Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1847 Do you know him?

After sending away Violet, Werther felt regretful, but at the same time he was also relieved.

This involves why he reminded Violet to leave.

That's because...

He can see it!

There were gold coins stored in Violet's reverse scale space, and he could see them clearly.

But Violet was also on guard against him, so Werther just looked and stretched out his claws. In this case, he asked Violet to leave quickly, so that he would cause trouble for himself!

Entering the interior of the mountain, I took a look at Virgo, who was communicating with his son. I was originally planning to practice Witte, but suddenly I thought of something.

"Virgo, how familiar are you with the Lago Lava Mountains?"

With that said, Werther landed on the platform with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"That's wrong, what's wrong?"

"Then do you know about those dragons that also live in the mountains?"

Vergo was startled.

"Are you looking for a dragon?"

Werther nodded.

"That dragon has quite some characteristics. His parents should be the Red Dragon and the Rock Pool Dragon. He has the characteristics of both dragons. Do you know him?"


After listening to Werther's description, the image of a dragon suddenly appeared in Vergo's mind, and at the same time, he subconsciously said the other person's name.

Hearing this, Witte's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You know him?"

Vergo's heart skipped a beat when he saw that Werther was breathing exactly the same way as when he found him before.

"Um... you can take revenge on him!"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense, I just came here not long ago. If I take revenge, will I still be able to find my relatives?"

That bastard actually jumped out while I was soaking in the lava and gave me a hard slap on my waist.

Just let him stay in the mountains for a while! "

Hearing this, the corners of Vergo's eyes jumped.

Do you want to hear what you have to say?

I robbed Hells Mountain and was hit by Hells. When I found out, I asked about the whereabouts of Hells.

Not such a double standard!

On the other side, Werther saw Vergo's hesitation. He was startled for a moment, then realized and looked at Vergo with interest.

"You will have friendship with him, right?"

"Haha, we met a few times and communicated briefly. My personality is pretty good. If you ask me, it's not a big deal. Just forget it!"

"never mind?"

Werther's eyes widened.

"Forget it, I've said harsh words, and I want to keep my word, so where can I put my face?"

Virgo asked cautiously: "Did any other dragons see it?"

"That's not the case, you know."


Vergo immediately knew how to answer the question.

Werther rolled his eyes, then stared at Vergo.

"땣 is enough for you to intercede. It seems that the relationship between you is not as ordinary as what you just said. Then you should have the dragon scales he left for you!"

As he spoke, Werther grinned, his eyes full of threats.

"Ah, I don't have anything here..."

"Now, please give me his dragon scales. I may give you some food and just beat him up. But if I find him by myself, it will be difficult for me to ensure the severity of my attack." .

놊You have to doubt my 놅땣power.

놇Before you took the initiative to send me to my door, I originally planned to find him first, and then come to you through him. You should know what this means. "

Vergo's expression changed slightly.

"Actually, it's really unnecessary. He must have done it on purpose. Moreover, his mother is also a mountain group, and her strength is much weaker than that of Boredia."

Hearing this, Witte raised his eyebrows.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Of course, it's just that the mountains were originally named after his father, and the mountains also appeared because of his father."

Witte frowned slightly.


"Originally, although the size of the Lago Lava Mountain Group was much different from the current one, the lava veins were far from as clear as they are now. Later, his father failed to break through and returned to the world with his cultivation.

The Lago Lava Mountains benefited from this, and they now look like this.

Therefore, the dragons who live here may have some bad-tempered dragons, or even evil dragons.

But for Mother Hells, they all share the same affection. "


Hearing this, a flash of hesitation flashed in Werther's eyes.

If this is really the case, this matter is indeed a bit too easy to handle. If we continue to deal with the dragon, we will easily cause public outrage.

But just letting the other person go like this...

Werther was a little worried again.

At this time, Vergo noticed the hesitation on Werther's face, and secretly cursed him for being a bit naïve, but on his face he quickly added: "Actually, the relationship between his mother and Boredia is also wrong."

Upon hearing this, Werther's face darkened.

That bitch Boredia really has his shadow wherever he goes.

Do you really think his name is so useful here?

Okay, it really works.

Originally, Werther's bold words had a slightly better ending, but if there was someone like Boredia, he would have forgiven the dragon.


Slightly smacking his lips, Witt turned around and walked towards the lava, saying casually: "Forget it, forget it, I'm also a gas dragon, this time I'll let him go for the sake of Poredia!"

While speaking, Witt had already dived into the lava.

Since this dragon can't move, his affairs in the Lager Lava Mountain Group are cleared.

Then all that's left is training and waiting.

Calculating the time, Witt has been in the Sky City for three hundred years since returning from the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, and in the mountains for three hundred years.

The child Vergo came to Witt's mountain for about two years and was born successfully.

If it's hatched, it took three to six years.

The lifespans of Colen and Alva were decreasing at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, they only had about 400 years left.

Time is not a factor in cultivation!

After Isaac's dragon egg was born, Phoebe went to the lava area to recover. When Isaac was about to turn 100 and was about to leave the young dragon period, Phoebe recovered to her peak state.

After reaching her peak state, Phoebe and Vergo no longer needed Vit's protection, and could return to the depths of the Lager Lava Mountains and live their normal lives.

"Thank you so much for your help!"

At the mountain pass, Vergo's family flew in the air. Phoebe looked at Vit standing at the mountain pass below and thanked him sincerely.

Vit waved his paw casually.

"I have received your gold coins, so I naturally need to fulfill my promise to you. I need extra thanks, but..."

As he spoke, Witt's eyes fell, standing on Vergo's head and Isaac's body.

"Although your strength is weak, you are good at wild roads, and Vergo's magic system is also established.

I suggest you go back to the Sky City to live for a while.

The library contains knowledge about elements and magic. Although I helped Isaac build a complete magic system, flesh and blood filling does not need these.

Of course, this is just my suggestion, listen to your business."

"In this regard, we have actually considered it. When he leaves the young dragon stage and is less affected by the environment, we will take him back to the Sky City."

"Well, then... goodbye!"


"See you later!"

"Goodbye, Uncle Witt!"


Watching the three dragons leave, Witt was slightly dazed. Before he knew it, he had become an uncle-generation dragon.


Just as Witt was laughing and preparing to return to the mountain, his pupils suddenly shrank.


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