Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1879: He is really tough!


After hearing what Werther said, Cady gave Werter a strange look.

This is what I said...

Although it sounds okay at first, but when you think about it carefully, the more you think about it, the more you look like a dragon!

Witte knew what Cady was thinking.

After making the decision, seeing Cady still in a daze, he opened his mouth and let out a small breath.

"What are you thinking about? Lead the way!"

Cady came back to his senses, smiled slightly awkwardly, and then led the way.

Werther cautiously glanced at Celine. Seeing Celine staring at him, he quickly looked away, and then quickly chased after Cady.

If there is Kadi, you should save some face for him!

Celine looked at Werther's cowardly look, which was both funny and helpless.

Then, she chased after Werther and asked calmly: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Hearing this, Witte laughed a few times.

"Ha ha……

That, the golden holy fire, I already got it before I made the oath, so that’s all.

Because I really have no interest in that ultimate path.

You can always deny this! "

Anything can be recognized, only the oath can be recognized.

To get another gold coin from 꿷뀪 is even crueler than killing him directly...

Well, it's not cruel to kill him yet.

After all, while alive, you can at least appreciate the gold coins you got together, but when you die, you really have nothing. This is something Werther can clearly understand.

Hearing this, Celine rolled her eyes involuntarily.

This mouth is really hard!

However, she was not ready to worry about anything. What had happened could not be changed. She only hoped that Werther would feel a little sure.

Oster's father died under the golden holy fire and returned to the dragon's lair.

It can be seen from this point that the ultimate is just like what Oster said, once it is contaminated, it can never be rid of it.

"Your oath is invalid, but apart from this, don't you have anything else to say?"

Hearing this, Werther's face showed a hint of embarrassment.

He didn't expect that Celine's reaction would be so indifferent. He originally thought that Celine would be more angry.

놊If you think about it carefully, Celine is indeed more rational than him in many situations.

Facing the established facts, Celine's reaction is actually relatively normal.

With this thought in his heart, Werther thought for a moment.

"This kind of flame is called the Golden Holy Fire. Just like Oster said, it is a flame that can burn the dragon soul and represents the ultimate death.

Similarly, my flame also comes from Os.

That happened after I just broke through to legend.

I found that if I want to continue on the path of spiritual magic, I must have an extremely tough dragon soul, and the dragon soul is very natural.

When I learned from Os, the way to strengthen the dragon soul the day after tomorrow, apart from an extremely precious magic material, only the golden holy fire was left.

I want to give up the path of spiritual magic. Similarly, I also want to be stuck on this path for too long.

Therefore, I chose to absorb the golden holy fire.

Of course, I didn't absorb it without thinking. Before absorbing it, I already had a detailed plan. "

"But that's the ultimate!"

Celine couldn't help interrupting Werther.

When Werther heard this, he laughed instead.

"I already have two extremes, and I brought them out of the dragon egg.

In other words, if my fate is destined to be like Oster's father, completely lost in the pursuit of ultimate power, then there will be a golden holy fire.

If there is no such destined fate, then how can I, who has mastered the blazing white flame and the eternal freezing ice, master the golden holy fire that is also the ultimate. "


Celine fell silent, and after a moment, she sighed softly.

"Just figure it out yourself."

"The heart is like a mirror!"

Celine smiled helplessly after hearing this, and then she asked with interest: "Then this matter ends here. In comparison, I am more curious. When Celine asked you, it was my turn, and you Why did you hesitate?"

Celine knew that although Werther was the same as the dragon in the 꺶 part, he valued relationships more, but he would hesitate in front of someone other than 꺶놆꺶.

So, she was very curious, why was Werther hesitating?

"Why are you hesitating..."

Hearing this, Werther murmured in a low voice, and then curled his lips.

"If you are really infected by the abyss to a hopeless degree, and if you still retain a certain amount of sanity like Finger, I will let you go to the abyss.

If you are like Tal and have no sense, then I will kill you without hesitation.

But! "

Speaking of this, Werther looked at Celine with a smile.

"I will definitely let this happen. As long as I am alive, you will never be infected by the abyss to that extent!"

Celine smiled.

"What if you stay with me?"

"How can I be 놊놇 if I stay by your side all the time?"

"What about an accident?"

"Before that accident happens, I will do my best to send you to the Sky City."

"Can it be done?"

Werther smiled and shook his head.

"놊I know, but I will do my best."

Celine smiled, very happily. The dragon's love requires sweet words, only a promise.

Kadi flew in front and led the way. Listening to the conversation of the two dragons behind him, for some reason, an inexplicable sense of loneliness surged into his heart.

Although the three-headed dragon was in a hurry, he was still lonely.

Should he find a partner?

For more than four thousand years, Kadi, who had never thought about this, suddenly had this idea in his heart.

Soon, Kadi woke up.

After waking up, he secretly said in his heart that it was a close call, and he almost fell into the vortex of emotions.

It is not so easy to find a partner. Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to practice hard. The power gained from practice is really your own.

The journey of the three-headed dragon, the joy of the two-headed dragon, and the loneliness of the one-headed dragon, it seems that this journey is not very far.

Tirell was originally located in the north of the Fives continent, and their goal was the Storm Sea in the northeast of the continent.

Xier and his men had Tal, so they could only stop and go and hide for a few decades.

Witt and his men didn't need to do that.

In a little over nine years, or ten years, Witt and his men were already close to the Storm Sea.


"The Storm Sea should be ahead!"

Witt looked at the area in front of him, which had a completely different astronomical phenomenon from the other surrounding seas, and turned to look at Kadi.

Kadi nodded.

"Yes, that's right, shall we go directly there?"

"Of course, if it's really Sabina, she will definitely jump out after seeing me, and even hide in the abyss with her followers.

When the time comes, I don't know when I will find her to report it."

As he said, Witt looked at the gray sea in front of him with interest.

Maybe it's God's will!

In fact, along the direction from southwest to northeast, through the storm sea, and then flying north for more than ten years, we will reach one of Witt's original planned destinations - Selwyn Continent!


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