Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1868 The City of Stars!


There was a dull thud, and the ground collapsed into a huge pit.

A moment later, Witt flew over the huge sand pit, his face full of speechless expression.

"These guys are so stingy, some low-level abyss beasts were pulled back to the abyss!"

This was the third empty abyss gathering point they had encountered along the way. Except for the environment being infected by the abyss force, it did not look like an abyss gathering point at all.

Hearing Witt's words, Celine smiled.

"What else can we do if we don't retreat? We came in a straight line, and they are not stupid..."

As she spoke, Celine suddenly stopped and looked at the distant sky from a distance.

Witt saw this and his heart moved. He looked in the direction Celine was looking at, but saw the outline of a building that looked quite gorgeous, suspended in the sky, half covered by the clouds.

"It turns out that we are already near the City of Stars. It seems that my idea of ​​getting some gold coins from the Abyss believers is completely ruined."

Witt smiled at Celine.

"Let's go. Let's try to get to the City of Stars before dark. I don't know if this place is really as spectacular as described in the information I collected.

However, looking at this building from afar, I think it won't disappoint us."

Celine nodded, and a hint of expectation flashed in her eyes.

Then, the two dragons flew towards the direction of the building in the sky.

Well, it's a bit exaggerated before dark.

For Witt and his friends, when they see a place, it means that it won't take too long to fly there.

Three magic hours later, the scene ahead was completely revealed. There was not just one building floating in the air, but a large area. However, the one on the top was the most colorful and more obvious.

From Witt and his friends' perspective, from a distance, a large area of ​​buildings floating in the air was as dense as stars.

If you look more closely, you will find that the surfaces of these buildings are engraved with complex magic circuits. They rely on magic circuits to float in the air.

The City of Stars, also known as the City of Alchemy, was built by the legendary alchemist Kram.

The building that Witt and his friends saw earlier and is still floating above the many buildings is where Kram lives.

And the other party is also the only two alchemists with legendary strength that Witt has heard of now.

The other one is the one in the City of Life, Orseya!

The other party is also an old friend of Poredia, the legendary alchemist Mr. Leger in the City of Ice and Snow.

Of course, although their strength is legendary, their alchemy still remains legendary.

Even so, their achievements in alchemy still need to be worshipped by ordinary legendary alchemists like Witt.

After Kram founded the Star City, he made a rule that if a dragon could make a floating structure that reached the height he desired, he would accept it as a student.

It was this rule that laid the foundation for the Star City to become an alchemy city.

You know, that is a legendary dragon!

How many dragons dream of having a legendary teacher!

So, countless dragons with ideas and who think they are powerful flocked to the Star City, constantly honing their alchemy skills.

In the hope that one day, they can make a floating structure that reaches Kram's requirements.

After tens of thousands of years of development, a city-state that is as lively as the City of Life has emerged in the southwestern edge of the endless sand sea, which was originally a barren land with few resources and minerals.

In addition, it can travel back and forth between the continent of Fevers and the continent of Saikent, and the Eye of the Abyss has appeared. This city-state is even more lively than the City of Life.

Of course, these Witte and his friends have nothing to do with each other.

Another half of the magic time, Witte and Celine formally entered the City of Stars.

Of course, they went to the following city-state first.

After all, before the foreign dragon enters the city-state, it needs to face an unavoidable problem, which is identity screening.

Like Sky City, Kram in Star City is also a hands-off manager.

The entire city-state is managed by three rock-scale pterosaur tribes.

After all, this place is still in the endless sea of ​​sand, and rock-scale pterosaurs are the most common flying dragon tribe.

As for the identity check...

This is Alchemy City, and the check is of course the famous dark alchemist.

When the manager checked, Witt had already noticed it, whether it was Gu who had targeted them not long ago, or Morris who was targeted by them, or Peloz, the defector from Desidero...

Even at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, which was spread by Violet, Egbert was "on the list".

Obviously, this place is well-informed.

This made Witt think of staying for a while longer. He wanted to find out some news about Morris and Peroz here, just in case!

After being interrogated, Witt and Celine successfully entered the Star City.

Of course, although it was an interrogation, they were still quite polite to Witt and his friends.

The dragon clan is narrow-minded, and adult dragons are not easy to mess with. This is not just a rumor spread by some city-states, but it is recognized by the entire dragon world.

A huge city-state with wide streets. If you look left and right, you can see alchemy shops everywhere.

Of course, these alchemy shops basically sell finished products.

If you want to customize alchemy items, you need to look up. There is at least one alchemist in each floating building.

Moreover, the higher you go, the stronger the alchemist's skills are. Of course, the corresponding price you need to pay is greater.

The price here is not magic crystal coins.

We are all alchemists. What can we do with magic crystal coins? If necessary, we can make them ourselves. Therefore, if you want to customize alchemy items, you must use materials!

Of course, magic crystal coins are still in circulation here.

The difference between magic crystal coins and other currencies is that they have their own use value.

However, the magic crystal coins here are not flowing in, but flowing out.

A large number of magic crystal coins flowed out and were exchanged for various alchemical materials.

The floating buildings in the sky, like stars, formed a huge material black hole. No matter how much material, it was digested here.

To be honest, if this place was not relatively remote, the Star City would have become the largest city-state in the Saikent Continent.

However, it is almost the same now.

With the emergence of the abyss, the connection between various parts of the Dragon Realm gradually deepened, and the name of the Star City gradually spread. This place will definitely surpass the Life City in the future.

Witt and Celine walked on the streets of the Alchemy City, and the surrounding scene was dazzling.


Just as the two dragons were strolling, a strange voice suddenly sounded.


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