Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 280 I will build the strongest prison...

After removing the abyss power from the wound on Ollidolf's head, Witt checked his feet. After all, this guy kicked his head stained with the abyss power as a ball.

As Witt expected, the abyss power was like mud, the kind that if you dare to touch me, I will dare to touch you, and Ollidolf's feet were also damaged.

However, this was easier to remove. There was no wound on the foot, but just flushed it with elements to get rid of the abyss power.

After that, Witt asked Ollidolf to check the dragon crystal himself.

There was no problem with the dragon crystal, so he was completely relieved.

After finishing, Witt saw Ollidolf staring at him with a puzzled look, and chuckled.

"It's hard to say some things, but you just need to understand that there are only two results of being infected with this power, either crazy or struggling painfully against madness.

And the second result will eventually develop to the point of the first.

This power called the abyss is different from the dark element. It is a completely evil power.

By the way, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself.

My name is Witt. I live in Block 6 of Sky City and run a store without a name.

They are my companions, Antawana and Celine.

This one is a neighbor..."

"Just call me Antashya."

As she said, Antashya kept looking at Olidov, as if she saw something interesting from his body.

Oldov felt a little uncomfortable when she stared at him, and subconsciously shrank back.

After Witt noticed this, he was speechless and had some other thoughts.

If Olidof is brought along, will Antasa shift her attention from him to Olidof?

Although there are those pit dragons, but...

"Oldof, you have consumed too much mental energy now. It is still a long way from here to the Sky City. Why don't you follow us first?

After dealing with the abyss power, we will return to the Sky City.

With Antasa leading us, we will be very fast."

Hearing this, Olidof glanced at Antasa and hesitated slightly.

"Well... I'm actually mainly for close combat, so mental power and so on..."

"Then the impact will be even greater!"

Vette swung his dragon tail, patted Oldolf's shoulder with his tail, and said seriously: "As a close combat dragon, I can tell you responsibly that even close combat requires mental power.

The distance, angle, strength of each attack, and even how to deal with the counterattack from the enemy, all require mental power as support.

The result of not concentrating mental power is that you will be pressed to the ground and hammered by the dragon.

In addition, the Sky Field is very dangerous!"

Hearing this, Celine looked at Vitte with a puzzled look. Is it dangerous?

Antawana looked up at the sky in the forest speechlessly. This guy, he started to fool the dragon.

Antasha looked at Vitte with a smile on her face.

This kid is also silly and cute. Can't I look at both dragons together?

The other dragons were fine, but Oledov was obviously fooled. After hearing what Witt said, he frowned.

"More dangerous than the Evernight Forest?"

Witt nodded as a matter of course.

"Can I still lie to you?"

Oledov nodded helplessly after hearing this, and then looked at Antasa.

"You shouldn't mind!"

How could Antasa refuse? She had noticed that Oledov seemed to have a strange power hidden in his body.

After reaching a consensus, the four dragons flew out of Antasa's claws again.

And Antasa brought the four dragons into the air, then lowered her head and aimed at the tree below, and directly spit out a mouthful of black dragon's thick phlegm - corrosive mud!

Unlike the breath of most dragons, the breath of the black dragon contains the composition of gastric juice in the stomach of an adult dragon.

Don't underestimate the gastric juice of a dragon.

That was a terrifying thing that could even be digested and utilized by elements.

And the breath of the black dragon also improved this ability a lot.

The black mud spurted out and fell into the jungle below. The trees stained with mud quickly melted like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

Although it was not very beautiful, the effect was still very strong.

The tree that stored the power of the abyss finally revealed its true face after the outer layer of bark was corroded. The gray trunk surrounded by black breath had already twisted.

The shape alone gave the dragon a crazy feeling.

The collision between the breath and the power of the abyss ended with the rapid defeat of the power of the abyss.

This was also unusual. After all, these powers had been condensed for a day, and Antasa's breath, with thousands of years of skills, was completely not on the same level.

However, after the twisted trunk was cleared, the corrosive mud on the ground was still boiling.

After a moment of hesitation, Witt's face changed slightly, and then he smiled bitterly.

"I almost forgot that since the trunk has been eroded, how could the roots be an exception? And such a big tree, the range of the roots...

Antasha, it seems that your task this time is not easy!"

Hearing Witt's words, the dragons immediately reacted and their faces became solemn.

This is because the head carrying the power of the abyss happened to be stuck in the tree. For a day, the power of the abyss can only be output to this tree!

And those things that did not fall on the tree are really a disaster.

After landing, the ground was infected, and the surrounding trees were infected. The passing dragon beasts were infected, and then the dragon beasts carrying the power of the abyss ran away.

Even if it takes 3 days, the degree of infection will not be too serious, but it has laid the foundation for countless disasters!

Looking at the quagmire that was gradually dying down, Antasha obviously paid attention to this problem. She lowered her head and glanced at Werther.

"I will inform Boredia and the others about this. Also, you were wrong. Their cleanup has been going on for a long time."

As she spoke, Antasha's eyes moved slightly.

"Celine, where is the other location?"

"East 뀘, southeast 뀘 and south 뀘!"

At this time, Olidof pointed at Nan and said, "I remember, I kicked that piece of hair over there!"

Antasha nodded, and then flew towards the south.

Werther glanced at the swamps that were getting away, and couldn't help but ask: "Antasha, just ignore those swamps?"

Hearing this, Antasha grinned.

"The swamp is the black dragon's paradise!

In just a while, with that swamp as the center and a radius of several thousand meters, it will turn into a swamp exuding a rotting stench.

I will use the strongest alchemy to build the strongest prison there.

Imprison you!

In my opinion, you are the most perfect work of art.

Naturally, I need to pay my highest respect and let you become my exclusive collection! "

Listening to this, the other dragons couldn't help but be stunned.

It turns out you have this kind of relationship!

Celine felt inexplicably irritable.

However, Werther rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "You hate mud!"


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