Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1856 A new journey officially begins!

It is said that it is a visit to Reapus, but in fact, apart from the natural scenery, there is really nothing interesting to see in a place like Dragon's Nest.

Not to mention Riepus, not to mention that it is located in the bottom world, the entire dragon's nest is shrouded in a thick layer of darkness that cannot be broken.

Natural scenery?

Where is this thing?

The Dragon Academy, which is only for young dragons, and the large library connected to the rock wall are also worth noting.

But there are only these two methods.

A good woman can't make a meal without rice. Even if Kotlin wanted to take Werther and the others to take a good tour of Riops, this place is really not suitable as a tourist attraction.

After reading the library, Kotlin took Werther and flew downwards.

"The dark environment of Reapus is not a constant layer. The deeper you go down, the deeper the darkness becomes. However, in this way, the laws of darkness are revealed more frequently.

That’s why Dragon Academy is on top.

With the ability of the young dragons, let alone further down, the two young dragons facing each other cannot see or sense each other in the area we are currently in.


As he said that, Kotlin turned his head and glanced at Werther.

"Witt, when you get down there, don't run around. You'll really get lost. Moreover, the further down you go, the stronger the dragons who practice below will become.

You were beaten by the dragon for running around, so don't blame me for not reminding you. "

"Is it really that powerful?"

At first, Werther didn't care much, but after hearing Kotlin's words, Werther's interest was aroused.

Seeing Werther's interest, Kotlin looked helplessly at Celine.

"Celine, please take care of him, this is no joke."

When Celine heard this, she hesitated slightly.

Her current thought is that as long as Witte is happy, what Kotlin said makes sense, and it won't be a problem if it disturbs other dragons.

"Witt, you..."

Seeing Celine's cautious look, Werther felt warm in his heart. He knew that Celine was afraid of affecting his mood, but he was not a young dragon.

After he figured it out, he decided to vent his negative emotions on the Abyss believers. Ordinary things would not affect his mood.

However, Werther rolled his eyes.

"Oh, okay, then I'll just stop flying around."

With that said, Witt followed Kotlin silently and did not speak again.

The reason why he did this was because Werther suddenly thought of something. He had heard Phoebe use gold coins to ask Vergo to do something that he was not very willing to do.

Then he thought about whether there would be gold coins on Celine.

Just in time, give it a try this time.

What if Celine took out some gold coins to make him happy?

Thinking of this, Werther's eyes gradually lit up.

On the other side, Celine noticed Werther's movements, and her face changed slightly. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly noticed that Werther's eyes were looking towards her unintentionally.

With a slight frown on her brow, Celine looked at Werther with a hint of suspicion.

After thinking for a moment, Celine decided to ignore Werther for the time being.

Afterwards, she pretended not to notice Werther and continued to joke with Kailin.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for her to notice that Werther was looking at him more and more frequently.


Celine was also a little speechless. Werther really couldn't relax for a moment. Before her mood improved for a long time, some mysterious idea hit her.

In this way, Celine no longer wants to pay attention to Werther.

As for Werther, after waiting for a long time, seeing that Celine ignored his intention, he immediately understood that Celine had seen through his little trick.

This made Werther slightly depressed.

Kotlin didn't notice the small theater behind him, and was still flying downwards. While flying, he introduced: "Witt, you may think what I said before is a bit exaggerated, but this place is more powerful than you think. Much.

When we got down there, even I was fascinated by its capabilities.

And in the deepest part of this dark space is the guardian of Reapus, the legendary dragon Tiernaima! "

As soon as he heard about the legendary dragon, Werther suddenly became interested.

"How strong is Tiernaima? Who is stronger than dragons like Gu Luo, Ace, and Os?"

Hearing this, Kotlin looked at Werther dumbfounded.

"Then how can I know? However, I heard Niklas mention that Tiernama has been a legendary high-ranking person for a long time.

Okay, my cave is here, do you think this is okay? "

As he spoke, a faint blue light suddenly lit up in front of Kotlin, which was a rock wall covered with luminous bryophytes.

And on the rock wall, there was a dark hole.

"Oh, by the way, I'm used to the darkness here. If you're not used to it, just make some alchemy lamps yourself. Anyway, this is just a piece of cake for you."

Witte recognized the meaning of Kotlin's words.

"Are you leaving?"

Kotlin nodded and said with a smile: "You didn't leave Rieps, you came here to practice, what about Celine?

It can't take as long as you realize it, just as long as she waits for you!

So, this place is yours. I will take Celine and the others to the library. It is spacious and can kill time there. It is better than waiting for you here. "

Witt suddenly realized.

"That's right. I will go to practice. "

Speaking of this, Witt nodded to Celine, and then flew in.

Celine followed Kotlin and the others to the library.

Now, for Witt, it is not difficult to comprehend the rules of element dispersal, and this place is called the Dark Dragon's Nest, Rheops.

In less than twenty years, Witt successfully comprehended the rules of dark element dispersal.

The only change is that during this period, during the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, the crystal that Uranus gave to Witt lost its original luster.

If it is said that when Finger left the Dragon Realm and entered the Abyss, Witt was angry and powerless, and when Uranus entered the Abyss, Witt's heart was only filled with emotion and blessings.

He only hoped that the respectable dragon elder would have no regrets when he left.


"Are you leaving now? "

Kaelin looked at Celine in front of her reluctantly.

She got lost for hundreds of years just after leaving the Dragon's Nest. When she almost died in the ice field, it was Witt and the others who saved her.

Although, at the beginning, Celine was targeting her openly and secretly because of Witt.

But after getting to know each other, Celine became her first friend in the Dragon's Nest.

Celine smiled and said, "How about this, let's go to the Fives Continent together, anyway, you haven't decided where to go."

Hearing this, Kailin glanced at Witt, and then teased, "Look back at the way Witt looks at us, and then say this!"

When Witt saw Celine turning around, he quickly retracted his threatening eyes.

But how could Celine not know what Witt was thinking? She glanced at Witt and then chuckled.

"See you next time!"

"Goodbye! "

After that, in this free city, the four dragons split into two teams, each heading towards a new journey!


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