Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1842: Incredible Wealth!

Accompanied by a scream that resounded through the sky, a dark red shadow gradually disappeared from the blazing white flame that seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun.

Along with it, the shrill scream also disappeared.

Witt, whose whole body was wrapped in the blazing white divine flame, suddenly had a vortex on his chest, and all the blazing white divine flames around him rushed into the vortex.

Not only that, the blazing cloud that covered the sky and the sun also rushed towards Witt.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Violet appeared far away from Witt.

She looked at this scene, and the shock in her eyes could not be hidden at all.

She knew that her teacher had never used his true strength, even in the Dragon King Challenge.


Although she was busy playing with Bu and Betty, it did not prevent her from understanding her teacher's performance in the Dragon King Challenge.

Don't forget that before Moshi woke up, the photo stone on the floating island he was on recorded the entire Dragon King Challenge. This photo stone is now in Violet's reverse scale space.

This is what she and Moshi asked for.

Of course, Moshi has seen that she is not the kind of dragon who forces buying and selling.

Let's not mention this for now.

To be honest, until Violet saw this power, she didn't understand why her teacher didn't use all his strength to compete for the title of "Dragon King".

Even if Finger didn't realize this, she could see it.

In that battle, her teacher didn't plan to show these powers at all.

Now she understands that this power is not used for competition and exchange, but in the true sense, for killing!


While Violet was still in shock, Witt had already collected all the Blazing White Divine Flame into his body.

The heavy panting sound showed that he was not as relaxed as he looked in the previous battle.

And that was the fact.

At this time, Witt looked quite embarrassed. The silver-white dragon scales that originally covered his body, revealing exquisiteness and elegance, had now been melted together by the Blazing White Divine Flame, and the whole body showed a dark gray-white color.

One and a half of the two fire element dragon crystals in his body were empty!

Nearly half of the fire element rule power was consumed and swallowed by the Blazing White Divine Flame.

But at this time, Witt's eyes were full of excitement.

He seemed to understand why his father could still maintain normal thinking logic even though he possessed five extreme flames.

Golden Holy Fire!

With the spiritual power dragon crystal occupied by the golden holy fire, the golden holy fire regards it as its own territory and does not allow any kind of power to affect Witt's spiritual power.

Even the Blazing White Divine Flame, which is also the ultimate power.

Just now, the Blazing White Divine Flame, which has swallowed a large amount of elemental rule power, attempted to affect Witt's spiritual power again.

But as soon as it came into contact with Witt's spiritual power, the golden holy fire hidden in the spiritual power exploded and directly drove away the power of the Blazing White Divine Flame.

Of course, the golden holy fire that had just broken through to the legendary level must be the opponent of the Blazing White Divine Flame, but that was in a face-to-face confrontation.

With Witt's spiritual power in the middle to reconcile, the two forces naturally fought against each other.

When they fought against each other, the Blazing White Divine Flame really couldn't do anything to the golden holy fire.

Of course, this does not mean that with the golden holy fire, Witt can unscrupulously improve the two extreme powers of Blazing White Divine Flame and Everfreezing Ice.

The so-called tempering they bring to Witt's body is actually the process of devouring Witt's body.

However, their power is not strong enough to completely devour Witt's body. Instead, Witt's body is constantly damaged and repaired under the devouring of these two powers, and then becomes stronger.

If Witt starts to unscrupulously improve these two extreme powers, even if it is within the range that his mental power can control, it means that he will give up this body.

His body will be transformed into a quantitative extreme dragon body, which is similar to the elemental dragon body, but the elemental dragon body is elemental power, while the extreme dragon body is the extreme power.

This process is reversible.

If it is reversible, Witt might try to turn himself into an elemental dragon.

But if it is reversible, Witt will definitely try it.

There is a reason why the elemental dragons did not abandon their bodies.

The elemental state is a double-edged sword. While infinitely magnifying its own advantages, it also infinitely magnifies its own defects.

For example, if it is Violet in the elemental state, then, except for the environment with rich thunder elements, any other environment with rich elements will weaken her power.

Therefore, even the elemental dragon has not abandoned its physical form.

The ultimate power can devour everything in the world. It seems invincible. In fact, this also means that after transforming into the ultimate dragon body, he will lose the power to touch everything.

And this is the lightest side effect.

Therefore, Witt can abandon his physical body.

The double-edged sword of the ultimate power is best held in one's own body, so Witt can feel at ease. He should treat it as his own body and control it!

Of course, while sighing in his heart, Witt did not forget the experience.

Brent was reduced to ashes in the extreme high temperature·Big Red Lotus Killing Heaven Flame (96), and his reverse scale space had been nailed to the spot by Witt.

Taking care of the problem on his body, Witt tore the space apart with expectation.



Under the sunlight, the glittering golden light spots fell downwards like raindrops.

As for the others...

They were all garbage, affecting his appreciation of this golden "rain".

But the next second, Witt reacted, and just when he was about to put everything away, a dark blue dragon body blocked his way.

"Teacher, I saw it all, one fifth!"

Violet stared at Witt, fearing that Witt's mental power would move.

The crisp sound of gold coins falling on the hard lava ground behind her did not change her will.

Violet knew very well that if she dared to turn her head now, all the gold coins would disappear.

Violet was stared at closely, and Violet almost slapped himself into a fool in his heart!

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely check before tearing the space open.

But this time...

On the one hand, he was overwhelmed by the surprise brought to him by the golden holy fire.

On the other hand, he really didn't expect that he, who had been unlucky for so long, would actually have a lucky day and hunt down a legendary high-ranking who also liked gold coins.

The combination of these two aspects has led to the current situation.

But there is no use regretting. The space has been torn open, and the shining gold coins are lying on the ground. Violet stared at his movements.

What to do?


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