Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 288 Redek's identity!

"You actually know!"

Witt looked at Redek in surprise.

However, what surprised Witt was not that Redek knew the power of the abyss, but that he could say the four words "power of the abyss".

Redek was a big trader, and he must have participated in the dragon beast crystal core business in the Evernight Forest, so he must have known about the changes in the Evernight Forest.

However, although the four words "power of the abyss" were not deliberately prohibited from spreading, the origin of the power of the abyss was also prohibited from spreading.

But because the matter ended too quickly, it led to the fact that most dragons did not have a deep impression of the power of the abyss, and no dragon would deliberately inquire about the name of the power of the abyss.

Therefore, most dragons in Sky City knew that something had happened in the Evernight Forest, and then the change was resolved.

As for the deeper content... it was solved so quickly anyway, so it was a small matter, and there was no point in understanding it in depth.

And a big trader like Redek, who was in charge of everything, actually knew the four words "power of the abyss".

Redek was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt with a strange expression.

"In your opinion, what is my identity?"

Although Witt didn't know why Redek asked this, he still said without hesitation: "Big trader!"

After a pause, Witt glanced at the menu on the table.

"Uh... profiteer?"

Hearing this, Redek's face froze, and then he said dissatisfiedly: "What profiteer!

The black merchants who force buying and selling, the profiteers who sell inferior goods as good ones, the things I sell are clearly marked with prices, and you get what you pay for. How can you be a profiteer!"

Witt pointed to the menu.

"Vora Dragon Beast!"

"The wisdom of the merchant... Wait, am I talking about these things!

What I'm talking about now, besides the merchant, do you want to guess what other identities I have?"

Saying this, Redek straightened his back with a smug look on his face.

"You will never guess it!"

Witt looked at Redek and asked in confusion: "The chief of the Wind Dragon Clan behind you?

To be honest, apart from this, I really can't think of anything else. Could it be that you can also be a high-level official in Sky City?"


Redek smiled smugly.

"You are right!

I will introduce myself solemnly now.

The person standing in front of you is the manager of 'Wind Dragon's Table', the chief of the Wind Dragon Clan, the president of Wind Dragon Trade, the diplomat of Sky City, the manager of the Sky City Chamber of Commerce, the financial officer of Sky City, and one of the ten governors of Sky City - Redek!"

Hearing this, Witt Sanlong was stunned.

After a long time, Celine couldn't help but say: "What kind of reason do you have to put the manager of 'Wind Dragon's Table' and one of the ten governors of Sky City together?"

Witt and Antawana nodded, and this is what they wanted to say.


"Why would the diplomat, chamber of commerce administrator, finance officer and governor be placed on a dragon?"

Witt couldn't help but complain.

Hearing this, Redek's smile froze, and then he said angrily: "There must be no dragon willing to do these hard jobs, and then these positions can be placed on the governor's head.

In fact, ten governors will be more or less assigned some positions that no dragon wants to do.

The chief governor doesn't have these, that guy Winder..."


Redek took a look and looked at Antawana curiously.

"That guy is the highest-ranking guy in Sky City, except for the monarch. His full title is Sky City Chief Law Enforcement and Administration Officer, one level higher than the ten governors.

On the surface, it is like this, but in terms of title, the chief governor who will be called the governor, and the ten governors are basically called councilors.

Poredia is one of them.

Among the ten councilors, there are three dragons and two earth dragons, all of them are flying Dragon.

It's not about exclusion or anything. In fact, if it weren't for Winder's insistence, we wouldn't want this position, but the Sky City doesn't belong to us flying dragons. How can the dragons and earth dragons enjoy themselves without working hard? "

Witt couldn't help asking: "Those positions sound good, and they should all have real power, right? How come there are no dragons who want to take over these positions. "

Redek glanced at Witt and sneered.


That's because you don't see through the essence of these positions!"


"Let me ask you, what do you think the diplomat does?"

Witt thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "It should be responsible for the communication between Sky City and its dragon city-states or dragon nests!"


There is not even a decent dragon nest around Sky City. The nearest dragon city-state is called Free City, and it takes about eight years for a dragon to fly.


The diplomat's office hasn't been built yet!"

The three dragons were speechless for a while, and Witt couldn't help but say: "What's the point of setting up a diplomat position?"

"Just in case!"

Okay, no problem.

"What about the Chamber of Commerce Administrator?"

Redek looked around, then grinned and said in a low voice: "I fought for this position. With this position, it is very convenient for my Chamber of Commerce to run.

Through this post, I can legalize some business regulations that were originally vague! "

Profiteer! *3

This idea came to Werther Sanryong뀞꿗 at the same time.


"This...isn't something appropriate!"

Redick smiled and said: "It is indeed inappropriate, but we must not go too far. Wen De turned a blind eye. There is a degree in this, and I am very sure of it now." good.

So, this post is still off the top of my head. "

Hearing this, the Wittes didn't know what to say. It was outrageous to use their own power to make regulations to facilitate themselves.

“By the way, what about the financial officer?

This should be a good position. After all, he controls the finances of Sky City and has a lot of power. "

When Redke heard this, his face fell.

"You are overthinking. Wende has very tight financial supervision. After all, the empty currency system has only been established for a few hundred years. It can't get any oil or water out, and it is still very tiring. It's just because no one is willing to be a dragon. That's why. Thrown on my head."

"Then what?"

Werther's eyes were full of doubts.

"I see you are quite relaxed!"

Redecker spread his paws.

"It's just a waste, I don't want to be a part of it anyway.

As for financial matters, I have to deal with them myself. I am too lazy to take care of them.

It only takes until Wen De takes this position off my head. "

Witte asked helplessly: "Then when you mentioned these positions just now, you looked proud. I don't understand what you are so proud of."

Hearing this, Redick grinned.

"I love seeing other dragons' faces look shocked when they hear my long list of positions!"


Werther and the three dragons looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But there is no doubt that this guy Redecker is really a high official!

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