Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 27 The title mother ran away from home, and the author is looking for

Chapter 27 Title: The mother ran away from home, and the author is looking for her

"놖I can only say I don't know!"

When Witte heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then asked with some confusion: "Don't know?"

Winters smiled and nodded.

"Comosis is the first dragon clan in the world. This is just a theory about the origin of the dragon clan. There are actually many conjectures like this!

This is a point of view in the theory of the origin of the Mother of Dragons. The subsequent statement is that Comosis gave birth to the original dragon clan!

In other words, dragons who believe this believe that the dragon mother is the source of the dragon clan!

In addition to the theory of the origin of the Mother of Dragons, there is also the theory of divine creation. The Dragon Clan is a fairly perfect race, with a long lifespan, full of wisdom, and powerful strength, but it is too perfect to be unnatural.

Therefore, they believe that after the dragon blood of the Creation Dragon fell into the dragon world, it turned into 귷 and turned into 귷 dragon eggs. This 귷 dragon egg gave birth to the original 귷 elemental dragon god. After that, 귷 The two dragon gods worked together to create the dragon clan.

Because it was created by God, it is perfect!

In addition, there are many other views, such as the theory of evolution, the theory of aliens from outer space, etc.! "

Extraterrestrial visitors?

Witte moved in his mind. In the inheritance memory, his parents were dragons from the starry sky. However, according to Winters, the blood inheritance was written by the previous generation of dragons for the young dragons.

Although the dragon body as huge as the stars in the starry sky did not seem to be fake, he still had no way to prove that it was true.

If you want to prove it, you can only become stronger and go to the stars to find the truth yourself.

But now...

"Winters, which one do you think is true?"

Hearing this, Winters smiled.

"Witt, time is the most ruthless thing in the world. It is difficult to trace the truth hidden under time. No dragon can tell clearly what the origin of the dragon clan is!

Unless, you can jump out of the long river of time, go back to the past, and witness it with your own eyes! "

Werther looked at Winters blankly.

"Can time really jump out?"

Winters rolled his eyes.

"Who knows!

In the history of the dragon clan, there once appeared a time dragon..."

Werther, who couldn't get a follow-up, couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What next?"


Then he thought he could play with time.

But the result was that he was bruised and bruised by time.

In the end, he disappeared and no one knew where he went. Was it in the past? Is it the future? Or died in an unknown corner!

So, Werther, don't worry!

You have a lot of time. If you do the right things at the right time, you will find that your worries will be reduced a lot! "

Werther was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

"Thank you, Winters, maybe you really shouldn't be so anxious!"

Winters laughed.

"You don't need to rush to become stronger, but you need to rush to put this knowledge into your mind, Witte, knowledge is power!"

Hearing this, Werther's face suddenly turned bitter.

The origin of dragons is just the beginning of the book "The Origin of Magic".

Of course, as Winters said, this book only talks about some basics of magic, and does not include the learning and training of magic.

Soon, Werther had a general understanding of magic!

For example, when casting magic, it does not mean that you have the spell, mental power, and elemental affinity to be able to cast it.

It requires more attention than Werther imagined.

The most important thing is something called a magic node, and this thing is linked to the magic element in the dragon crystal.

Without building magic nodes, even if the elements gather under the influence of the spell, they will quickly disperse.

In addition to these, Witte also learned about some divisions of realms of strength.

There are nine realms of black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, amethyst, legend, legend, and myth!

Between each big realm, there are three small realms: upper, middle and lower.

Under normal circumstances, the newly born baby dragons are in the middle level of black iron. After eating the eggshells, the baby dragons will quickly grow to the upper level of black iron. After two years, the baby dragons will automatically be promoted to the lower level of bronze!

The future strength will depend on the young dragon's own talent.

However, just like Winters mentioned before in creationism, dragons are perfect creatures.

Take the giant dragon species as an example. Even the dragon with the least talent and the least effort will have its strength break through to silver after passing through the young dragon stage and entering the teenage stage!

Youth is platinum, and youth is amethyst. Once you reach old age, you will definitely become a legend!

In addition, the old age of a giant dragon does not mean a decline in physical strength or strength. On the contrary, the old age is the most powerful period in a dragon's life.

Only in the years when the dragon species is about to end its lifespan will its strength decline rapidly!

And this time is more than 24,000 years!

In other words, if a giant dragon keeps eating and waiting to die, it can still live for more than 24,000 years!

If he is more talented and can break through to legends or even myths within this period of time, he can live longer and surpass the dragon that is more than 24,000 years old and be called an old man!

Of course, Werther didn't know more than this.

Time passed little by little, and Werther was immersed in the world of the book "The Origin of Magic", greedily absorbing the knowledge in it.

During this time, Winters accidentally fell asleep, and Witt took a lot of effort to wake her up.

If he relied on himself, he couldn't do the physical work of turning pages now!

As for Celine and the others, after the initial novelty passed, they ran back to watch Witt read.

Of course, they also tried to take a few glances.

But except Celine who persisted a little longer, Billy and the others just glanced at it, and then lay down beside Winters and fell asleep.

It was not until it was almost dark that Witt and the others returned to the dragon cave under the leadership of Winters.

In addition, books in the library are not allowed to be taken out. If Witt wants to read books, he can only let Winters accompany him every day.

"By the way, Witt, Boko was afraid that he would forget it, so he simply asked you to bring this thing to you!"

As he said, Winters took out a can of milky white liquid and placed it in the center of the dragon cave.

It is the juice of the Domia flower.

"Boko added a teleportation magic circle on the lid of the jar. As long as you stand on the jar, the magic circle will automatically start and transmit the domia flower juice inside to the groove on the lid.

I think you should thank him the next time you meet him!

Also, this is your dinner!"

As he said that, Winters took out another piece of cooked meat, which was about the same size as the young Buslong beast he ate yesterday morning.

"It's impossible to keep attacking young Buslong beasts. That would affect the size of the Buslong beast population. They are the few dragon beasts around us that are suitable for young dragons to eat!

Well, see you tomorrow!"


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