Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 228 He is alive!

Seeing that Long had seen the same thing, Oger said: "This is a shop, and that door leads to the residential area at the back. The alchemy magic array above can still be used normally.

In the living area at the back, there are a total of six rooms, two of which are specially built, one is a laboratory, one is a training room, and the remaining four are ordinary rooms.

껣The giant dragon who lived here before had reached the level of 깊Amethyst, so according to his requirements, the training room could withstand the forbidden curse.

In addition to the six rooms, there is also a stone door inside, leading to the garden behind the building.

He was a pharmacist, and when he lived here, both the garden and the surroundings of this building were filled with all kinds of magical plants and herbs.

He has a very good personality. At that time, I had just been selected as the manager, and he helped me a lot. But unfortunately, Sky City was just a place where he could take a break when he was tired.

꺘땡 years ago, after he had a good rest, he continued his journey. "

Werther looked at Ouge in surprise.

"I didn't expect that you actually knew the original owner of this place."


Oge smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's just that he helped me unilaterally."

After a pause, Oge looked at Cady who was put aside by him.

"That...the injuries on his body..."

Werther suddenly understood, and then hurriedly rummaged through the various boxes placed aside.

"Sorry, I was so busy looking at the house that I almost forgot about him. Wait a minute, I remembered to put it in this box..."

After a long time, Werther dug out a bottle of dark green potion.

Although it hasn't been mentioned much, don't look at Werther's success in the potion. The bottle of potion in his hand is the advanced treatment potion that Boko mentioned before!

And it was refined by Werther himself.

This means that Witte is already a very good intermediate pharmacist, and if you have to find a counterpart for intermediate medicine, it would be at the silver or gold stage.

Whether it is to replenish magic, restore or treat, the effects of intermediate potions are enough for silver and gold level dragons.

"Oge, help me fix his broken wings, remember to align 깊, otherwise, if the 깊 is connected crookedly, 늀 will have to interrupt it again and reconnect it!"

Hearing this, Oge nodded, and then carefully connected Cady's broken bones. After confirming that it was correct, he said: "Okay."

Hearing this, Werther poured the medicine into the wound.

A strong breath of life emitted from the potion, and then wrapped up Cady's injury.

Maybe it was because of the effect of the therapeutic medicine that Kadi's eyelids trembled and then slowly opened.

However, when Witte saw this, he hurriedly said: "Antavana, don't let him wake up!"

Hearing this, Antavana slapped Kadi's head hard with her tail, and his eyes that had just been opened closed again.

Og looked at Werther in astonishment.

"What are you..."

"He will move around when he wakes up. His bones haven't grown yet. Once he moves around, it will easily break again. We can only let him continue to sleep!"

Hearing this, Oger suddenly realized, then glanced at Cady's head, remembering the sound of breaking the air from Antavanna's tail just now.

"There won't be anything wrong with his head!"

Werther smiled.

"Don't worry, the dragon is not as fragile as you think!"

Og nodded and said nothing, but a hint of apology rose in his heart. He had misunderstood Werther just now.

Obviously Werther has such a good temper, how could it be intentional? It is really wrong to misunderstand the other party!

So, did Werther do it on purpose?

Only Werther himself knows!

Maybe the effect of the advanced treatment potion was really strong, or maybe the dragon was really rough-skinned and thick-skinned. It was just quiet for a while, and Kadi opened his eyelids again.

But this time, there was no need for Witte to remind him, another sound broke through the air, and Cady became quiet again.

Og couldn't bear to look at it.

"How long will it take for the bones to grow back?"

Witte poured some more healing potion, and then said: "Antavana's attack was more severe and the break was more complete. It needs a few more minutes.

Of course, this is only a superficial recovery.

In fact, he still couldn't use this wing and needed to rest for two days. "

Hearing this, Oge nodded, and then...he saw Cady open his eyes again...

Soon, after being knocked unconscious by Antavanna five times, Og ​​took Kadi, who was said to have recovered but was still in a coma, and prepared to leave.

"Is there really nothing wrong with his head?"

"Don't worry, it will only last for about a day at most. It won't be a problem. Trust me, I'm professional. Also, if you have time, come and sit down. My door is always open for you!"

Oge reminded helplessly: "You run a shop, so the door must be open. Yes, I almost forgot. You said, it's not that there are no doors here, but a magic circle. When you need to close the door, you can activate it directly. 늀Okay깊, bye!”

After saying that, Og turned around and flew away.

Witte glanced into the distance. The camp on Avery's side was quiet. Apparently, they had all rested.

Yawning, Witte searched for a long time on the edge of the door frame, and found a mithril magic array about six meters away.

Just when he was about to close the door for a rest, a huge black figure staggered into the shop, ignoring Witt.

He has a strong special smell on his body!

"Hey, why aren't the lights on? Are they broken?"

Hearing that familiar voice, Werther froze on the spot and took a while to react.


Hearing what Werther said, Boredia was also stunned for a moment, then turned around and put a huge eyeball in front of Werter.

"Are you... that 께Ding from the daytime?

Speaking of how you got in, I clearly remembered that the door was locked, um... forget it, it doesn’t matter, I’m a guest here, you can pick it by yourself, choose it by yourself, just put the empty coins on the counter, that’s fine!


I have to go to bed, remember to lock the door when you leave..."

After saying that, Boredia straightened up, then staggered toward the stone door behind the counter, opened the stone door with ease, and walked in.

Antavanna Linstad, who was also stunned, reacted and quickly flew in front of Werther.


Werther rolled his eyes, then looked at Linstar.

"Chuxi, why can't you even speak? That's right, that's an adult dragon. Although it's your first time to see an adult dragon, there's no need to be like this!

When the Meteor Dragon Valley was alive, weren't we living in the eye sockets of a dead bone dragon? "

Antavana was also a little excited.

"no the same!

This is alive! "


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