Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 197 Do you feel bored?

"What are you two doing!"


Hearing this, Linstar and Hess looked at each other, both dragons looking a little embarrassed.

In fact, the two of us have been attracted to it since Werther started carving the magic circle. In other words, we have been standing here for a whole 떘꿢.

And we were actually quite surprised by this.

I have been immersed in the smooth movements of Witte when he was carving the magic circle. When they waited for them to react, a moment of time had passed by just like that!

Moreover, Linstar actually had a feeling that if 놛 could be as focused as Werther, the magic circle would not be difficult!

Fortunately, I woke up at 놛꼐.

"It's a pleasure to watch you carve the magic circle, simple and smooth..."

Unlike Linstar, who was almost seduced back again, Hess exaggeratedly expressed his praise for Werther, just like 놛praising Si Kuo's story.

Although the performance was very exaggerated, Werther could feel the sincerity in the other party's tone.

Listening to Hess's seemingly never-ending compliments, Werther scratched his head in embarrassment, and then quickly interrupted the other person's words.

"Really? I didn't know I was so good. By the way, do you want to learn from me?"

Hearing this, Hess quickly shook his head.

“I still prefer watching it to doing it myself.”

Being rejected again, Werther glanced at Hess with some regret, then turned to look at Linstar.

"It seems that you have recovered, but you still don't want to learn the magic circle?

Don't rush to answer me yet.

Before that, I need to remind you that you are not without talent, there is no doubt about it.

The magic circle is a means of communicating with the elements. Like Ancient Dragon Language, Ancient Dragon Language is like eating and drinking water to the dragon clan.

The magic circle is also a means of communication with the elements. No matter how poor your talent is, you will not be far behind.

It's just difficult for you to calm down and truly understand the magic circle.

Of course, when I say this, I am not forcing you to learn magic circles, but I want you to seriously consider it. "

At this point, Werther stopped and looked at Linstar quietly.

I somewhat understand why Winters takes the trouble to teach you some things again and again.

The newly born young dragons have immature minds, but because of their blood inheritance, they know many things, which makes them look very familiar.

But in essence, the young dragon is still a brand-new soul.

It looks familiar, but that's just a look.

There is indeed a problem with Lin Sida's education. He regards Lin Sida's superficial familiarity as a real familiarity, and regards Lin Sida as the same existence as Antawana.

Therefore, not only Linstar needs to make changes, but also needs to make changes!

After listening to Witte's words, Linstar was ready to firmly refuse, but he swallowed it again. However, unlike before, he did not blindly follow Witte's suggestions, but had his own thoughts.

"I need some time to think about it. Maybe the study time is too short. I don't know what my interests are yet."

This is the method Hess taught Linstadt.

Since you don't have the courage to refuse, don't force yourself to refuse. Forced refusal is not courage, but another kind of compromise.

Change your thinking and change rejection to negotiation, and you may be able to make other dragons understand your thoughts better.

After hearing Linstar's words, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Hess with gratitude. Although it was very small, he could see Linstar's length.

"Of course, the last thing we lack is time!"

After a pause, Werther looked at Hess again.

"It's getting late, why don't you stay here to have something to eat before going back?"

Hess looked at Werther in surprise.



Time passed by.

The number of Avery's magic circles is not small.

It took a full seven days for Werther to complete the magic circle.

"It's finally over!

There is no rush for the few alchemy items, so you can do them slowly. As for the potions, Avery and the others have them in stock, so there is no rush. Moreover, the herbs have not been collected yet.

In this way, you can return to normal life steps.

The production of liquid magic core, the practice of magic circle, the practice of spiritual magic, the practice of shaping magic, the improvement of shaping magic circle...

Tsk tsk!

It seems that I should make a timetable for myself! "

Looking at the big stone box in front of him, Werther stretched out his body and wings.

These past few days have been really exhausting.

The engraving of the magic circle requires 놚's whole-hearted devotion, not to mention 놛连七꽭's whole-hearted devotion.

In order to get some dragon beast crystal cores, 놛 also worked hard!

After stretching his waist, Werther began to think about another thing.

The root sap of Domia grass and crystallization have been almost consumed, as well as the purple water chestnut pollen, white seed fruit and Clo tree sap.

Although I asked Avery.

However, they have a large number of dragons, so hunting and daily training take up a lot of time.

Not to mention helping Witte collect the things above, even the herbs needed to make potions, the collection progress is also quite slow.

"You can't go like this!"

Muttering to himself, Witt began to think about making elemental puppets again.

However, making elemental puppets requires magic items.

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes turned to the direction of the dragon ruins.

The most likely place to find magic items is the dragon ruins.

However, it would be fine if he failed. If he encountered treasures buried in the ruins, he might even be in danger of his life.

This is not a joke!

However, the dangers of ruins are mainly concentrated on traps, alchemical creations and hidden magic arrays.

And for these, except for the first one, the other two are known to Witt.

For other dragons, the simplest traps are what Witt is most worried about.

It's still a question of strength.

After thinking about it, Witt flew towards Antawana.

Seeing Witt coming over, Antawana's eyes flashed with doubt, and then she stopped practicing magic.

"Have you finished your magic circle?"

Witt nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Are you bored?"

After a pause, Antawana looked at Witt speechlessly.

"If you have something to say, just say it directly. If you have nothing to say, don't disturb me from practicing magic!"

Hearing this, Witt scratched his head awkwardly.

"It's like this, there is a giant dragon ruins nearby, I want to ask if you are interested..."

After that, Witt told the story of the ruins in detail.

After listening to Witt's narration, Antawana looked at Witt strangely.

"You can come to me, why don't you go to Avery?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes suddenly lit up...

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