Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 184 One sentence!

Chapter 184 One word!

All the way to the dragon nest of the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast, everything they saw was a "tragic" scene.

Not that the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast resisted, but when their attacks fell on the suddenly swollen body of the Ball Dragon, they had no effect at all.

The tough skin that could not leave any marks on the young dragons made the Ball Dragons so unscrupulous when facing the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast.

Coupled with the fact that the number was even larger than that of the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast, there was no doubt that the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast's nest fell!

Well, in fact, there was also a factor of strength.

The strength of the Phantom Firefly Dragon Beast was generally at the Black Iron stage, and occasionally there were some bronze-level ones, but the number was very small.

The strength of this group of dragon balls is generally bronze. Although there are no silver dragon balls, they are still crushing for the ghost dragon beast.

The dragon of Witt looked at this weird "race war" with a strange look in his eyes.

However, when Witt saw these dragon balls, he suddenly realized a problem.

Whether it was the attack of the giant Abeyi dragon beast's nest, the flood of the Moon Shadow River, or the cold wave, or even the appearance of the fallen dragon beast, he had never seen the figures of these little guys.

It seems that before that area experienced a series of hardships, all the dragon balls disappeared in advance.

Of course, Witt didn't think that this group of little dragons came from the north. He thought that these little things that always acted like dragons might have an inexplicable sense of disaster!

"Maybe I can find some time to observe it!"

He murmured softly, and seeing Antawana looking at him with doubt, Witt shook his head and said with a smile: "Nothing, I want to say that the glowing area in the center should be a relatively large dragon cave.

I'm going to go over there to take a look. Will you come with me or explore other dragon caves?"

Hearing this, Antawana glanced at the glowing area, and then looked at the glowing area not far away, which was much smaller in range but almost the same shape.

"I'll go over there!"

After that, she flew towards the much smaller dragon cave.

Seeing this, Witt just turned his eyes to Linsda, and saw that the other party's tail was facing him, and hurriedly chased after Antawana.

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little amused.

"This kid!"

When he was just born, Antawana, who knew nothing, treated him more rudely, and as a result, she was more afraid of him now.

Shaking his head, Witt flew towards the glowing dragon cave.

All the ghost firefly dragon beasts were entangled by the ball dragon, and Witt came directly to the dragon cave as if he was in a dragon-free land.

Although the super-small dragon beasts, because of their simple minds, are basically insensitive to the dragon's power, they can even ignore many magic circles.

Of course, the latter is not because of simple minds.

The latter is because the dragon beast crystal core in their bodies is too small. Even if the realm is improved, the elemental power stored in it is still pitiful.

This is why they are ignored.

Looking at the dragon cave in front of him, Witt couldn't help but exclaimed.

Unlike some dragon beasts, the dragon cave of the ghost firefly dragon beast was completely built by themselves bit by bit.

Moreover, compared to the dragon cave, Witt thinks it should be called a dragon nest.

Because the dragon cave of the ghost firefly dragon beast is not in the cave, but hanging on the tree, the whole is a giant rattan ball woven with vines.

The thick vines are woven on the branches of a giant ghost moon tree. Maybe because of the long time, these supporting vines have grown together with the trunk.

Every position on the rattan ball is coated with that luminous substance.

Just by approaching, Witt felt that his body had calmed down, as if he had reached a state of no desire.

However, the dragon's strong curiosity prevented Witt from indulging in this state.

The dragon cave in front of him, the largest dragon cave in the Youyue Tree Forest, was made entirely of rattan, and was extremely exquisite.

There were several entrances to the dragon cave, but unfortunately, even though the rattan ball was very big, the entrance was very small, about 10 meters.

By the way, the adult individuals of this group of Youying Dragon Beasts were about 10 centimeters, not the largest, but not the smallest either.

Witt could barely get his head and neck into the 1.5-meter-small entrance, but he couldn't get his shoulders in, not to mention the wingspan on his back that was more than twice as long as the dragon's body.

After sticking his head in and taking a look, Witt found that the structure inside was similar to a honeycomb, separating individual spaces, and the structure was three-dimensional, more complex and sophisticated than a honeycomb.

"Where are the things they brought back?"

Witt was not a robber, and he was not going to get what he wanted by destroying this building that was more like a fine work of art than a dragon's lair.

In fact, he didn't even know what these dragon beasts would bring back.

After retracting his head, Witt flew around the rattan ball that was emitting blue light.

Soon, he noticed that there was another entrance below the rattan ball, which was one circle higher than the others.

Flying under the sepak takraw ball, Witt stuck his head in to take a look.

This is a relatively small space, with all kinds of things piled up around it, like a warehouse.

Seeing this, Witt's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously wanted to go in, but his wings got stuck.

Witt thought about it, turned around, and stretched his tail behind him in. The tail was more than ten meters long, and although it could not reach the outer area, it was enough.

Soon, Witt got his first harvest - a stone!

Witt's eyelids drooped, looking at the things rolled up on the tail, his face was full of disgust.

"It seems that I am unlucky, so don't blame me for cheating!"

Muttering softly, Witt directly probed his mental power in, and the scene inside was clearly imprinted in his mind.

However, when Witt "checked" a circle, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Dragon scale?"

And, judging from the remaining dragon power, it was still a giant dragon scale.

After estimating the approximate distance, it was just within the reach of his tail.

Soon a dark red dragon scale appeared in his body.

Looking at the scale, Witt's brows couldn't help but frown. Why did it look so much like his father's dragon scale?

When he thought about it, the dragon scale suddenly lit up.

"Time is running out, long story short, Little Abyss!"

A familiar voice sounded in Witt's mind. Before he could respond, the dragon scale in his body turned into light spots and disappeared in his body...

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