Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 2 There is definitely something wrong with this little dragon


After hearing this, the eyes of the other little dragon watching below showed some sympathy.

For them who have inherited memories, they know very well what the dragon beast represents!

We also know what fate awaits the little dragon who has transformed into a dragon beast!

While the dragons were stunned, Werther had already followed his ability and swallowed all the eggshells that once protected him.

Licking the egg liquid at the corner of his mouth, he turned to look at the behemoth.

Of course he knew that the dragon beast the other party was talking about, if nothing else happened, was referring to him.

But he didn't know what the dragon beast was.


"What is a drake?"

The little guy who had just been identified as a dragon beast spoke, which made Winters stunned for a moment.

"The Dragon of Creation is here, you can actually talk!"

Werther looked at Winters in confusion.

"Why can't I speak? Besides, what is a dragon beast?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther not only didn't get the answer, but suddenly saw the huge creature in front of him and stretched out his claws towards him.

Seeing this scene, Werther suddenly realized something and hurriedly ran towards the back.

However, with his short legs of less than one meter, even if Winters asked him to run ninety-nine meters first, he was still able to catch him without moving a step!

Therefore, Werther's resistance is destined to be fruitless.

He's been caught!

However, the stubbornness in his bones made him unwilling to be taken away like this, so he bit the scale next to him!


After a scream, Werther covered his mouth and rolled up.

Winters looked at this scene, and a flash of strangeness flashed through his golden vertical pupils.

Is there something wrong with this little dragon?

The difference in body size should be enough to make the other party understand the difference between the two parties. However, the other party still spoke to her.

However, when she saw Werther lying in her paws, even though he was covering his mouth and rolling, his eyes still contained a touch of unwillingness and ferocity, and a strange color flashed across his eyes.

"Tell me your name, little one!"

Hearing the deafening sound coming from his ears, Werther's eyes flashed with fear, but he remained stubborn.

He is a dragon in the starry sky, free and free, how could he be frightened by this small scene.

"Before asking other people's names, shouldn't you state your own name first?"


That’s how it should be, very impressive!

However, you must control it afterward and don’t let your voice tremble!

Thinking like this, Werther stubbornly stared at the pair of dazzling golden vertical pupils that were bigger than his entire dragon... and tried hard to control his tail from trembling!

Hearing this, Winters couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

After living so long, the number of dragons she picked up was several thousand, if not tens of thousands. This was the first time she had encountered such a bargaining dragon.

With this thought in mind, Winters placed Werther on the ground again.

"Call me Ms. Winters. Also, you should get to know your brothers and sisters!"

At this time, another little dragon who had been watching next to him, after hearing Winters' words, understood that the little dragon that came out at the end was not a dragon beast, but a giant dragon like them.

So, they ran towards Werther in a hurry. However, what greeted them was a vigilant dragon roar.

Seeing that Xiaolong was stunned by himself, Witte looked at Winters.

"Just call me Werther. Besides, I don't think they are my brothers and sisters!"

Hearing this, Winters frowned slightly.

However, she did not reprimand the little dragon immediately. At present, it seems that there is something wrong with this little dragon!

"Can you tell me the reason? Werther!"

Upon hearing this, Werther sneered.

"Do you think I'm stupid? We don't even look the same, and you tell me that they are my brothers and sisters?"

After hearing this and seeing the vigilance in Werther's eyes, Winters finally realized something.

"You don't have a bloodline inheritance?"

Suddenly hearing an unfamiliar term, Witte subconsciously asked: "What is blood inheritance?"

After hearing this, Winters finally understood why this little dragon was so different. Thinking of the upcoming education, Winters couldn't help but slap his forehead.

But she seemed to have forgotten that with her size, not to mention slapping her forehead or moving slightly, for the five-headed dragon, it would be at the level of a natural disaster.

So, if there were no accidents, the five little dragons were blown away by the sudden strong wind!

Fortunately, the dragon clan has tenacious vitality. Even a young dragon that has just hatched will not die easily just because it hits a rock!

In fact, in the collision with the stone, these little guys who had just emerged were the final winners.

Although it’s useless!

Looking at the dragonets rolling into a ball below, Winters finally remembered that they were not her companions.

He quickly stretched out his claws and stopped the little dragons that were about to roll away.

"Sorry, I forgot you just left."

Werther stood up and rubbed his forehead. He had just hit a rock, but his attention was obviously not on it now.

"Rather than this, shouldn't you tell me more about what blood inheritance is?"

After hearing Werther's question, Winters thought for a while.

"How should I put it? Bloodline inheritance is a gift left to you by your parents. 돗 can help you understand this dangerous world faster!"

Hearing this, Werther breathed a sigh of relief.

"If blood inheritance is this, I have it!"

"You have?"

After being stunned for a moment, Winter thought about it and asked, "Since you have blood heritage, can you tell me what your race is?"

Upon hearing this, Werther suddenly became interested and raised his head high!

"I am the Star Dragon!"


Winters looked at Werther speechlessly. She shouldn't believe that the little dragon in front of her had unreliable parents and the starry sky dragon. Where did this race come from?

Seeing the proud look on Werther's face, Winters had to tell this ruthless fact!

"Little guy, there is no starry sky dragon in this world at all, and you are not a starry sky dragon, but a silver dragon!"

Hearing this, Werther couldn't help but be stunned!

"But...but...my father told me personally that we come from the starry sky, and we are starry sky dragons. How can we be some kind of silver dragon?"

Seeing Werther being so shocked, Winters felt a little helpless. This kind of thing must be explained clearly. A wrong understanding may destroy an excellent dragon.

Thinking of this, Winters couldn't help but feel resentful towards Werther's parents, whom she had never met before. Although there were many dragons who cheated their children, this was the first time they had seen such a cheat!

"Witt, take a closer look at O, he is a giant metal dragon, a golden dragon, and a silver dragon is also a giant metal dragon!"

Hearing this, Werther turned to look at the golden little dragon standing aside, and then looked at himself...

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