Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 249 Brother, be gentle with your words!

The reason why the Innate Dragon Beast cannot use rules and laws even if it possesses legendary strength or above...

Who knows!

Anyway, the theory that most dragons believe in is still related to the dragon of creation and the dragon of destruction.

The dragon egg was affected by the power of Ixis, the world-destroying dragon, and lost its wisdom. It became a dragon beast that only relied on instinct to survive like a wild beast. This is an innate dragon beast.

Later, the acquired dragon beast was bred and developed from the innate dragon beast. During this process, the power of Covey, the creation dragon, and the blood of the dragon, was constantly weakened.

Therefore, acquired dragonmon is generally weaker than innate dragonmon, and the more generations they are bred, the thinner their bloodline becomes. Eventually, dragons like Capdramon appear, whose dragon bloodline is so thin that they cannot even use magic. beast.

Similarly, during this process, the power of Ixis is also weakened. Therefore, some dragon beasts with higher bloodline and less affected by the power of Ixis can chase the process of elemental power. , regain wisdom.

To put it simply, the reason why the innate dragon beasts cannot regain wisdom through the growth of strength is that they are the most severely affected by the power of Ixis.

Other dragons would take this as a theory, but Wirt was different.

He knew from his father that Covey and Ixis really existed, and the dragon world was indeed born because of them.

However, he still did not dare to say with certainty that this theory was correct.

No research, no right to speak.

Werther has always been so sensible.

Voladramon is a direct bloodline of the innate dragon beast Shandramon. Of course, it is not the first or second generation, but the third generation.

The third generation and the acquired dragon beasts before it can still use the dragon origin magic.

The probability of the appearance of a congenital dragon beast is low. The congenital dragon beast born in the dragon nest will never survive. The dragon nest cannot allow the emergence of such a dragon beast that can threaten the lives of dragon clan members.

What's more, in the eyes of the dragon clan, the innate dragon beast is actually similar to the carnivorous dragon beast, but its future growth potential is higher.

Innate dragon beasts born in the wild have a low chance of survival. After all, the concentration of dragon blood in their bodies is the same as that of normal dragons, and other dragon beasts also have thoughts about them.

Therefore, the innate dragon beast 껥 rarely appears.

At the same time, the probability of the first to third generation dragon beasts appearing is not high.

But this does not mean that after three generations, there are not many dragon beasts that are relatively advanced. Some types of dragon beasts have continued to multiply to 꿷, and Voladramon is one of them.

Therefore, what surprised Werther was not the appearance of this kind of dragon beast. What surprised him was that there was a dragon eating this kind of dragon beast.

Not to mention their relatively strong strength, this kind of dragon beast is like a walking mountain.

The mountain dragons among the earth dragons are not flesh and blood, but have the same nature as the 꽮prime dragons, except that they are semi-prime.

The water 꽮 element does not have a specific shape, so water is not water 꽮 element. The 꽮 element state of the water 꽮 element dragon is not a ball of water, but a high concentration of water 꽮 element polymer.

Semi-꽮 element 꿨 means that part of 늀 is 꽮 element, and part of 늁 is material. Therefore, the body of Shanlong is actually composed of earth element and rock.

And Voladramon inherited the characteristics of the mountain dragon, which means that eating Voladramon is equivalent to holding a rock containing a lot of earth elements and chewing it.

In this case, instead of provoking the powerful Voladramon, it is better to find a mountain with rich earth texture, at least it will not jump up and kill you!

However, after hearing Witte's words, Redecker nodded extremely bachelorly.

"Yes, the Vola Dragon Beast is indeed inedible, but that doesn't stop me from writing it. If there are really dragon spots, then I can get some rocks with rich earthy texture to replace them.

Also, please don’t spread the word to me. This is a good way to empty coins. It can be used to deceive dragons from outside. It is almost always accurate! "

Hearing this, the four dragons all cast contemptuous glances at Redecker.


Then, Witte's eyes returned to Tenydramon. Could this thing also be a trick to the dragon?

After all, most of the dragons have never been eaten, let alone eaten. Anyway, when eating, they are definitely not served whole. Just find a less dangerous marine dragon of the same size.

Don’t tell me, it’s really not difficult!

Most of the giant dragon beasts actually live in the sea.

With these thoughts in mind, Witte returned the menu to Redecker.

"Have you chosen?"

Werther nodded.

“Let’s serve half of the menu first!”

The smile on Redecker's face froze, and then he rubbed his ears, wondering if he heard wrongly.

"What did you just say?"

Witte looked at Redecker doubtfully.

"Half the menu, what, is there a problem?"

Redek wanted to scratch his head, but he had no forelimbs, so he just rubbed his head with his wings again.


Big problem!

Every piece of food here is enough for an adult wind dragon to eat for a meal, and there are more than a dozen kinds of dragon beasts on the menu, with four ways to make each dragon beast, and some dragon beasts even have more ways to make it.

You told me, you want half of the menu?

Are you a dragon? "

Witte scratched his head and asked with some confusion: "Uh... aren't we all dragons?"

Redecker slapped his forehead!

"I'm talking about adulthood!"

Witt suddenly realized.

"You are worried that we can't finish it. Don't worry. To be honest, I don't know if these are enough for a dragon like me. Just go ahead. By the way, for the magic circle business we talked about before, you should also collect the materials for the fourth-level magic circle."

Redek, who was originally trying to persuade him, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Are you willing to carve a fourth-level magic circle?"

Witt nodded.

"But I can't guarantee a 70% success rate, I can only guarantee 60%!"

"Enough, enough!

It's just some food, no big deal. Hey, tell the kitchen to make half of the dishes on the menu for me!"

Redek, who was overwhelmed by the sudden happiness, didn't even know what to say. His mind was full of empty coins!

The higher the level of the magic circle, the higher the profit, even if it can't be guaranteed to be 100% trouble-free.

Therefore, he had previously felt sorry for Witt's reluctance to sell the fourth-level magic circle. Unexpectedly, within a day, Witt changed his mind. How could he not be happy?

However, this emotion only lasted until Witt asked him to serve the second half of the menu again.

Of course, forget about the Wola Dragon Beast.

Seeing the other three dragons who had stopped eating after the second wave of food was served, and Witt who was still eating, Redek finally couldn't help it.

When he saw Witt walking towards the menu again, he hurriedly grabbed Witt's tail.

"Brother, be merciful!"


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