Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1866 From Oss...

Hearing August's words, the disappointment in Celine's eyes became even stronger, and she felt even more helpless in her heart. They just wanted to go back to the dragon's nest. Is it really that difficult?

Werther's mood was better than that of Cline.

He has long been accustomed to thinking of the worst side of anything.

Werther had already thought of this when he realized that these three-headed dragons might be from Desidero. After all, Rieps, Remiel, and the Frozen Abyss were all sent abroad. dragon.

Then, it is very common for Desidero to send dragons abroad.

As for Desidero's size, there are definitely not a few dragons like August and the others.

The only thing that Werther didn't understand was...

"Since Winters mentioned the 놖s, she didn't give you any tokens or anything like that to pass on to the 놖s? For example, dragon scales?"

Hearing this, August shook his head.

"Not really."

Although Werther was puzzled when he heard this, he didn't ask any more and asked instead, "They don't know."

Werther's questions are over, but Celine's questions are just the beginning.

The two sides communicated like this in this sea of ​​sand for several days.

Celine actually doesn't care about many things. After all, they were all separated when they were young dragons, and their interaction with the dragon's nest is really limited.

Taken together, there are two questions...

Is the academy still there?

Teachers at the college, how are you?

The answer is yes.

The college has been rebuilt, and Boko and Lofa are still teaching in the college.

Since the dragon nests are running all over the world under the leadership of Desedero, there are many more dragon eggs in the academy, and young dragons will hatch every once in a while.

Although they were fighting everywhere, that was what the legendary 꾫龙 did, and the dragon's nest was still thriving.

With these answers, Werther and Celine felt a little more comforted.

As long as the dragon's nest still exists well, then in the long time to come, there will always be a chance to go back.

Seeing that the friendly exchange between the two parties has come to an end, the end of the common topic has made the atmosphere between the two strangers gradually become awkward.

Werther finally asked the question he had wanted to ask from the beginning.

"Speaking of which, it's fine that the two of them are afraid of 놖껩. Why do you seem to be afraid of 놖껩?"

Werther looked at August with confusion and curiosity.

Hearing this, August was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that Werther would ask such a straightforward question. After he reacted, his face looked slightly embarrassed, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

Finally waited for this question.

It wasn't that he couldn't notice the strange looks the two dragons gave him, but if he tried to explain it, it would sound like they were hiding something, so he could only endure it.

But now that he has asked it, he can explain it clearly.

"Well, this is actually the case. I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of your ultimate power. Well, that's wrong. It's not that you're afraid, but that you have a psychological shadow..."

Then, August recounted what he had told Carl and Angel before.

"There is ultimate power hidden deep in the college library!"

Werther's eyes were full of surprise.

He had never heard of such a thing.

But think about it, how old was he when he left Dragon's Nest? How could Winters and the others tell him about the ultimate power?

Apart from anything else, based on Winters' experience, couldn't she recognize the power within him?


He didn't say it directly, just because he was too busy at that time.

August smiled bitterly, a flash of fear and... nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

Although his old father is not very reliable, he loves him very much.

But he watched helplessly as his most beloved father, lost in the power of the Ultimate Power, aimed his claws at his former friend, and was finally suppressed.

And this effect of ultimate power is irreversible, so...

Thinking of this, August looked at Werther with a complicated look in his eyes.

"As a strange dragon that I just met, I shouldn't have said this, but as a witness and an ally in the same dragon nest, I still couldn't help but want to persuade him.

Ultimate power is not a good thing. You have been infected with it and cannot get rid of it, so you can only use it with caution. "

Hearing this, what else could Werther say, he could only nod, indicating that he had received the other party's kindness.

As for the ultimate power...

He had no choice at all, he was born with this thing.

As for the golden holy fire, this is completely out of the blue. After all, there are already two kinds of ultimate power in the body, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

Facts have proved that his choice is quite correct.

At least, with the golden holy fire around, Witte doesn't need to worry about being indulged in the power of the blazing white flames and eternal freezing ice.

Of course, the risk of dementia is still there, but it is all concentrated on the golden holy fire.

There is nothing much to say about this. In contrast, Werther is more curious...

"What does the ultimate power that is placed deep in the library look like?"

Hearing this, the four-headed dragons all focused their eyes on Werther, especially Celine. She looked at Werther with full vigilance.


Seeing this, Werther laughed dryly.

"Celine, don't be nervous, I'm just curious. I have two big problems in my body, how can I think about other ultimate powers."

Hearing this, Celine frowned.

"You swear on the gold coin, if you have any idea about that ultimate power, from now on, you will not get a gold coin again!"


This oath sounds a bit of a joke, but is it really a joke?

"You actually made me swear such a poisonous oath!"

Witt's face changed immediately.

However, he saw Celine's serious face, hesitated for a while, and then repeated Celine's words with a depressed face.

After hearing Witt's oath, Celine nodded with satisfaction.

Witt has a much stronger possessiveness for treasure than most dragons.

Celine is very clear about this.

If she and a dragon who also likes crystals jointly develop a crystal ruins, then she will do it according to the pre-arranged matching method.

Even if she is unwilling, she will still abide by the pre-arranged matching method.

But Witt is different. There is a 99% chance that he will turn against them and grab all of them directly. As for the remaining 1 in a hundred, he will think of other ways to swallow up the other party's part.

Witt can joke with anything, but he will never joke with his gold coins.

August saw that Witt and Celine's eyes fell on him. After a slight hesitation, he said: "You should know Os!

My father's ultimate power comes from Os, a golden flame that can burn the dragon soul."


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