Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 282 Your bad luck attribute is not contagious!

"It turns out you didn't bring this with you!"

Hearing this, Werther looked up at Antasha in shock.

"What's the meaning?"

"When you just breathed out, those lines lit up, like molten lava. I thought you were born with them!"

Werther was speechless.

"This is obviously a new one. It looked like a stronger silver dragon before, but now, no one will recognize it as a silver dragon!"

Celine shook her tail in confusion.

"Uh... isn't this a good thing?"

Werther was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the lines on his chest.

It's true, but...

"This is too ugly. I think the original shiny one looks better!"

Hearing this, Antasha nodded with great approval.

"Indeed, now I no longer have the urge to collect you by force."

Hearing this, Werther rolled his eyes.

"This is a good thing for 놖!"

Antasha was about to say something. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"You are controlling your body temperature now, try letting go of your body temperature and take a look!"

Werther hesitated for a moment, and then let go of the control of his body temperature. Sure enough, when Werther's body temperature rose, the lines also lit up.

Soon, the original silver-white texture with no metallic luster turned into flowing white lava texture. Coupled with Witte's silver-white metallic luster body, the grade instantly went up.

Antasha's eyes lit up.

"This pair of 꼊, 놖 has the idea of ​​collecting you again, and it's even stronger than before!"

"Then it's better to restrain yourself!"

As he spoke, Werther restricted his body temperature.

Seeing this, Antasha sighed with regret, then turned her eyes slightly and looked at Celine.

"Stop making trouble and get on with your business. Celine, can you feel if there are any other abyssal forces around?"

Hearing this, Celine shook her head.

"Maybe it's because of the lack of time. There is no longer any abyss power here."

"Okay, let's go to the next target!"

With that said, Antasha continued to fly in the direction Celine pointed before.

And Werther Celine glanced regretfully at the big tree burned by Werther.

The second goal went well!

Moreover, the status of the second target was similar to what Witte and the others had guessed.

The same thing is a piece of hair, but this piece is much larger, almost half the size of Werther's body.

The head is inlaid on the ground, and the surrounding vegetation, super-type dragon beasts, etc. are all infected by the power of the abyss, and the infected range is about hundreds of meters.

놇Within a few hundred meters, the vegetation has shown a twisted and grotesque state, and the natural atmosphere that the vegetation should have cannot be felt at all.

Not to mention the dragon beasts, after noticing Antasha, a large number of fallen dragon beasts gathered over.

The ones that could fly flew directly towards Antasha, and the ones that couldn't fly were crowded into a crowded pile. A large number of fallen dragon beasts were piled up, and their blood-red eyes were staring at Antasha in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Witte and the three of them were lucky enough to have seen the fallen dragon beasts. Antasha Olidolf, who had not seen a large number of fallen dragon beasts gathered together, frowned.

It is really difficult to understand the horror of the power of the abyss without seeing it with your own eyes. After seeing it with your own eyes, Antasha just wanted to eradicate these powers completely!

This time, Werther did not take action.

Of course, it's not that it can't be cleaned up. In fact, except for the abyssal power lingering above the head, other abyssal powers transformed into it after being infected can even be cleaned up by the zero-degree cold current.

I didn't take action just because I didn't need to.

Antasha breathed out, and all the beings affected by the power of the abyss were buried in the endless rolling mud without any accident.

However, this is only the source, and the influence of the power of the abyss has already spread.

And these are not things that Werther and the others can solve.

Fortunately, Sky City's efficiency is not low. When Witte and the others rushed to the third location, they had already seen other dragons cleaning up the fallen dragon beasts running around in the Evernight Forest.

I believe that within a few days, the Evernight Forest can be cleaned up. After all, the infection has just begun, and the area affected is not too large. The most important thing in Sky City is dragons.

놇When they rushed towards the third target, Witte and the others thought everything would go smoothly. However, when they arrived at the location, 꾉Long was dumbfounded!

Having had two experiences, 꾉龙 knew that most of the people who were passed over were heads, and the abyss power attached to these heads was essentially different from the abyss power spreading in the Evernight Forest.

And it's the kind of difference that's visible to the naked eye.

But this time, they have seen the large area of ​​abyss power infection, but the protagonist's head is missing!

Werther touched his chin, then turned to look at Olidof.

"Your unlucky attributes are not contagious, right?"

Although he didn't say it, Witte and the others had their eyes opened along the way.

Previously, they thought that the experiences Olidof had previously told were a bit exaggerated. However, in less than one magic hour, they learned what it was like to be really unlucky.

Even when he was on Antasa's scorpion, Ollidolf would always be hit by all kinds of things flying from nowhere.

Nuts, heads, and even more exaggeratedly, magic.

When Witt and his friends traced the source of these things, they found that some dragon beasts were throwing nuts for fun, or some dragon beasts were throwing heads for fun. What's more outrageous is that the magic came from two dragon beasts fighting for life and death.

And there is only one reason why these things fell on Ollidolf, that is, accident!

Witt and his friends never thought that a dragon could be so unlucky, which really broadened their horizons.

Hearing Witt's words, Celine and his friends smiled knowingly.

They also knew that Witt was just joking to make the atmosphere more lively.

However, when the dragons looked at Ollidolf, they were stunned.

Ollidolf was like a dragon who had revealed the truth he had tried so hard to hide. His face was full of astonishment and disbelief, and even sweat oozed out from the scales on his forehead.


The dragons were silent for a while.

Witt grinned.

"Olidolf, you are not right!"


Olidolf sighed, and then distanced himself from the dragons.

"So, you may not believe it...

Although you are a little uncertain, the dragons you have contacted have never been unlucky. Even so, no dragon is willing to contact you.

If you mind, you'd better stay away from me!"

As he said this, Ollidolf's eyes flashed with loneliness. He thought that if he changed to another place, a place where no dragons knew him, maybe... maybe...

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