembered that the fire element in Witt's body was somewhat different from the fire element of other dragons. The breath composed entirely of fire elements was much more domineering than the normal fire element breath.

However, the fire element and the fire element can coexist with each other. No matter which element is too active, it will suppress the other element.

If the fire element in Witt's body is so overbearing, then if the thunder element suppresses it...

Thinking of this, Antasa's eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

"Okay, I have to come often in the future!"

Muttering, Antasa walked briskly towards her own shop. She knew that she could feast her eyes in the next few months.

However, when she thought of Olidov's alchemical works, her face became ugly again.


After sending Antasa away, Sanlong went to find Linsda again.

After a brief excitement, Sanlong regretted it again. As a companion, how could he pit his own dragon!

However, when they knocked on Linsda's room, they were shocked to find that Linsda, who was holding his tail and looking sad, had only a dozen leaves left on his tail.

Why do you feel like you want to be completely bald?

The three dragons looked at each other, and this was the common idea in their eyes.

Of course, it's OK now.

They came to apologize, and they were just adding fuel to the fire.

Resisting the idea of ​​teasing Linsda, Sanlong apologized and finally got Linsda's forgiveness.

However, Linsda knew that Sanlong, who was full of apologies on the surface, was secretly thinking about how to get rid of the last dozen leaves without knowing it.

But at least he regained his calm on the surface.

Due to the long-term cooperation with the Sky City, and the sufficient inventory of magic arrays, Witt also began to have some free time... That's possible!

With the increase of element nodes, the number of permutations and combinations between element nodes is also increasing, which means that the number of magic is also increasing.

Moreover, since each dragon has the same hobbies and focuses, the same type of magic can be played by dragons in a variety of ways.

In addition, mental magic is a coverage area.

Therefore, Witt spends more and more time on mental magic.

If you do this, mental magic is not mental magic, but funny magic.

The opponent uses a magic that you have never seen before. By the time you analyze the location of the element nodes, they have already been beaten.

Instead of that, it is better to show your claws directly!

I want to do some work on the time rune, but my mental power level is too low. The time rune doesn't work at all. Only when I use the only time magic, I can draw out some power.

In this case, Witt can only learn every magic step by step.

At this point, mental magic is no longer just a way to make up for the lack of combat power in magic, but a kind of obsession from the depths of the dragon blood.

Even if the absorption of elements in my body is controlled and I can use magic, Witt is ready to give up the practice of mental magic.

Of course, in addition to practicing, Witt gradually pays attention to Lei Ji's changes.

Because I noticed that even with my control, my body temperature will still rise if I pay a little attention.

Although it is not out of control, if controlling body temperature before is like eating and drinking water, then controlling body temperature now is like moving bricks upstairs.

Moreover, as time goes by, the bricks moved become more and more, and the stairs climbed become higher.

In short, it is getting harder and harder to control.

After careful investigation, Witt found that it was not that Witt's control over himself became weaker, but that the increasingly active thunder element seemed to have aroused the white flame in Witt's element lungs, which had been dormant when Witt used the white breath.

Speaking of this kind of flame, Witt had already asked Billy and O, and there was no flame in their element lungs, but only a space that could accommodate a large amount of element power for a short time and release it with all its strength.

This point is much different from Witt's water element lungs.

Therefore, Witte is basically certain that the fire element lungs are a sign that 놛 has inherited the power of 놛's father's breath.

Of course, according to Dad, it is only a partial inheritance.

놛Dad is the supreme being beyond mythology.

The supreme power, even if it is partially inherited, is something that ordinary people cannot touch.

Therefore, Lei 꽮Su's activity made the blazing white flames in the lungs of Veit Fire 꽮Su also become active.

The result is that Werther is increasingly controlling his body temperature.

"This is just the beginning!"

Werther stood in front of the store, looking at the thick clouds above where the sun could already be seen, and muttered in distress.

At this time, the special effects on 놛 were almost full.

With the idea that since he can control it, he might as well let it go completely, Witte directly controlled his own body temperature. Since the store was protected by a magic circle, there was no need to worry about damaging the building.

As for the shelves... you can't get close now. They are just ordinary metal materials. As long as you get a little closer, those metal shelves will start to become red hot.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter. On the other hand, no matter what he does, it is all controlled by mental power.

After letting go of his body temperature, Werther naturally showed his true self. The lava-shaped tattoo on his chest can be said to have caused the air around Werther to become distorted due to the terrifying high temperature.

On the next level, there is crackling electric light.

Of course, it was Witte who had newly awakened the Lei꽮Su affinity, but the Lei꽮Su in the surrounding air was fighting against the fire 꽮Su that became active around 놛.

If we look into the reason carefully, the other dragons looked at it and thought that Werther was a mutated silver dragon that was closely related to thunder and fire!

Don't tell me, it's really handsome!

At least Antasha spent more time running to Werther's store than she did in 놇子껧's store!

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