Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 29 The Concentration of Dragon Blood

"...This magic is only possessed by giant dragon species, and is called origin magic!"

After a pause, Winters continued: "Of course it can also be called blood magic. In addition to breathing, we dragons also have an origin magic, which is flying!"

Having said this, Winters looked at Witte and said helplessly: "The breath is different. Flying requires the magic elements floating in the air.

Therefore, you cannot use this magic.

But, as I said before, Werther, don't be discouraged, believe me, everything will get better soon! "

Not only is she verbose, but Werther is also very easy to feel inferior because of why others can do it but I can't!

In order to ensure that Werther can grow up positively and optimistically, Winters must always keep these words on his lips.

Sure enough, after hearing Winters' words, Werther, who had been a little disappointed just now, cheered up again.

"Okay, let's continue talking!

Breathing and flying is the origin magic of our dragon species, but this does not mean that without the dragon species, there is no origin magic. Every kind of giant dragon, and even some dragon beasts, have origin magic!

You've seen it before, did anyone think of it? "

After hearing this, Wu Jing began to think carefully, and soon, Werther's eyes lit up.


Winters smiled and said: "Very good, Werther, just as the ball dragons expand, the moment they feel danger, they will absorb the wind element into their bodies.

If such rapid changes in elements can only be explained by the flow of 놆뇾 elements, obviously 놆 will not work.

Although it doesn't seem like much to us, and its power is almost negligible, it is indeed a kind of origin magic!

Origin magic does not need to be learned, only practiced!

Moreover, origin magic cannot be learned. Even if the magic effect is similar, origin magic still cannot be copied.

Therefore, only two creatures can use the dragon's breath.

The giant dragon species, and the innate dragon beasts bred from the eggs of the giant dragon species! "

Five people were shocked!

"The Innate Dragon Beast can actually make the giant dragon breathe!?"

Winters glanced at Billy, and then corrected: "Innate dragon beasts must be bred from dragon eggs to be able to use them. Innate dragon beasts bred from eggs of other dragons cannot use dragons." interest.

In addition, the only two origin magics they can use are breathing and flying. As for the reason..."

Winters paused for a moment, then said: "There are two types of magic, the origin magic commonly used by dragon beasts and the dragon language magic used by dragons!

Origin magic represents talent, while dragon language magic represents wisdom! "

"Dragon beasts have no intelligence, so they can't use dragon language magic?"

Winters glanced at Celine appreciatively.

"That's right!

Therefore, the magic we want to learn is dragon language magic!

By the way, the power of dragon language magic, on the one hand, depends on the strength, on the other hand, the degree of control over the magic, and on the other hand, its power is related to the concentration of dragon blood!

Regarding the concentration of dragon blood, this concept is actually very abstract!

No dragon can say what the dragon's bloodline is, and we can't find it anywhere in our bodies.

But it does exist.

The concentration of dragon blood does not reflect elemental affinity or physical strength, but it does have a certain relationship.

Let’s give an example! "

As he said that, Winters looked at Werther.

"In the test the day before yesterday, I saw your elemental prowess in my eyes.

Naturally, Celine has the highest affinity, second O, third Dinnit, fourth Billy, and Werther the lowest!

The element affinity represents the degree of condensation of elements when using magic.

Well, under normal circumstances, when you use the dragon's breath, the order of power from high to low should be in this order.

But the fact is that Witte, who has the lowest elemental affinity, is the one with the most powerful dragon breath!

The reason why this occurs is because of the concentration of dragon blood.

Witte's dragon blood concentration is higher than all of you, even higher than mine. According to the current classification method of blood concentration, it is as high as more than 90/100%!

And your bloodline concentration is generally about 80/80. The only one who truly reaches above 80% is Celine! "

Having said this, Winters saw a hint of unwillingness on Ao's face and chuckled.

"You don't need to show this expression, because under normal circumstances, the dragon's 꺶 part is divided into more than 10, just like me, it has not reached 80.

The alien dragons are all over 80 years old, just like Celine and Werther.

Therefore, some dragon scholars believe that heterogeneous dragons are actually a kind of bloodline return to their ancestors. As for who returns, it is generally believed that the creation dragon Kewei, and some dragons think it is the dragon mother!

But these are not important. What is important, from Werther, we can see that among the factors that affect the power of magic, the concentration of dragon blood is included.

Otherwise, we simply cannot explain why Werther's breath is so strong.

He is even the last one among you to be born, which means that he is the lowest among you in terms of mental strength and magic element reserves.

Of course, this is only temporary. If you continue to bite the target and don't listen carefully, soon your mental level and magic element reserves will be surpassed by Witte! "

Billy laughed dryly and hurriedly lay down, but it could be seen from his swaying dragon tail that his heart still hadn't calmed down.

Winters shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Celine and the others seriously.

"Although Werther can't do magic now, it doesn't mean that he will never be able to do magic. In other words, Werther will definitely be able to do magic!

Because elements are not the only condition for magic. On top of elements, there are rules and laws!

Although speaking now, some are beyond your ability to understand, but, Werther, as long as you can step into the legend, the elements will no longer be restricted by your magic, only hard work will do!

By then, if you can use magic, with the blessing of a bloodline concentration of over 90, your magic power will far exceed the same realm, just like your breath! "

Listening to Winters' words, Werther's eyes were unusually bright!


After encouraging Werther, Winters secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This was actually what Boko reminded her. She hadn't done it with all her strength for many years, and she had almost forgotten that legendary cultivation does not involve elements, but the rules are more advanced than elements.

As for legend, not only magic can achieve legend, the body can also be legendary, and the rules are the iconic power of legend!

Moreover, the legend of the flesh...

Winters looked at Werther, such a strong dragon blood, more than just magic!

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