Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 230 The night is long...

After Boredea left, Werther locked the door, and then Sanlong entered the door behind the counter for the first time.

Although beauty and ugliness do not matter to the giant dragons, after all, they can live in caves, but when looking at the exquisite decoration inside, the three dragons still couldn't help but exclaimed a few times.

Of course, these decorations are all from the building itself, and basically everything that belongs to the dragon has been taken away.

The corridor is very long, very wide, and very high. After all, it is prepared for adult dragons.

There are three rooms on the left and right sides.

The three rooms on the right are empty. The first room on the left is a laboratory. There is nothing in it except some metal shelves. The second room is empty, and the third is a training room. .

"눁You can choose any room you want. Go to the laboratory first and have a look. Uh...wait a minute. You should help move the things into the laboratory first!"

Antavana glanced at the deepest room on the right, then turned to look at Werther.

"You want to choose a room first?"

Werther shook his head.

"Urgent, let's solve the lighting problem in each room first. Of course, if you want to help, I'm happy to help!"

Hearing this, Antavana turned around and flew towards the stone door of the corridor.

She preferred to do physical work rather than playing with those alchemy magic circles that made the dragon dizzy just by looking at them.

Linstar saw Witte looking over and said quietly: "Are you sure you want help?"

Werther's mouth twitched.

"After you finish moving the boxes, you can go to bed!"

After that, Werther walked into the laboratory and began to examine it carefully.

Although Oger said that they had already inspected the entire building, Witte was still prepared to inspect it himself, especially in a more important place like the laboratory.

There were a lot of boxes, and Antawana Linstar quickly moved them all.

By the way, the boxes containing their things were put back into the rooms they had chosen.

And Witte took advantage of this time to check the laboratory thoroughly, but found no results at all.

There are still many magic circles in the laboratory that are still running.

For example, dust removal, and lighting!

However, because the laboratory can explode at any time, these magic arrays are protected by a defensive magic array.

Witte guessed that there should be no problem with the lighting in the training room.

It was already late at night, so Werther and the others were actually working in the dark.

When Witte turned on the lighting in the laboratory, the sudden light made Sanlong squint his eyes.

The bright but dazzling light illuminated the entire laboratory.

Witte looked at the huge laboratory used by adult dragons and sighed helplessly.

"Choose a corner and use it, it's too big!"

He had entered the teacher Boko's laboratory, but there were a lot of items in it, and it looked empty. Now... he felt like he was back on Si Kuo's dragon horns.

After choosing a corner near the door, Werther put all the boxes away and turned to look at the two dragons.

"Okay, you guys go to rest first and leave this place to 놖!"

With that said, Werther got busy.

Fix the experimental bench and place the contents of the box on the shelf next to them by category.

In addition, there is also a lighting problem that needs to be solved.

Werther felt like he had no time to sleep tonight!

Looking at the closed laboratory door, Antavana Linstar looked at each other.

"Can you sleep?"

Linstar shook his head.

"I'm very awake, so 놖 is going to go to the back garden to take a look. It's time to take out those treasures 껩 of 놖!"


Antavana glanced at Linstar.

"Witt is probably going to plant some magical plants and herbs in the back garden. Don't mess around!"

Hearing this, Lin Sida looked at Antavana helplessly.

"You are just forgetting that when it comes to growing things, 놖 is the professional!"

As he spoke, Linstar raised his paw, and an emerald-green light rich in the breath of life lit up.

Antavana stared at Linstar's paw for a moment, then looked away.

"Feel sorry!"

After that, she walked towards the stone door on the other side of the corridor.

Linstar was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Antavanna's back in shock.

What does it mean to apologize?

You will really forget that 놖 is a natural element!

However, thinking about it, in the past ten years, he seems to have rarely used magic in front of Antavanna, and it seems to be quite normal to be forgotten!

Sighing, Linstar walked towards his room with a sad face.

Well, the room was still very big, so Linstad followed Werther's example and settled in a corner near the door.

Uh... I said it was An Jia, but actually I just put the box that belonged to him there.

The feet are covered with dusty rock tiles, and it is still far from a real home!

Opening the box, Linstar took out a lot of bottles and jars, filled with various plant seeds, 놋common plants, 놋herbals, and 껩놋magical plants.

Every three months, Si Kuo would stay for half a month to rest.

In the first few years, this half-month period had nothing to do with Linstar. He was in class and practicing magic, and there was only Hess around him.

This kind of life lasted for more than a year. During the half month of Si Kuo's rest, he was allowed to move around Si Kuo.

And these seeds were collected little by little at that time.

Holding these bottles and jars, Linsda came to the back garden.

Because the room occupies a large area, the back garden is naturally much smaller. Of course, this is for an adult dragon. For Linsda, the back garden is almost twice the size of his room.

Looking to the right, the starlight tonight is very spectacular, and all the limelight is taken away by the moon, so it is not very dark tonight.

Linsda can barely see Avery and his temporary camp.

"Hess should be asleep!"

Muttering, Linsda retracted his gaze, and then planted the seeds one by one. His tail, like a ginkgo tree, gradually lit up with emerald green light.

The rich breath of life, like ripples on the water, spread around with Linsda's body as the center.

The seeds that had just been planted soon began to take root and sprout.

Of course, as an expert, Linsda knew very well that natural elements were omnipotent, and plants that were completely ripened by natural elements would only exist for a short time.

Therefore, more natural elements were just melted into the earth as fertilizer for plant growth.

However, looking at the sprouted seeds, he still had a smile on his face.

He was still young, and he didn't help Witt much. He only provided some trivial help to Witt in this way!


Coming to the store, Antawana raised her paw and took a look, and her face immediately showed a look of disgust.

This building has been idle for a long time. Except for the laboratory with a magic circle for dust removal, other places are full of dust.

But it doesn't matter!

Antawana is going to take action!

The awkward ancient tune came out from Antawana's mouth, and the wind elements gathered together and soon turned into a gust of wind, blowing all the dust together.

Wherever the gust of wind passed, the room was instantly cleaned up!

The night was long, and tonight, no dragon could sleep...

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