Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1875: Can’t make a promise!

Having sensed Witte's killing intent, the Black Dragon would not sit still and wait for death.

It was his neck that was being strangled, not his mouth.

So, he opened his mouth and used his breath with all his strength. Even if he couldn't use magic, he couldn't use his breath either!

Of course he could use his breath, but it didn't work!

The blazing white breath suppressed the Black Dragon's breath and directly pushed it back.

Witte knew that even if he could crush the opponent with his strength, he would have to be serious, so Witte was really serious.

A red, extremely complicated magic circle rose under his feet.

After the magic circle appeared, Witte's body temperature soared instantly, and even smoke rose from his body for no reason. The blazing white breath of the powerful dragon became thicker out of thin air.

The essence surged (105)!

Under the surge of energy, the breath of the black dragon, which was still resisting, was directly suppressed, and the open mouth became the path for the blazing white divine flame to enter its body.

After the blazing white divine flame entered, the black dragon's head lit up like an incandescent lamp.

Les and Xier watched this scene in horror.

They could even see that under the burning of the blazing white flame, the black dragon's head was annihilated bit by bit until a dragon crystal fell down.


The sound of the dragon crystal falling to the ground was extremely crisp, and the next second, it began to "rain" around.

It was not raindrops, but the collection in the black dragon's reverse scale space.

It should be said that it was worthy of robbing other dragons. The collection that fell down made Witt's eyes light up. He subconsciously turned his head and shouted to Les and Xier: "All mine!"


Les and Xier were speechless. They didn't say anything!


Les and Syl would not fight for it, but the brave dragon suddenly spoke up.

"Is the crystal yours too?"

Before Les and Syl could react, who dared to talk to Witt like that, Witt laughed.

"The crystal is yours, but look..."

"This amount... is equivalent to a crystal ruin."

"It's done!"


With a dull sound, the headless black dragon corpse was thrown aside casually. Witt rolled up his mental power and gathered all the things.

At this time, Celine had already stood beside Witt, looking at Witt's actions with expectation.

After Witt brought all the crystals, Celine happily rolled them into her own reverse scale space.

As for Witt...

He looked at Celine with envy.

Well, there are still no gold coins. The black dragon's reverse scale space has the most crystals, pearls, rubies, and black gems. The number is not small, but not too much. They should be robbed.

Witt is a little depressed now.

Didn't we agree that gold coins are the biggest hobby of the dragon family? I know many dragons who like gold coins, but I have only seen one dragon who likes gold coins and comes to deal with him so far.

And he was bumped into by Violet.


However, the other party also robbed a lot of various magic materials, which can be regarded as consolation!

Putting away the things, Witt looked at the fallen dragon corpse and glared at the other party with a bit of disappointment. Why didn't he rob a few more dragons who like gold coins!

Useless things are nothing, bah!

Of course, the last one was not to vent the depression in his heart.

A mouthful of thick white flame was spit out by Witt on the black dragon.

Even if you make a lot of mistakes in life, they are all in vain after death!

As a dragon, after the opponent dies in battle, he should give the opponent due dignity.

Of course, this flame is not the Blazing White Divine Flame, but the magic flame formed by the white flame magic.

The Blazing White Divine Flame has been used more frequently recently. It has been used a little better, so it has to be restricted.

Moreover, Witt has to upgrade the Water Freeze to the legendary middle level as soon as possible. The situation in the Lung of the Element cannot let the Blazing White Divine Flame dominate alone.

Fortunately, with the help of the Everfreeze Ice, Witt's Water Freeze is improved, and the difficulty is about the same as the High Temperature.

It's just that without the suitable environment of the Lager Lava Group, the time may be extended.

The magic flames formed by the white flame magic are naturally not comparable to the blazing white divine flames. It still takes some time to completely burn the dragon corpse of a legendary middle-level black dragon.

Of course, Witt will not forget the dragon crystal.

After checking whether there is any lost magic left in the dragon crystal (no), Witt destroyed it directly.

The reason why lost magic can only appear in legendary dragon crystals is that it can only be found in legendary dragon crystals. This statement does not really mean that it can only be found in legendary dragon crystals.

This is a dragon crystal below the legend. If there is lost magic, it will soon dissipate by itself, just like the power of rules.

While Witt and Celine were collecting the stolen goods and dealing with the dragon corpse, Kadi came late.

After seeing Kadi, Les and Xier realized that Witt was not passing by, but was called by Kadi as planned before.


It hasn't been many years!

Is the Sky City so close?

"How are you two?"

Just when Les and Syl were still wondering what was going on, Kadi saw Les's appearance and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, everything is fine now!"

Witt took over the conversation, and while speaking, he threw a life force to Les.

A lower-level legend against a middle-level legend, without fighting and retreating, Les's strength is really not weak.

Moreover, just like the battle that year, Les is still developing in shaping magic.

Moreover, he has gone a little further than Kadi on this road, and he has already understood the rules of power.

What a pity!

If he had understood the rules of speed, at least when facing the black dragon, he would not be as miserable as he is now.

After giving Les a life force, Witt retracted his body to 760 meters.

Although the body is strong, it is indeed not very convenient to move.

Then, Witt looked at the dragon quietly.

The dragon was also silent for a while.

The atmosphere had just changed from a tense and exciting battle to the feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land. Now, the situation has changed and it has become tense.

The five dragons present knew clearly that Tal's situation was not optimistic, and it could even be said that it was quite bad.

The fact that Les and Syl did not let Witt see Tal immediately explained everything.


Witt sighed.

"After all, take me to see him.

This is the last hope for you, isn't it?

Moreover, the erosion of the power of the abyss on him will not stop just because you are unwilling to face it. Hope will only slowly dissipate in your hesitation."

Syl was silent for a while.

"You can promise..."

"I can't promise you anything!"


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