Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 226 Antawana, you...

"Boredia's pharmacy?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then grinned.

"There are also potions among the items that you want to sell. He can't think that you are deliberately trying to steal his business and then beat you up, right?"

Hearing this, Oger shook his head with a bit of a smile.

"That's not the case. Poredia is known as the number one pharmacist in Sky City. This has been tested by time. When you were just born, Poredia was a legend in Sky City.

As far as you know, his pharmacy has been open in Sky City for two thousand years!"

Witt was speechless. As soon as he came on the stage, he chose an old and big store as his neighbor. Fortunately...

"You sell not only potions, but also alchemy and magic circles."

Hearing this, Oger couldn't even bear to look at Witt's expression. He covered his eyes with one paw and pointed the other paw at the opposite side of the land chosen by Witt.

"Antasha's alchemy shop is not as old as Boredia's pharmacy, but it has been open for hundreds of years. Her alchemy creations are not only durable, but also quite beautiful.

In addition, alchemy puppets are what she is best at, especially vegetarian puppets.

Beautiful and practical, her alchemy products are very popular in Sky City, and many dragons from other places will come to Block 6 to find her to customize alchemy items.

By the way, she is also a dragon, um... black dragon!"

Witt's heart suddenly sank.

Then, his eyes swept over the land next to Avery's selected land, which was also white, representing the dragons living there.

"Don't tell me, the one living here is also a dragon, and he happens to be good at magic circles!"

Oger glanced at the place where Witt pointed.

"That's not it!"

Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it is indeed a dragon, but he rarely shows up and doesn't sell anything, but across from him..."

Witt's heart was lifted again.

"There's a silver dragon living across the street."

Witt closed his eyes and said in an inexplicable tone: "Is he good at magic circles?"

"No, she's also good at alchemy, and the alchemy puppets she makes are no less than Antasa's. Moreover, her shop hours are not much shorter than Poredia's, but... her shop is rarely open."

Hearing this, Witt was completely relieved.

But then, he thought of something and turned to look at Avery.

"Well, living next to a group of dragons, you shouldn't feel any pressure, after all, we are so familiar with each other!"

Avery rolled his eyes.

"You are all young dragons, and now the people living next to you are all adult dragons with unknown tempers and personalities. Do you think you feel any pressure, but... who let me know you in this Sky City, and I can live with you, and besides..."

As he said, Avery pointed to the opposite side of the land he chose.

"Isn't there another neighbor? It can't be a dragon too!"

Avery looked at Oger expectantly.

Oger covered his eyes again.

"Not now!"

Avery had a bad feeling when he heard this.

Sure enough, Oger continued, "There lives a group of wind and thunder pterosaurs just like you, but a few days ago, they were ready to migrate and leave Sky City."

Avery was anxious.

"What's the reason?"

"Didn't you just say that? There are dragons all around, and the pressure is too great!"


After a moment of silence, Avery turned his head and looked at Witt.

"Distance creates beauty!"


That's what he said, but Witt and Avery finally chose the two plots of land.

Because for other locations, either Witt needs to rebuild, or Avery needs to rebuild, or they rebuild together, and some are even demolished and rebuilt.

There is only one location that meets Witt's requirements.

Sky City is very large and is divided into eight blocks. Each block is a smooth road leading directly to the center of Sky City.

The block that Witt and his team just walked through was Block No. 6, so they met Poredia there.

Therefore, another reason why Witt and his team chose Block No. 6 was that Antawana and his team were waiting not far outside Block No. 6, and now the sky was slowly getting dark.

Witt and his team wanted to finalize the land as soon as possible and bring the dragon in.

After choosing the place, Oger took Witt and his team back again. His team was still waiting outside.

However, when they rushed back, they heard a lot of cheering from afar!

They saw the dragons gathered together.

Witt and Oger looked at each other consciously, and then the former looked away with guilt, and the latter hurriedly flew towards the location where the dragons gathered.

They talked about things all the way, but they couldn't avoid it after all.


Before Witt and the others could rush over, a roar of the victor erupted from the dragon group.

Witt could hear it clearly, it was Antawana!

Then all the dragons roared, and amid the roars, Antawana flew out of the dragon group, spreading her wings to her heart's content, and then... she saw Witt!

After a moment, Witt circled around the dragon that was lying on the ground and had lost consciousness, and then solemnly said to Oger, who had helped evacuate the dragon group: "I will be responsible for his treatment!"

Og glanced at Antavanna, who was covered in injuries but stubbornly turned her head away from Witte, silently labeling the female dragon as a sign of trouble.

Dragons who like to fight bravely and fiercely will not choose the dragon city-state as their foothold, because the laws in the city-state will make them uncomfortable.

However, the one in front of me will obviously stay in Sky City because of Werther.

Of course, the most important thing is...

Oge's eyes turned to Long, who had been knocked unconscious, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He knew this guy, and he was also a troublemaker.

Of course, the other party is also abiding by the rules of Sky City, so they fight other dragons in the name of challenge.

With this thought in his mind, Oger shook his head after hearing Witte's words.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to him. After all, he fought Antavana in the name of challenge. This is not inside Sky City, and he has not violated any regulations.

If he lost, it was because he was not as good as the dragon. Being beaten like this was also his own fault. "

Werther looked at Oger in surprise.

"You mean you know him?"

Og nodded.

"His name is Kadi, he came to Sky City two years ago.

After settling down, he often challenges dragons, and sometimes he loses and sometimes wins. If he loses, he will lie down beside the ring like this, and when he wakes up, he will leave silently.

Winning... it doesn't make any difference, just leave silently.

놖I once tried to communicate with him, but he was not willing to communicate with dragons other than giant dragons.

But Sky City is so big, and 놖 only manages part of Block 6. Apart from him, there are no young dragons in the entire Block 6. As for other blocks, 놖 doesn't know about it either. "

Is that so?

Werther looked down at Cady and looked at her carefully...

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