Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1867 Target, the City of Stars!

"Os actually has the ultimate power!"

As he said this, Werther's face showed a look of surprise.

Of course, Witte was a little disappointed. He thought it was some other ultimate power, but it was just the golden holy fire!

However, this emotion is not shown.

Celine and the others didn't know yet that he had mastered the golden holy fire, but he didn't dare to tell Celine.

With Werther's acting skills, it couldn't be easier to confuse this matter.

As for August, after finishing the matter, he became more calm when facing Werther.

"Speaking of which, where is your destination? If you don't have a clear goal, then we might as well go together and deal with Gu together. What do you think?"


"Haha, since you are the same...eh?"

After saying that, August realized that Werther did not agree immediately, but refused immediately.

Werther was speechless.

In order to be able to travel alone with Celine, he has already rejected many dragons. The three of you who jumped out halfway still want to join in and dream!

With this thought in mind, Witte saw the three dragons looking at him in astonishment, and Witte said: "If we have goals, we should go to the City of Stars first, and then to Fevers Continent.

As for ancient...

After what happened before, he probably wouldn't dare to stare at 놖 in a short period of time.

On the contrary, it is you who have been chasing him and are easily plotted by him.

Please pay attention to yourselves! "

With that said, Werther stood up.

"Okay, I've almost finished what I have to say, we still need to hurry up..."

Having said this, Witte hesitated for a moment and picked off a dragon scale.

"For the sake of being from the same family as Desedro, this is 놖's dragon scale. If you are ambushed by Gu or encounter any other danger, you can inform 놖 and 놖 will try to rush over.

However, pay attention to the time. We will not stay in the City of Stars for too long. If the time interval is too long, we will have arrived at Favors Continent long ago.

Even if you encounter problems, we may not be able to come back in time. "

With that said, Witte nodded towards the three dragons, then spread his wings and flew towards the southwest.

Celine didn't say much, just nodded to the three dragons, and then chased after Werther.

After watching Witte and the others leave, the three dragons looked at each other in confusion.

"He feels very confident."

After a moment of silence, Karl said slightly unhappy.

The two dragons, Carl and Angel, are about the same age as Werther, about a thousand years old at most.

They are also elites from the Dragon's Nest. Although they are not their opponents now, he thinks that the difference in strength should not be very big.

When August heard this, he just smiled.

Although it was also his first time to leave the dragon's nest, he was much older than Karl and the others, and he was more stable for the dragon.

On the surface, he seems to be afraid of Werther because Werther has the ultimate power.

So, what about Werther?

From beginning to end, Werther showed no fear towards him.

Either be confident or be arrogant!

The self-made dragon may not necessarily be able to push Gu back.

Then the other party is confident!

If you are confident, there is nothing to say. The other party is really not afraid of Gu. In this way, if you really meet Gu, you can really defeat Werther and the others.

As for the dark alchemist, there is no need to follow the rules. It is better to fight in a group and kill him quickly.

As for Witte and the others, their target is Favors Land...

Then their target can also be Fevers Continent.

On the one hand, they don't have a fixed goal in the first place, anyway, there are abyss everywhere.

On the other hand, although Gu was forced back by Werther and would no longer keep an eye on Werther and the others for the time being, he was definitely not willing to give up the experimental materials that he had finally found.

Therefore, if you want to find Gu's location efficiently, you still have to follow Witte and the others.

Of course, you don’t need to follow too closely.

Just go at their own pace.

Thinking of this, August stood up, coughed dryly, and then said: "Okay, this exchange can be considered to be somewhat fruitful.

Then, let’s continue to deal with the abyss! "

"Where's Gu?"

"It depends on your luck. If you encounter him, you will deal with him. If you encounter him, there is nothing you can do. Keep chasing him. There will be no results. He will still find Werther and the others anyway."

"Egbert alloy..."

Gu looked in one direction from a distance, but all he saw was the sky full of yellow sand.

After murmuring, a flash of thought flashed in Gu's eyes.

Judging from the information just monitored, the direction the two dragons left was towards the City of Stars.

It’s not easy to do over there!

The only hope is that the other party's destination is not the City of Stars, but the Eye of the Abyss. If it is there, he can continue to track Witte and the others.

He had left some arrangements there.

"Forget it, it depends on your luck!"

After muttering something softly, Gu turned around and flew towards the north.

He needs to return to Olivia Land.

Because he noticed that the alchemy puppet that Werther just threw out was also made of Egbert alloy.

Then, Egbert might know some information about this dragon.

The other party is a legendary alchemist, so the information he had collected before is not enough. He needs to know more about this dragon.

The most important thing to deal with a legendary alchemist is not to give him a chance to breathe.

It must be fatal!

"Don't bother the abyss?"

Celine chased after Witt and asked.

Witt nodded with a smile, and then said: "It's almost enough to vent. Our journey will continue. By the way, have you heard of the City of Stars?"

Celine looked at Witt's excited look, and a hint of curiosity appeared on her face.

"I haven't heard of it. What are its characteristics? You seem very interested."


The smile on Witt's face became even bigger.

"That's so unique. The City of Stars is also known as the City of Alchemy..."

For decades, although Witt and Celine were looking for hidden abyss gathering points in this endless sea of ​​sand, their goal was still very clear.

So, they were still heading towards the City of Stars as a whole. In those decades, they had already walked one-third of the way from the Continent of Life to the City of Stars.

The remaining one-third, at Witt's speed, would take less than a year.

Of course, during this year, Witt and his team did not show mercy to the abyss gathering points they happened to encounter and let them go because they were focused on their journey.

Every time they encountered them, they would "burn and rob".

And, because Witt had the power of space, no one was alive in any abyss gathering point they encountered.

Later, Witt and his team even encountered a prediction from the abyss!

That is, an empty abyss gathering point.


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