Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1825 Previous rewards!

Witt was released, and looking at the vigilant eyes of the dragons, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

With so many dragons watching, what dare he do?

He shrank his body back to 763 meters in frustration, and then glanced at the dragons.

"I've beaten you, I've scolded you, why don't you leave?"

Celine looked at Witt with some doubt.

"You're not leaving?"

Witt rolled his eyes again.

"I want to practice here. By the way, you didn't even think of this, why do you think I would appear here?"

As he said, Witt looked at Celine speechlessly.

Hearing this, Celine casually said: "You dare not stay in Sky City. I have a certain probability of being in the Thunderstorm Plain. There is Linsda Antawana in the Evernight Forest. There is still a possibility of meeting me in Morton Vein. This is the only place you can come to."


Hearing this, Witt smiled bitterly.

Well, with that said, he can only come here.

Celine looked at Witt, frowning slightly.

"Are you going to comprehend the wind element dispersal rules?"

Witt nodded, and seeing Celine frowning, he explained: "Don't worry, the comprehension of the element dispersal rules has been on the right track, and there will be no more situations like forgetting Avery and others."


Celine hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the dragons.

"Then let's go back and do our own things. By the way, if Witt retaliates against anyone later, don't be afraid, just tell everyone directly."

Hearing this, Witt looked at the dragons who left in silence, but soon, he thought of something and said, "Wait a minute, Antawana, Chiara, Scott, and Violet, you four stay."

The four dragons whose names were called were stunned for a moment.

Witt rolled his eyes three times when he saw this.

"Let's not talk about the fact that I'm not going to take revenge on you. Even if I want to, it can't be a fair revenge. It's the winning reward of that game.

The alchemical puppet of the tough type, of course, if you don't want it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Hearing this, Violet asked weakly: "What about me?"

"Check the homework. I didn't see it clearly just now. I have to see how much the thunder boost has improved you."

Seeing that the dragons, including Violet, were alert again, Witt added with a frustrated look: "Just watch, no sparring!"

Hearing this, the dragons nodded with satisfaction and turned to leave.

Of course, Linsda didn't leave with him, and decided to stay and wait for Antawana.

In response, Witt didn't say anything.

Witt knew that Violet couldn't bear it, so he checked her homework first. After checking, Witt was quite satisfied.

Seeing Violet looking at him expectantly, Witt didn't have any thoughts at this time.

"Very good, and after you have comprehended the Thunder Rising and obtained the Lost Magic Thunder Cloud, I have nothing to teach you.

With your current strength, although the dragon world is large, there are few places you cannot go."

Speaking of this, Witt was a little emotional.

Compared to other dragons, the number of students he has received is quite large, but among so many students, only Violet was trained by him.

Maybe there will be another Bu in the future, but at least now, there is only Violet.

It can be said that Violet has witnessed with his own eyes, from a dragon egg, step by step, to the current situation, even he has to face it.

On the other side, hearing Witt's words, Violet was stunned for a moment, and her expression was slightly moved.


Witt's eyes lit up.

"Will you give me some of the gold coins you promised me?"

"Don't even think about it! Goodbye!"

Before she finished speaking, Violet had already disappeared in front of Witte.

"Tsk, traitor!"

Witte smacked her lips and muttered something, but her smile remained.

The Antawanas on the side saw this and couldn't help but flash a hint of envy in their eyes.

For dragons, the teacher-student relationship is the least likely to deteriorate.

Of course, if they want to accept a student themselves, it's still out of the question. It's too difficult to train a student. It's not like picking up a dragon egg in the wild.

They can't even take care of themselves, so how can they take care of students.

After finishing Violet's business, Witte turned his attention to Antawanas.

Then he began to make alchemical puppets.

The production of blank dragon crystals is already a piece of cake for Witt, but on the one hand, it does not use his own mental power, and on the other hand, Antawana is not Mandy.

Therefore, the difficulty of production is quite high.

Antawana is the strongest. Her alchemical puppets took a full twenty years to make, and most of the time was spent on making blank dragon crystals.

Chiara is a little weaker than Antawana, and the difficulty is greater. It took thirty-two years.

The most difficult one is Scott. This guy has not reached the legendary level yet, and his mental power is seriously insufficient, but as a legendary alchemist, Witt has his own persistence.

Since the Nervous model has reached the legendary level, it will not allow non-legendary alchemical puppets to appear in the Nervous model again.

Therefore, this production took fifty-six years.


"Tsk tsk, finally done!"

Hearing Witte's words, Scott's face suddenly showed excitement, and then he looked at the metal cube on Witte's paws with joy.

When Witte saw this, he didn't whet Scott's appetite and directly threw the metal cube on his paw to Scott.

"Although Beater 02's strength is quite strong, the most important thing is his own strength. You should hurry up and break through the legend. Your own strength is everything."

Hearing this, Scott, who was looking at the metal cube on his paws fondly, had a look of helplessness on his face.

"My talent..."

"Don't rely on talent to talk about things. To improve your strength, talent is one thing, and hard work is another. Hard work has no effect. There is only one reason, and that is that you don't work hard enough.

껩Maybe your future will stop at the legend, but the sooner you reach the legend, the more opportunities you have to reach new heights.

Just staring at my own talent and feeling sorry for myself will end up doing nothing.

Candice can't protect you for the rest of your life. Even if she can, can you feel at ease and enjoy the blessing of 놛 for the rest of your life? "

Scott was stunned when he heard this.

Werther stretched out his paw and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Practice hard. No matter what, there is nothing wrong with practicing hard..."

Just as he was speaking, Werther suddenly frowned, and then said in a slightly hurried tone: "Okay, because of the relationship between us, I will stop here.

How you decide to go forward is your own business.

Okay, you go back quickly. I'm in a hurry here and I don't have time to tell you too much. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther quickly packed up.

When Scott saw this, he realized that Werther was really in a hurry, so he left a message: "I will work hard to practice. You go first, and I will go back first."

After that, Scott flew outside.

After watching Scott leave and packing his things, Werther lay down on the spot, and then, a layer of golden flame ignited on his body...

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