Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1823 Wandering and Returning!

After Witt and Leila talked about their future plans for a while, the topic shifted to alchemy unconsciously.

Both dragons are legendary alchemists, so there is no need to worry about anything when chatting.

The chat was quite pleasant.

Especially in the creation of rules, Leila did not mean to hold back, and gave Witt a lot of inspiration.

And the communication at the level of rules is more time-consuming.

Unknowingly, more than three months have passed.

It was not until Bu and Betty came up that Witt suddenly stopped.

After Witt responded, he looked at Leila with gratitude.

"Thank you!"

Leila waved her paw casually, and a smile appeared on her face.

"There is nothing to thank you for, just helping each other. After communicating with you, I feel that my creation rules have a deeper understanding."

Witt smiled and just listened to this.

He knew his own level, and creating rules was just the beginning, which brought more inspiration to Leila.

However, sensing two familiar breaths passing by outside, Witt smiled and said: "My two students came up. I didn't expect that this chat lasted for more than three months. I don't know how they played.

However, it's been so long, I think they have played enough, I should take them to other city-states.

I live in the Sky City, which is not far from the Self-City.

If there is time, I will go to the Sky City to take a look. Well, it's best to go in the wind season. The thunder season in the Sky City is not very friendly to dragons other than thunder dragons."

"There will be a chance."

After that, the two dragons nodded to each other, and then Witt turned and walked outside.

"Haha, the teacher is really here!"

As soon as he went out, Bu shouted and flew towards Witt.

Betty was almost a legend, so she had naturally sensed Witt's aura a long time ago, but she didn't want to spoil Bu's interest.

In the store, Leila listened to Witt's conversation with two students outside, and raised her eyebrows.

"Students... sounds good!"

Muttering, Leila glanced at the empty store, and then slowly stood up.

"It's time to clean up..."

What should be sold had actually been sold long ago, and what remained on the shelves were some unpopular alchemical items bought by the dragon.

After a conversation with Witt, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Or in other words, the expectation of a new life overwhelmed the nostalgia for the past.

Of course, he didn't plan to sell this store, but to entrust it to the City of Scorching Heat. It should be nice to come back and live there occasionally for a while.


Witt had already noticed Leila's actions, and a touch of emotion flashed through his heart.

However, when he was distracted, Bu, who was originally telling his own experience with great interest, suddenly became dissatisfied.

"Teacher, you are distracted. Is my experience not interesting enough?"

Being forcibly pulled back to his thoughts by Bu, Witt laughed dryly.

"Interesting, of course it is interesting. I was just thinking, should we soak in the magma while listening to your experience?"

"Teacher, this joke is not funny at all!"

"Don't worry, I'm here, you will definitely feel the fun of soaking in the magma."

While speaking, Witt grabbed the two dragons with his mental power and flew down.

The sudden action caused the two dragons to exclaim.

With Witt around, the magma certainly could not hurt the two dragons, but one was a mutant silver dragon with dual affinity for water and mines, and the other was a frost pterosaur with only water affinity.

There is no doubt that even if the magma can't hurt them, they still don't like the lava full of sulfur.

However, seeing that Witt was comfortable in the bath, they also endured it.

After soaking in the lava, the trip to the Hot City came to an end, but because of Witt's tricky operation, they had to wander outside for a while.

So, the trip to the Hot City ended, but a new trip began.

After experiencing the wonderful experience of the Hot City, both Bu and Betty hoped that this wandering trip would be longer.

I don't know if it will take long, but they really had a lot of fun next.

The vicissitudes of the Desert City, the colorful City of Life, the City of Eternal Night...

Well, the last city-state was sneaked to, after all, Betty knew how many dragons participated when Witt played the game.

She also knew that some of those dragons lived in the City of Eternal Night.

Betty was quite impressed by Witt, who still dared to bring them to the City of Eternal Night under such circumstances.

But the City of Eternal Night, which never sleeps, did make them have a lot of fun.

The only pity was that the City of Eternal Night was their last stop. In Witt's words, they had been out for 20 or 30 years, and their anger should have almost subsided. We should go back.

In front of the teleportation magic circle of the City of Scorching Heat, Blu stood on Witt's head a little nervously.

"Teacher, will it really not affect us?"

"What are you afraid of? I did it all. Will they put the blame on you?"

"They won't, but you won't."

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? I'm your teacher. I won't trick you. Don't worry. It's none of your business.

Get ready. We're going back!"

Hearing this, Bu's heart tightened. The next second, the surrounding scene changed rapidly. When they came back to their senses, they had arrived at the familiar Central Square.

Werther looked around cautiously.

"Very good, no one noticed our return. Now, go back by yourself."

"What about you, teacher?"

"Since they didn't come, of course the teacher is going to practice. If they ask, you can just say you don't know and blame everything on the teacher."

As soon as the words fell, Boo and Betty felt their bodies were empty and hurriedly spread their wings. Werther had disappeared from the spot.

Bu turned to look at Betty subconsciously.

Betty sighed helplessly.

"Let's go and do as the teacher says. Besides, you're still young, so they won't blame you."

Hearing this, Bu said quietly: "I'm afraid the teacher thinks so too."

Betty was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Bu meant.


"I'm sorry, I was wrong!

I shouldn't have taken a photo of the scene as a souvenir, and I shouldn't have shown it to Bu just to show off. She was still young and she didn't mean it. Don't blame her.

Blame me! "

In the deepest cave of the Windy Hills, Witte stood there with a low eyebrow.

He had to keep his eyebrows down, and more than a dozen dragons were staring at him eagerly. Werther never thought that these dragons were so free that they would block him here.

Seeing Celine and others glaring at them, Werther admitted his mistake at the speed of light and shirked the blame at the speed of light.

꿯Zhengbu was still young, and Celine and the others were too embarrassed to punish her, but he had been taking Bu outside to play for more than 20 years, helping the teacher to carry the pot!

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