Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 290: Coming from that place, it’s okay!

Chapter 290 That one from Fang is fine!

Looking at the back of the strange dragon, Witte thought for a while and shouted: "Redek!"

Hearing Werther's shout, Redecker turned his head in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"There are some things that 놖 knows better than you!"

As he said that, Witte glanced at the unfamiliar dragon, and then looked at Redecker again.

Redek pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the strange dragon and said with a smile: "Although this guest is a bit incredible, I have to say that what he said is correct."

"Just call me 놖霙冰!"

As he said that, Kuo Bing looked at Redecker and then at Witte.

He is not stupid, he naturally understands that both dragons have seen what is happening to him, and if the other party is willing to receive him, there may be a solution.

He has been tortured by this power for several years and can no longer drag it out.

Thinking of this, Kuo Bing nodded.

"Then let's come together!"

Hearing this, Werther followed with Celine and Antavanna.

Entering the room again, Witte couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then looked at Redecker.

"Are you using this place to receive Boredia again?"

Hearing this, Redick looked at the room decorated with many golden decorations, his face gloomy.

“That bastard snuck in on his own.

Picked them all!

Nothing left!

The remaining ones were cut out relatively completely and glued on again. "

Witte glanced at Redecker sympathetically, and then looked at Ao Bing, who was looking at him curiously.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Witte. I open a shop selling potions and magic circles in the center of this street. I can basically see your situation.

You are infected by the power of the abyss, and because it has been too long, this power has invaded your dragon crystal! "

Whether you have real ability or not can often be heard in just a few words.

After hearing what Werther said, Kuo Bing's expression turned solemn.

"It turns out it's called the power of the abyss. How to solve it?"

Witte was not surprised at all that Kuo Bing didn't know what the power he had been carrying for so many years was called.

If it weren't for his old magic power, he wouldn't know what it is, let alone that the other party is a power outside the dragon world.

After hearing the other party's question, Witte frowned.

"There is a way, but it depends on whether you are willing.

This power has been in your body for many years. I'm afraid it has already become familiar with your power, so you can't get rid of it! "

Hearing this, Kuo Bing sighed helplessly.


At first, he was only fighting with a weird-looking thing that, uh... wasn't a dragon beast anyway, and was injured when the opponent fought back desperately.

Although he killed the thing, the power still caught up with him.

He didn't take the wound seriously at first. After all, an injury of that level could be cured by just sleeping.

But as a result, when he woke up, not only did he not get better, but he got worse.

After discovering that his 꽮 element power could counteract that force, he used the 꽮 element power to clean it up.

At that time, I thought it was cleaned and the wound was healed.

However, it didn't take long for that power to grow stronger in him.

During the second cleanup, he had realized that there was no way to eradicate that force on its own.

But he is a lone dragon and has no dragon he knows, so he can only spend time with the other party. This time is spent for several years, and during this time, this power has infected the dragon crystal, and even more Can't get it off.

Of course, he did not sit still and wait for death. In the past few years, he left the place where he originally lived and searched everywhere just to find a dragon city-state.

It was impossible to go to the Dragon Nest. Compared with the dragon city-states, the Dragon Nest was quite exclusive, and he did not trust the Dragon Nest.

For a lone dragon, the dragon city-state is much more trustworthy than the dragon nest.

Seeing that the other party understood his situation, Werther stopped circling.

"In your situation, you can only let a dragon that is stronger than you use the power of 꽮prime to wash away your dragon crystal, so that the power of the abyss can be eliminated.

In this case, you have to trust the helping dragon.

놖I know very well that if you just find a dragon, you won’t be able to trust it.

So, 놖wonders, what level of trust can you give?

Uh... Okay, this is not important.

Because he is..."

However, before Werther could finish speaking, Redecker hurriedly said: "Werter, do this yourself!"

As he said that, Redecker's chest puffed up.

"Listen up, 놖 is the store manager of 'Wind Dragon's Table', the leader of the Wind Dragon Clan, the president of the Wind Dragon Trading Company, the Sky City diplomat, the Sky City Chamber of Commerce manager, the Sky City financial officer, and the Sky City 굛One of the two consuls—Redek!”

Hearing this, Werther, Celine and the others looked at each other, and both were speechless.

Needless to say, such a long list of names really shocked Kuo Bing.

However, after being stunned for a moment, the first thing that Kuo Bing did when he came back to his senses was to look at Redecker warily.


Upon hearing this, Redeker's chest instantly collapsed.

"What a lie!

If you go out and ask around, who doesn’t know that Redecker’s long list of names are all serious positions in Sky City! "

Hearing this, Kuo Bing couldn't help turning his head to look at Werther.

Werther nodded helplessly.

“Although his name is a little longer, those positions are really attached to him.

Don't look at him like this, he is really a senior executive of Sky City.

In addition, if Redecker, who has such an identity, cannot gain your trust, then I really don’t know what to do about your problems. "

Kuo Bing shook his head and kept scanning Redek's body with a critical gaze.

"The senior officials of the dragon city-state can still be trusted, but he..."

Seeing Redecker's rebuttal, Witte hurriedly said: "If you don't believe his words, I can introduce you to another consul, who is also one of the two consuls.

However, I want to know where you got the aura of the abyss from.

In addition, what is the specific torture you mentioned that lasted for many years?

Of course, I am not inquiring about your situation, I just want to know more about this power. To be honest, this power is much more dangerous than you think! "

Hearing this, Pao Bing waved his claws casually.

“There’s nothing that can’t be said about this.

The abyssal power on 놖 was caused by the scar left on 놖's body when he fought with a strange-looking thing that had nothing to do with the dragon beast many years ago.

I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, and then it became what it is now. "

Hearing this, Witte's eyes narrowed.

"Abyss Beast, where did you meet it?"

"Big Icefield!"

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then he felt relieved.

"You're from that place, so it's okay!"

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