Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 272 Old Customer!

Three days passed in a flash!

If it was Ao or Isa, Witt would still worry that they would not get along with Antawana, but with Celine's personality, Wittgen didn't worry about that.

Just as he said, Celine's personality is actually very gentle.

However, Celine, like Antawana, is more belligerent, but the difference is that Antawana is forced to be belligerent, after all, she used to live alone.

It is still like this now, and more of the reasons are actually in Witt.

Celine is naturally belligerent.

The two belligerents get together, but unexpectedly they are not harmonious. In less than a day, the two dragons get along very well.

Celine even abandoned Witt and spent most of her time with Antawana.

Just because their fighting power was not too different.

There is no doubt that Celine is definitely stronger. If Witt is strong because he is not a dragon from the dragon world, then Celine is really just because of her talent.

Her dragon body is bigger than other dragons of the same age, and her elemental affinity is much higher than Witt and the others.

When she was in the dragon nest, Celine did not develop any hobbies. She put all her energy into magic battles, so her strength can be imagined.

In terms of apparent strength, as a dragon born in the same batch, Celine's elemental reserves are even much more than Witt's single element reserves.

However, Witt is a dual elemental affinity, which makes his elemental reserves exceed Celine's.

On the other hand, Antawana is stronger.

The elemental reserves in her body are definitely not as good as Celine's. As for magic, both the power and the level of spellcasting are lower than Celine's. However, her fighting style belongs to the type of fearless, brave and aggressive.

Therefore, when the two dragons were practicing, Celine had the upper hand, but she was not sure to win Antawana.

When two dragons that were eager for opponents and had similar strengths collided, it was normal for Witt to be excluded by them.

Compared to Witt who wanted to integrate but couldn't, Linsda was completely the opposite. He didn't want to integrate, but was pulled in.

Celine was really a nail on the head. She said she wanted to train Linsda to be a decent dragon. She really wanted to train him to death as long as he didn't die.

What's more, there are a lot of healing and recovery potions in the training room, which Witt "saved" for.

Moreover, when Antawana and Celine were together, they just watched at first, but soon they couldn't help but join in, so Linsda was facing a double prison.

Therefore, every time Witt and Linsda looked at each other, their eyes were full of envy for each other's situation.

Witt wanted to train with Celine, and Linsda wanted to be as free as Witt.

It's a pity that they can't change!

As for Agner, he was just born, mature and steady, and would only watch silently on the side. Of course, in most cases, he was in charge of the store for Witt.

The day after Celine came, Kadi couldn't wait to find Witt to learn shaping magic. After Witt taught him some key points, he directly threw him to Celine.

Celine also knew some shaping magic. Although her level was not high, it was no problem for her to just take care of him.

Witt thought that such a leisurely life would last for a long time, but he didn't know that the excitement would come soon!


"Finally finished!"

Looking at the boxes of magic circles next to him, Witt stretched his body hard.

As for these magic circles, 80% of them were his, and the remaining 20% ​​were Redek's. Of the 80%, 65% really belonged to him, and the materials were bought from Redek.

The last 15% was what he saved, which was considered as the loss in Redek's opinion.

In other words, the part that should have been given to Redek was forcibly deducted by Witt from nearly half of the magic circle.

Even so, Redek still had to give Witt a thumbs up and praise his high success rate, and then he was overjoyed and thought he had made a big profit!

Thinking of this, Witt felt that he was a bit too much.

"Next time, make a few more defective products on purpose, uh... three more, or two more?"

Witt grabbed the part of the magic circle that belonged to him, thinking while walking out of the laboratory.

In most cases, he was still very generous.

As for the magic circles that belonged to Witt, most of them would be used by Witt to practice spiritual magic, and a few would be placed in the shops outside as commodities.

As a commodity, magic circles are mostly for defense, imprisonment, acceleration and treatment.

The sales targets are generally those dragons who go to the Evernight Forest or other dangerous places to find precious materials.

When they need to use the magic circle, it is when they encounter danger.

In this case, more people need to consider running away.

As for attack magic, these adventurous dragons trust themselves more than magic circles.

Entering the training room, Witt stored the magic circle in a safe place, then ignored the look of help from Kadi and Linstar, gave them an encouraging smile with good luck, and Witt left the training room again.

By the way, Celine also noticed Kadi's fighting ability, so he was not practicing shaping magic at this time, but struggling to survive under Celine's rapid offensive.

The door closed, and the outside became quiet instantly. Witt turned his head and looked at the training room.

"I don't know how lucky I am. I want to train with Celine!"

Muttering, Witt walked towards the end of the corridor.

As soon as he opened the door, a big head came into his sight. Agner looked helpless at the counter.

"Little guy, do you want to go outside with me?

I tell you, the world outside is much more interesting than the sky city. Have you seen the sea?

Boundless sea!

Although it is just a small inland sea, it is a real sea for you.

There is a beach..."

Hearing this, Witt's face darkened.

"Enough Tianzhen, where are you trying to take Agner?"

Hearing this, the huge pupils moved slightly, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "What do you mean by taking him away? I am taking him out to see the world. As a giant dragon, how can he stay here to watch the store? It's such a waste!"

Witt was helpless.

"Can you think about what you just said? Agner was just born not long ago. Even if you want to leave the Sky City, you have to wait until he grows up.

By the way, are you going to buy something or not? If not, don't harass Agner here."

At this time, accompanied by a dull sound of footsteps, another huge head came over.


Seeing the dragon coming, Witt's face suddenly understood.

"It's a mountain!"


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