Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 212 Witt's Elemental Puppet!

From a close distance, the metal body of the elemental puppet is quite large, a metal cube that is half the size of Witt's body.

It looks like a complete cube with a fine gold circuit engraved on the surface.

But in fact, without these fine gold circuits, the cube would have been scattered into metal debris all over the ground.

Without the puppet core, the color of the fine gold circuit is gradually dimming, which is the elemental power inside.

When the elements inside completely dissipate, the metal body is completely destroyed.

Of course, Witt doesn't care about this.

What he wants is not the elemental puppet, but the materials to make it.

The help of combat puppets is almost negligible for Witt.

What he needs now is not a combat helper, but a tool to collect materials.

After taking a look at the puppet body, Witt took out some of the metal arrows he had harvested before, and then processed them on the laboratory table.

Soon, a box that was not ugly but definitely not beautiful was brought out by Witt.

The box was big enough to fit Linsda and Antawana together.

After bringing out such a box, Witt put the body of the elemental puppet in it, and then he put his claws on the adamantium circuit.

As soon as Witt's claws touched it, the remaining elemental power in the adamantium circuit was absorbed by Witt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Without the elemental power, the adamantium circuit was completely ineffective, and the metal cube collapsed into a pile of fine metal particles.

The adamantium circuit was completely exposed.

It was not just the metal surface part, but there was also a adamantium circuit inside the metal cube.

You know, when the combat form was revealed, the adamantium circuit was like a blood vessel, interspersed in the body of the elemental puppet.

Although it was not a magic circle, it was the most important magic circuit of the elemental puppet.

Witt was not unfamiliar with this magic circuit. After all, this thing was the foundation of the elemental puppet. With the existence of this complex magic circuit, the magic arrays in the puppet core that were responsible for the actions could function.

Using fine gold could ensure that every instruction of the magic array could be executed quickly and accurately.

Mithril could do it, but there would be a significant delay.

If copper was used as the material, the elemental puppet would still move, but some large movements would increase the burden of the magic circuit and affect the service life of the elemental puppet.

But the puppet that Witt wanted to make obviously did not require large movements, so copper would be enough.

Witt melted the large mass of fine gold circuit and the constant temperature array into a whole piece and carefully preserved it.

This was a good thing. Even in the Dragon's Nest, he had not seen much of it.

After putting away the fine gold, Witt turned his attention to the large box of metal particles.

Although it is called metal particles, in fact, for Witt, it is not much different from "fine". Metal particles are extremely small, and each particle is measured in millimeters.

This is to make the elemental puppet deform more smoothly.

Such metal particles really gave Witt a lot of surprises. In this way, he does not need to add it again, and can directly operate it on his elemental puppet.

Taking out a piece of copper, Witt melted it, and then used his mental power to build the copper magic circuit.

Because the circuit is relatively small, Witt completed it quickly.

After simply adjusting the shape of the circuit, Witt put the puppet core he had prepared before into it.

Then put the magic circuit and the puppet core into those metal particles.

After identifying the metal particles, the magic circle in the magic core partially started to operate.

Accompanied by a yellow light, the surrounding metal particles gathered towards the magic core like iron powder meeting a magnet.

Soon, a metal cube of about 10 centimeters was assembled.

Witt controlled his mental power, took out the metal cube, and then carefully examined it.

The shape is not a standard cube, the surface is not very smooth, and it looks rough, but Witt's face showed satisfaction.

The shape is a problem of the magic circuit. When doing it for the first time, just pay a little attention. As for the rough surface, it is a material problem. The metal particles are a little bigger.

But this is not a big problem. For Witt, practicality is more important than ornamental.

What's more, this rough texture is more in line with Witt's aesthetics.

"Then, the next step is the performance test!"

After muttering softly, Witt grabbed the metal cube with his mental power and flew away.

"I'll go out for a while and come back in a while!"

Hearing this, Antawana, who was practicing magic, glanced at Witt's back and continued the practice at hand.

“Purple water lily…purple water lily with yellow pollen…got it!”

Witt didn’t go too far away, and even turned around to look at Skull’s belly.

Purple water lily has a wide distribution range and is quite common. You can find one just by walking a few steps in the wild. Although it is a magical plant, its status is not much higher than that of weeds.

On the one hand, it is difficult to collect pollen. On the other hand, the use of purple water lily pollen is actually quite limited. It is only used to remove impurity elements. Purple water lily itself has no value.

Not to mention the purple water lily in the wild. This is because Witt has no place to stay, so he has a headache in this regard.

The dragons that need purple water lily pollen are all cultivated by themselves. In addition, with the dragon beast crystal core with specific attributes, it is not too easy to collect pollen!

Find a purple water lily whose pollen emits elemental fluctuations, and Witt puts the metal cube next to the purple water lily.

As soon as it is placed, the copper circuit on the surface of the cube emits a faint light.

Then the metal cube began to disintegrate, revealing the copper circuit inside, and then the formation on the puppet core began to operate at full capacity, and the power of elements gathered together, and finally formed a slightly illusory dragon body.

Well... well, the dragon of about 30 centimeters is indeed a bit big.

As for the disintegrated metal particles, a small part of them formed into dragon horns, dragon claws and other parts, and most of the metal particles formed a metal can, which was placed on the chest of the dragon.

Looking at the illusory elemental puppet, Witt didn't even dare to breathe.

Although he knew that this elemental puppet was not as weak as it looked, he was still afraid that he would blow it away in one breath.

After the transformation was completed, the elemental puppet paused for a while and then flew towards the purple lotus flower.

The elemental body of about 30 centimeters is about the same size as the purple lotus flower.

After approaching the pistil, the elemental puppet began to put the pollen into the metal can on its chest.

Seeing this, Witt was completely relieved.



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